Rise Of A Fallen God - 154 What We See Are Differen

154 What We See Are Differen

Walking forward tears fall down my young face, I feel their determination to see things through no matter what is lost in the coming war. Looking over at Valara I spot her smile among the crowd of beauties, I know she is the one who showed them the events they all now fear.

"Fine.. Fine let us put this matter behind us! I will enjoy this day like no other, now come let us melt our worries away with a burning pa.s.sion like no other!" Saying so I march forward unleas.h.i.+ng my pent up l.u.s.t.


The Void, Time Unknown.

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"Do you really think this is best?" Said a young woman with long silver hair running down her back.

Across from her near a pile of corpses is another of equal beauty.

"This is what will ensure no one ever tries to rebel ever again. I never expected those mortals to rise up and defy me, their G.o.d and Creator.

This is the very reason I created you G.o.ds of Creation.

To be my envoys to the mortal worlds and aid me in my never ending obsession to create the perfect creature. Ever since I first found out about my ability to create life, I have always.

Always tried to create something that surpa.s.ses my own understanding of life." Looking over she pulls a ma.s.sive scyth out of the group of dead bodies before her.

"Nala? These 10 Races, the Guardians that will watch over all your creations do they really need to rival even us?" The G.o.d of Creation warrior asked.

"Rival you? Even if they possess the same growth rate and potential as you G.o.ds of Creation, I am no fool I placed limitations on them that you don't need to know about. As for them ever becoming stronger than your Race that would only happen if you all fail to keep the lead you already have."

This was all young Nala said as she looked over into the Void feeling a gaze.

Once she sent the warrior away she walked over to inspect the area were she felt someone watching her.

Stretching out her hand, her bloodied palm came into contact with another palm, 100% identical to her own. Looking up to see the face she looked at her older self and smiled.

The person next to her other self was a young man with dark skin, and eyes she fell in love with.

She has created many creatures with these serpentine eyes but never has she seen a pair like his, they have 5 colorful dots swirling around the green slit in his gaze orbiting it like it is their sun.

Stepping forward she reaches out only to find that the youth dodged her grab.

Just when she was about to scold him for not letting her inspect him she felt his hands, roaming all around her body. She quickly did the same to the youth, with her glowing hands she dug deep into his flesh as if she was dissecting him.

"Stop! This is not why we came here Dashnell, tell her what you need to and let us return to or own time. I can't stay here for long or things will get messy, or do you want to fix things on your own?"

With Nala's reminder I retract my hands and speak to her younger self as she kept searching my entire body. Looking over I spot 10 ma.s.sive orbs of energy that seem to all have different traits, these must be the 10 Races that she created long ago to serve as her Guardians.

Among them are a few that I knew quite well.

Looking into her eyes that are still roaming my body, I place my hand on her head as I send the necessary information into her mind, as Nala brings me with her back to our own time.

Just before I leave with Nala, I hear her asking about what I am. "Nothing my young creator, I am nothing but a little Dragon trying his best to live up to his t.i.tle."

After we left the Void Realm young Nala looked over to one of the 10 ma.s.sive orbs and flicked a bit of my blood into it, soon a form took shape and she made sure it had my unique dragonic eyes.

The only thing she left out was the multi colored orbs that circled the iris.

"This is good, you will be one of my greatest creations! I will name you similar to that young child, if he called himself a Dragon then you all shall be the Draconian Race." As she finished altering the matter inside the orb she began to do the same to the other 9.

Soon after she finished the warrior came back, she and millions of others knelt down before young Nala waiting for her next orders. Once Nala was done she looked past her army of G.o.ds, into the distance and signed. "I never intended for this to happen, all I wanted at first was to not be alone.

After I lost myself to creating life I noticed that many of my creations wished I paid more attention to them, and when I did not they felt wronged and decided that I was no longer worthy of being their G.o.d.

They wished to take my life." Once more she looked at the empty s.p.a.ce behind the army and looked at the 10 orbs as a smile flashed on her face that she soon hid from the army below.

Closing her eyes she finally took time to look at the information that was given to her.

After a brief pause she called over the warrior.

"Alda come over here!" The warrior in the lead rushed over and knelt down before Nala.

"I have a task for you, take the remains of all those who died in the battle and compress them. Once you do bring their gathered up remains before me so I can send them to 'Oblivion'."

As she said those words many of the G.o.ds of Creation felt a chill of fear, they all understood that once something was sent to Oblivion there was no returning.

This is one of the reasons many of them never tested their Creator Nala before.

