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1. GAO. Bioterrorism: Federal Research and Preparedness Activities Bioterrorism: Federal Research and Preparedness Activities (GAO-01-915), September 2001. (GAO-01-915), September 2001. Bioterrorism: Review of Public Health Preparedness Programs Bioterrorism: Review of Public Health Preparedness Programs (GAO-02-149T), October 10, 2001. (GAO-02-149T), October 10, 2001. Food Safety and Security: Fundamental Changes Needed to Ensure Safe Food Food Safety and Security: Fundamental Changes Needed to Ensure Safe Food (GAO-02-47T), October 10, 2001. (GAO-02-47T), October 10, 2001.2. Green E. Britain details the start of its "mad cow" outbreak. NYT NYT, January 26, 1999:F2. Brown P, Will RG, Bradley R, et al. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: background, evolution, and current concerns. Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerging Infectious Diseases 2001;7:616. Balter M. Uncertainties plague projections of vCJD toll. 2001;7:616. Balter M. 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But see: Chesebro B. BSE and prions: uncertainties about the agent. Science Science 1998;279:4243. Prions are believed to cause proteins in the brain and nervous system to fold improperly. Like other proteins, prions should be inactivated by acid in the stomach, and digested (disa.s.sembled) to amino acids by intestinal enzymes. They are not. Instead, they survive stomach acid and digestive enzymes, pa.s.s through the intestinal wall, get carried intact through the blood stream, and penetrate the "blood-brain barrier" that protects the brain from harmful substances. Prion proteins appear to be so tightly folded that they resist inactivation by acid, enzymes, and cooking temperatures. Their improbable behavior is the basis of skepticism and alternative hypotheses (such as a slow-acting virus), but most evidence now favors the existence of prions. 1998;279:4243. Prions are believed to cause proteins in the brain and nervous system to fold improperly. Like other proteins, prions should be inactivated by acid in the stomach, and digested (disa.s.sembled) to amino acids by intestinal enzymes. They are not. Instead, they survive stomach acid and digestive enzymes, pa.s.s through the intestinal wall, get carried intact through the blood stream, and penetrate the "blood-brain barrier" that protects the brain from harmful substances. Prion proteins appear to be so tightly folded that they resist inactivation by acid, enzymes, and cooking temperatures. Their improbable behavior is the basis of skepticism and alternative hypotheses (such as a slow-acting virus), but most evidence now favors the existence of prions.6. Urry M. Major called for fewer rules on meat hygiene. Financial Times Financial Times (London), June 27June 28, 1998:7. (London), June 27June 28, 1998:7.7. Collee JG, Bradley R. BSE: a decade on-part 1. Lancet Lancet 1997;349:636641 ( 1997;349:636641 (part 2 is is Lancet Lancet 1997;349:715721). 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