Rise Of Rurik - Chapter 71

Chapter 71

For the first time, Rurik called his father by his name, and still spoke to his father with that kind of noble tone.

No child in the entire tribe has ever acted like this. It is because it is unprecedented in history that they are deeply shocked by the smell.

Otto sat on the ground for a while, and Niya knelt directly on the snow at a loss.

After all, Rurik is just a child in form. He vented his anger and inserted his father's sword into the snow. The blade swayed from side to side, and then he picked up the fallen knife and inserted it back into the leather sheath on his belt.

Here, it was once deadly quiet.

Gradually, the shocked people are relieved.

Many people feel that Rurik is clearly challenging his father's authority today.

There are many people who think Otto's anger is indeed a mistake, because Rurik won the victory with his own strength, and how to punish the wrong servant afterwards is also Rurik's own business. Even his father, Otto should not go beyond his powers.

However, there are still some people, after the situation has subsided, they begin to tell ancient legends. Brunhild had resisted Odin, and then was easily sanctioned by Odin.

Along the way, these warriors have listened to the leader Otto's mutter too much, and the leader has always claimed that the girl who had been captured is only the order of the Valkyrie.

Even people began to think carefully about the hypothesis, and it became an excellent conversation resource for people in the boring winter.

That is, there is absolutely something wrong with this girl's attack on Rurik! This is the bedtime story of Brunhild resisting Odin and then being sanctioned by Odin. It repeats itself in the mortal world!

Isn't liurik "Odin's blessing"? Isn't this girl "servant of the blesser of Odin"?

Lurik's actions complicated Otto's mood. He was happy that his son was indeed a brave man, and he felt unhappy that his son challenged himself when he was only seven years old.

It has been more than ten years, and no one in the tribe has dared to challenge themselves head-on, but now only Aiko has made such a move.

On the whole, Otto is still very happy that his son does have the courage to inherit the position of leader. It is that his son pardoned the deer-raiser girl's death penalty, which made him feel a little worried.

Otto was afraid that the girl would find another chance, and finally stabbed his own Rurik to death.

However, although the ancient legend was quickly mentioned in the public, Otto suddenly realized it.

It was another night in the snowy field. The deer-keeper girl was still alive, but her hands and feet were still tied up. Something different from before, she had already slept in an independent simple tent at Rurik's strong request.

For safety reasons, Rurik was closely guarded by his parents, and his small body was sleeping between them.

"After sleeping this night, tomorrow we will be able to return to Roseburg safely after the short day." Seeing that his son was already asleep, Otto cautiously approached his wife Niya's ear and muttered.

"Yes, there are still many deer surviving, we have made a fortune. But what about that girl? Do you believe the myth is repeated in our son?"

"Are you suspicious?" Otto said cautiously, "Are everyone wrong? You can see that Rurik subdued the girl alone. I really did something wrong, Rurik was the only one. It's the girl's master."

"You are indeed a bit reckless." Niya let out a long sigh, "but it's also a behavior that a good father should do. It's just that the whole incident should be the test given to us by the Valkyrie. Rurik did it, and I think from then on , The girl will be a loyal servant with peace of mind. Well...only loyal to our son."

"Hey." Otto listened, and he thought a lot: "At least I can see that he can grow into a qualified leader, especially when holding my sword."

"Yes!" Niya sighed happily: "It's a bit like a natural leader when you were young."

Otto couldn't help but think of his childhood. He subconsciously stroked his wife's golden-white hair, "But you are not a savage girl. I am several years older than you, and so should our son, he His wife must be many years younger than him."

"You think too much." Niya shook his head happily: "Perhaps you should go to the ally tribe to make a marriage appointment for him. It's too early to say these things."

"Then pray! Pray that we can live longer. When he is twelve years old, I will help him do these things."

Lurik fell asleep so quietly, he didn't know what his parents said late at night.

Until the family is awakened by the noise outside, people begin their last day of journey!

Eating on the snow, this kind of feeling is not very good.

It's dark and it's not bright, and Rurik counted the time, he could estimate how short the day is today.

People sit by the campfire, yearning for the flame to bring everyone warm, but also expecting the beating flame to cook the venison.

The meat has not been cleaned of blood at all, and the hungry people can't care about the bad smell. They just sprinkle a handful of salt or don't sprinkle anything, and eat the half-baked ones.

For so many years, Rurik still hopes that the food can be further cooked. It is true that the people of the tribe are living too primitively. Considering that people's pursuit of food must be imprinted in their genes, they must change their life that prefers to drink blood. The style of work really requires an authority to stand up and persuade.

In Rurik's view, since the tribe already has the skill to cast iron pots for cooking meat, it is not difficult to cast a wide-mouthed iron pot.

There are cut meats and wooden boards. The refined seal oil, deer oil and butter are also available. UU reading www.uukanshu.com salt is not scarce (although coarse salt is suitable for use).

This is all there is to stir-fry, but no one has ever thought of cooking dishes like this.

Not only that, Rurik looked around, and everyone around the bonfire was not without tableware.

Some people just hold the meat on the wooden sticks and eat hard, and some are more elegant. They cut the meat with their portable knife, and they use the tip of the knife to put the meat into their mouths.

In addition to knives, the other most important tableware is spoons, which are used exclusively for soup.

The pocket knife is really a multi-functional tool. Now its tableware is a weapon at special moments.

Thinking of this, Rurik still felt a faint pain in his neck. If he touched the wound, it would feel really bad.

Moreover, the instigator of everything is sitting in front of him!

Lurik realized that this girl is definitely many years older than herself, maybe she is ten or twelve years old.

Taking advantage of the bright fire light, leaving Rick sideways just to see her face clearly, as well as her hands and feet still tied up.

The girl stared at the flame blankly, her whole body dumbfounded. No one knows how her previous night passed, and now she seems to have lost her soul.

She sat there, Rurik was no longer wary of the girl, after all, it was a fight, and this girl could only be easily dealt with by herself.

is his parents, Rurik can see that his father Otto is really hostile towards the girl.

It's really ironic to want to come, what the father kept saying, "The Valkyrie spared her not to die", and what else "She is destined to be my son's servant".

Judging from the results so far, she is indeed alive and well, and she is also her servant.

It is this servant who once wanted to take the life of the master.