Alda said nothing as she did as she was told, she as the leader of the G.o.ds of Creation tried her best to lead her people as to never end up on Nala's bad side.

She was around when Nala was more cruel and unreasonable, and she watched many Races more powerful than her own face annihilation at Nala's hands.

This seemingly weak and fragile young woman was walking Oblivion herself. Alda was also one of the few creatures left that has ever witnessed Nala when she was enraged, this was something she never wished to see again.

Once she finished gathering up all the Mortal flesh and remains of all the dead she used her powers to create a ma.s.sive Star sized flesh ball, this was after she had compressed everything several times.

She began to sweat as she pushed herself to compress this ma.s.sive ball once more, as she strained herself it visibly began to shrink down until it was the size of a small meteor. Not finding this small enough she was prepared to push her limits once more until she heard footsteps from behind her.

"This size will do. I did not expect you to finish so fast, see if you keep training how can these 10 Guardians ever catch up to you and the others. So long as you never die they will never surpa.s.s you that is how I designed them and you all after all."

Her words seemed to calm the heart of Alda, she then took out a spear from the Void that was eerily similar to the Spear hidden with young Dashnells eyes.

On the tip of the spear was a silver spear head, followed by a pitch black shaft that possessed swirls of engraved markings that were gold, white and red. The aura around the spear was a bright Green that lit up the surrounding area and alerted the many G.o.ds of Creation further away.

She lifted up the Spear and thrust into the meteor ball of flesh and pulled the spear back. Then she watched as the ma.s.sive flesh ball disintegrated out of existence.

Alda next to her found it beyond weird that Nala would use such a powerful weapon to destroy all this flesh when she could have had the G.o.ds of Creation vaporize it into nothingness.

Nala looked over and saw the many questions Alda wanted to ask. "I know you felt those 2 from before, they gave me a gift as well as some information that would help me in the future.

All I had to do in return was destroy these remains, I had planned to keep them here in the void for future use but what they gave me in return was far more valuable.

The secrets his body possessed will get me one step closer to my dream I know it!!" Nala then looked at the Spear of Oblivion and smiled.

Before she could even finish what she was going to say to Alda the Spear shook and started to vanish from her hand.

Alda put up a barrier around the Spear, trying to seperate it from time and s.p.a.ce placing it in its own dimension but the Spear still vanished before her eyes. She looked over at Nala worried that this would push her over the edge and enrage her.

To her surprise Nala just laughed and walked away returning to the 10 Orbs, after standing stunned she looked over to find Nala absorbed in her tinkering.

"That Spear does not belong to me, I found it one day when I was messing with Time. I have never found out who created it or why it was so powerful, strong enough to injure me and it had such a powerful ability to destroy things permanently no matter even if it was a small scratch."

Hearing this Alda walked over toward Nala who was still busy 'Perfecting' the 10 Guardians.

Alda could not help but say out loud. "If the spear could destroy anything that it injures how did you suppress its power to destroy you? Once she said this Alda felt a chill.

While Nala only smiled.

"My blood seems to have woke it up. I have no other idea besides this, I have to admit I was fearful for my life that day. I watched as half my body faded away and I could do nothing to stop myself from turning into dust.

I had given up and waited for my life to end, that was when the Spear gave out a roar of madness, it was the sound of a beast I never heard before in my life. It was drinking my blood as I died and once it had enough it seemed to have awoken, from what I can guess that Spear is somewhat alive.

After it woke up it stopped destroying me and ever since I used it to kill things in battles that nearly ended my life. I have no idea how many times it has saved my life, but now that it has returned to its original owner don't you think they need it more or do you think I will never see it again?

You don't have to answer that by the way, this is not the first time it has vanished. I think it is being used by its creator and after they are finished it will once again return to my side.

Just like that time long ago, the same moment in Time you try your best to forget. Right Alda?"

Thinking back Alda could not help but nod her head slowly, she remembered that day very well.

She still had the form of a child back then and she was beaten half to death trying to protect Nala.

When she thought both herself and Nala were about to meet their end that Spear impaled the other G.o.d Nala was fighting. The strange thing she remembered was the Spear was already covered in so much blood as if someone was currently using it, but decided that Nala needed it more and sent it.

As she was thinking about this weird Spear, it began to reappear besides Nala who was once again lost in shaping the Creatures inside the Orbs.

"See! It always returns, what did I tell you. Oh.. Look Alda it is covered in so much blood, it always returns like this I swear the original owner could at least clean it before sending it back." Saying this she took the blood on the Spear, examined it, smiled and flicked it into one of the 10 Orbs.