Rowing - Rowing Part 19

Rowing Part 19

Crews averaging 11 stone or more, to carry not less than 8 stone.

Deficiencies must be made up by dead weight carried on the coxswain's thwart.

The dead weight shall be provided by the Committee, and shall be placed in the boat and removed from it by a person appointed for that purpose.

Each competitor (including the coxswain) in eight and four-oared races shall attend to be weighed (in rowing costume) at the time and place appointed by the Committee: and his weight then registered by the secretary shall be considered his racing weight during the regatta.

Any member of a crew omitting to register his weight shall be disqualified.


XXIV.--Every boat shall, at starting, carry a flag showing its colour at the bow. Boats not conforming to this Rule are liable to be disqualified at the discretion of the umpire.


XXV.--The Committee shall appoint one or more umpires to act under the laws of boat-racing.


XXVI.--The Committee shall appoint one or more judges, whose decision as to the order in which the boats pass the post shall be final.


XXVII.--The prizes shall be delivered at the conclusion of the regatta to the respective winners, who on receipt of a challenge prize shall subscribe a document of the following effect:--

"I/We A (B C D, etc.) (members of the club), having been this day declared to be the winners of the Henley Royal Regatta Challenge Cup (or diamond sculls), and the same having been delivered to us on behalf of the stewards of the said regatta, do (jointly and severally) agree to return in good order and condition as now received the said cup (or diamond sculls), to the stewards on or before June 1st next, and I/we do also (jointly and severally) agree that if the said cup (or sculls) be accidentally lost or destroyed, or in any way permanently defaced, I/we will on or before the date aforesaid, or as near thereto as may be conveniently possible, place in the hands of the said stewards a cup (or diamond sculls) of similar design and value, and engraved with the names of the previous winners (their officers) (and crews) as now engraved on the present cup and base./case. In witness of which agreement I/we have hereunto subscribed my/our (respective) name./names."


XXVIII.--All questions of eligibility, qualification, interpretation of the Rules, or other matters not specially provided for, shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.

XXIX.--The laws of boat-racing to be observed at the regatta are as follows:--

(_The same as the A.R.A. Laws._)


_Hon. Sec._: R. C. LEHMANN, 30, Bury Street, St. James's, S.W.

_Revised, April 23rd, 1894._


I.--This Association shall be called "The Amateur Rowing Association,"

and its objects shall be--

1. To maintain the standard of amateur oarsmanship as recognized by the Universities and principal boat clubs of the United Kingdom;

2. To promote the interests of boat-racing generally.

II.--The Association shall consist of clubs which adopt the following definition of an amateur, viz.:

No person shall be considered an amateur oarsman, sculler, or coxswain--

1. Who has ever rowed or steered in any race for a stake, money or entrance-fee.[20]

2. Who has ever knowingly rowed or steered with or against a professional for any prize.

3. Who has ever taught, pursued, or assisted in the practice of athletic exercises of any kind for profit.

4. Who has ever been employed in or about boats, or in manual labour, for money or wages.

5. Who is or has been by trade or employment for wages a mechanic, artisan, or labourer, or engaged in any menial duty.

6. Who is disqualified as an amateur in any other branch of sport.

[20] N.B.--This clause is not to be construed as disqualifying any otherwise duly qualified amateur who previously to April 23rd, 1894, has rowed or steered for a stake, money or entrance-fee, in a race confined to members of any one club, school, college, or University.

III.--Any amateur club willing to bind itself to observe the rules of the Association may become affiliated upon making application to the Hon. Sec. of the A.R.A., and being elected by a majority of two-thirds of the meeting of the Committee.

Every affiliated club shall have at least one vote at General Meetings.

Any club having more than two hundred full members shall have in addition one vote for every hundred or part of a hundred members in excess of two hundred; but no club shall have more than six votes.

Every affiliated club shall, when required, send to the Hon. Sec. of the A.R.A. a list of its members and a copy of its last balance-sheet.

The Committee shall not consider an application for affiliation from any club previously refused, until after the expiration of twelve calendar months from the date of such refusal.

IV.--Each club shall pay to the expenses of the Association an annual subscription to be fixed by the Committee; such subscription not to exceed one guinea.

V.--The government and management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee of twenty-five members, who shall meet once at least in every six months, or as often as may be required. At the first meeting of the Committee in each year a chairman shall be elected, who shall remain in office until the next General Meeting. At all meetings of the committee the chairman shall preside, and in his absence a chairman shall be elected for the occasion; seven members shall form a quorum, and the chairman shall have a casting vote.

VI.--For the purpose of electing the members of the Committee a General Meeting of the representatives of the affiliated clubs shall be held once a year at a date to be fixed by the Committee. Ten days' notice of this meeting shall be given.

Each club shall notify to the Secretary in writing, not less than three days prior to the Annual General Meeting, the names of its authorized representatives, the number of whom must not exceed the number of votes to which such club is entitled; but should a club nominate one representative only such representative can record the number of votes to which his club is entitled.

VII.--Five members of the Committee shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, and shall remain in office for three years. The Committees of the Cambridge University Boat Club, the Royal Chester Rowing Club, the Kingston Rowing Club, the Leander Club, the London Rowing Club, the Molesey Boat Club, the Oxford University Boat Club, the Thames Rowing Club, and the Twickenham Rowing Cub shall each nominate annually a member of the Committee, and such nomination shall be sent to the Secretary prior to the General Meeting. The Hon. Sec. of the A.R.A.

shall be an _ex officio_ member of the Committee of the A.R.A. In the year 1894, in order to complete the number of twenty-five, the fifteen members of the Committee elected and nominated as hereinbefore provided shall meet and co-opt the remaining ten members, and the business of that meeting shall be confined to this object alone. Five members of the Committee shall retire annually by rotation, but shall be eligible for re-election. Five of the co-opted members shall retire in 1895, the remaining five in 1896. The Committee shall have power to fill up any vacancy that may occur during the year amongst the elected members, but any vacancy amongst the nominated members shall be filled up by the club affected.

VIII.--The Committee shall have power to affiliate clubs to the Association, to appoint officers, to make or alter rules, to suspend, disqualify, and reinstate amateurs, and generally to determine and settle all questions and disputes relating to boat-racing which may be referred to them for decision. And further, the Committee shall take such other steps as they may consider necessary or expedient for carrying into effect the objects of the Association.

IX.--The Committee shall have power on due cause being shown to suspend any affiliated club or to remove it from the list of affiliated clubs.