Ruri To Yuri To Hime To Majo - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

                Not even a fragment of Lapis's memory had returned. Even so, she still pa.s.sed her time cheerfully, brightly, and with happiness.

                Of course, a lot of this was due to Lily's existence. But, aside from that, being able to do the things that she liked brought happiness to Lapis.

                They didn't have a way to return Lapis's memories, but it seemed that before, Lapis wasn't in a position to say what she wanted to do. For that reason, Lapis was having fun doing the cooking and cleaning. Even more so if it can make her loved one happy.

                Telling such to Lily, as expected, she guessed that Lapis was from an aristocratic family.

                From here, it was just Lily's hobby of imagining but— n.o.ble Lapis was to be married to the prince of a neighboring kingdom, but since she didn't want to marry him, she ran away from home. While somehow continually escaping from her pursuers, she slipped into the river. Along the riverbed, she hit her head, resulting in amnesia, coincidentally being found by Lily— without any basis for the story, Lily unveiled a magnificent story.

                There weren't any contradictions, even if many delusions were mixed in, it was somehow hard to refute.

                In that way, Lapis spent her days concurrently between practical and hobby-like housework, increasing her repertoire of eastern island country foods, and flirting with Lily.

                Lily spent her busy everyday working on magic tools, taking care of requests from dignitaries that she hasn't told Lapis about yet, and being kind to Lapis.

                On the day about 20 days since the two of them became lovers, a certain visitor came over. In other words, it had been one month since Lapis had been picked up.

                Right, it was Lily's witch friend's visit.

                That day, Lapis was working hard at gardening. In that one month, Lapis's home clothes had become the maid uniforms. Whether it was for cooking, cleaning, or gardening, Lapis believed that those clothes were functionally all-purpose clothes.

                Pulling out the weeds, she watered the plants, specifically she was raising lilies.

                As expected, Lapis had no gardening knowledge, so Lapis was unsure if it'd turn into a proper garden, but she still had fun in the process.


                「(Ehehe, a flower with the same name as Lily.)」

                Thinking such thing, Lapis's mood skyrocketed.

                Perhaps because of that—

                「Hou, are those lilies? You have a pretty good sense.」

                Suddenly from behind, she heard a voice, from a presence she hadn't noticed earlier.

                Startled, Lapis panicked and turned around. There, she found a tall, tanned, and beautiful young girl with light purple hair.

                「Lilium longiflorum, lilium auratum, lilium rubellum, and even lilium formosanum. Indeed, you have a beautiful sense.」

                「O-okay… thank you?」

                「Though, it is regrettable that there aren't any lilium candidum. Well, you should occasionally differentiate between your plants. Since you're trying to raise them, it should be good to know.」

                「O-okay… thank you」

                「Ah, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Iris, Lily-senpai's disciple.」

                「Ah, I'm Lapis, Lily's lov—I'm living together with Lily.」

                It might not have been bad to say that they were lovers, but Lily might've wanted to keep it hidden, so Lapis quickly changed her words.

                「Fumu, so, you're working a live-in job. To think there could be a maid that can deal with Lily's mess. For being so young, you're quite capable.」

                Ah, no, even though I'm wearing these clothes, I'm not a maid. These are just like hobby clothes, although I do thoroughly complete house」

                「Is that so, my apologies. But, if you're doing the cleaning, there won't be a need for me to come over, since once a month, I'd perform a large routine cleaning.」

                「Um, sorry.」

                「What, there's no reason for you to apologize. Rather, I should be thanking you, since Senpai is the type of person that won't put things away, even if you tell her many times.」

                「Ah, ahaha, I can't deny that.」

                「Right? But, since I came all the way out here, it'd be boring to just go home. You'd think she could at least show her face.」

                「In that case, please, come inside. Lily is probably at her desk, working on magic circle research.」

                「Ah, sorry, I'll do that.」

                Lapis easily cleared away the dust and opened the door, to welcome Iris.

                The hut that Iris entered was much cleaner than her imagination, the inside had more than enough room to breathe.

                Lily was working in some doc.u.ment at her desk. She seemed deep in concentration and didn't notice when Lapis and Iris entered the room.

                Her gaze was serious, definitely not an atmosphere to interrupt.

                「…now is probably not a good time to interu–」

                「Lily! We have a visitor!」

                Lapis broke the serious atmosphere with a yell in a loud voice. From experience, if it wasn't that loud, Lily wouldn't notice.

                Ignoring the surprised Iris, Lapis shakes Lily's shoulder.

                Finally, Lily notices them.

                「Ara, sorry. I was so concentrated that I didn't realize you were there. Welcome, Iris.」

                「Y-yes, it's been a month, Lily-senpai.」

                「That's right, huh. Though, sorry, thanks to Lapis, there isn't anything to clean」

                「Exactly. However, are you fine with that?」

                「? With what?」

                「You seemed quite concentrated and we ended up bothering you」

                「Fufu, Lapis has my highest priority so it's all good.」

                While saying that, Lily embraced Lapis's shoulders.

                And Lapis became a bit red.

                「…You seem to have quite the good relations.h.i.+p.」

                「Of course, she's my girlfriend, after all.」


                「Like I said, she's my girlfriend. My lover♪」

                Iris freezes at a loss for words. After a few seconds pa.s.s, Iris turns her head mechanically and looks at Lapis.

                Lapis gave a happy-looking smile and bowed.

                「Nice to meet you, I'm Lily's lover, Lapis. From here on, I look forward to making your acquaintance.」

                Iris froze up again, for the second time.