Rise Of Rurik - Chapter 362

Chapter 362

Any discerning ruler will realize the important strategic value of Gogran Island.

Her geographic location is in the middle of the Gulf of Finland. Historically, she was one of the hot spots that the Russian Tsarist State and the Kingdom of Sweden competed for.

There were Finnish ancestors who built small settlements on the islands. As the climate changes, the Gulf of Finland has more and more water and the islands are too far away from the mainland. Those Finns and Estonians who currently only know how to make canoes are already powerless. Go to places too far from the coast, and there is no need to take risks.

In history, it was the Vikings who discovered the island of Gogland. Specifically, it was a Danish who believed in God. His name is the character Gog from the "Bible", so a small number of Danish immigrants established it on the island. Small fishing village, and named it Gognd after the first settler.

The Rus, who belonged to the Vikings, shortly after the establishment of Kievan Rus, under the governance of the "saint" Grand Duke Yaroslav, the Rus army actively expanded its power in Estonia and collected taxes. Since then, an island of strategic value in the Gulf of Finland, All began to be controlled by Kievan Rus.

If all of this is the inevitable historical necessity, then Otto led a tired fleet to land on Gogran Island in the late autumn of 830, which was a historic conquest.

Maybe at first Otto just wanted to find a place to rest for his uncomfortable men. In the vast sea, she can be used as a place to land and rest, which is remembered by all the Ross people.

The Ross people have known the existence of this island for a long time, and they know it is a barren place.

Only when the Russ really united the Slavs to build a huge country can they realize how important this barren island is to the control of the Gulf of Finland.

Right now, the Ross people are not interested in it, at best it can be used as a safe place to stop temporarily. In previous years, Otto also brought a fleet of ships to dock since then. They only took one night on the pebble beach in the south of the island, and they were driven away by the rocks of the man.

The Ross people did not explore the island at all, but in fact, everyone felt that it was unnecessary to explore. There are four hills full of rocks on the island, and a small number of pine and birch trees struggle to survive, so the forest is also sparse.

People who landed wanted to find a soft sandy beach, but there were only a lot of pebbles.

Everyone brought their shovel in frustration, digging and ramming them again, leveling out a place for standing cones, and laying down on leather to rest their tired bodies.

The bonfire burned one after another, and the fuel was some felled pine trees rich in grease.

Those women and children were ordered by Otto to cook wheat on the fire for the tired warriors. In return, they would get enough porridge to fill their stomachs.

For a rare feast, they work hard. Especially these Novgorod women who are to be married, they are very clear that getting on the ship of the Rus is to make a cut with everything in the past. Even if there are endless connections in each manor, they are all women abandoned by their parents and manor. What they can expect now is that the future Ross husband will treat his wife kindly as in the legend.

These women have nothing to say about the skill of cooking wheat. If they can have an oven made of clay, they can devote some thoughts to making big liba that can be eaten for ten and a half months.

The tired people all hope to find a piece of natural sandy land, as their shelter tonight, they have to level some pebbles, eat the wheat cooked by the woman, lie down and sleep.

They think the stone is extremely redundant, but in Rurik's eyes, isn't that what they dream of?

"The beach is actually full of pebbles that have been weathered and eroded by the sea? Then isn't the hinterland of the island..."

Otto, sitting by the campfire, shaved the shreds of fish between his teeth with resin. The warriors under his command looked really tired, and he himself was even a little bit sad.

Otto made the decision and rested on this rocky island for a whole day.

Regarding the next voyage, he discussed with his nephew Arik. The next berth was at the one where Arik led his department overnight, which is the so-called Naysar Island.

Maybe after a day's rest, everyone can get a good recovery of energy and physical strength?

Liu Li Keben was a little tired. After realizing the huge stone resources of the island, that tiredness was gone.

He held the wooden bowl of porridge that he had half-eaten and approached his father.

"Did those women not spread the blankets for you? Your brother is asleep, and you should rest too." Otto said with a glance.

"Everything is sleepy." Rurik sat beside his father, put down the wooden bowl and picked up the pebbles on the ground. This island looks like stones everywhere. "

"so what?"

"I have an idea."

"Talk about it." Otto threw the tree branch, wanting to hear his son's advice.

Rurik then pointed to the east: "Fort Shilla is still using wood to build the wall, and a large number of buildings are also made of wood. I think these are expedient measures. As you know my plan, I want to build the wall of Fort Shilla with stone. Conuson said that the stones are not easy to find. I think this island is our quarry."

"Huh? You want to use this island?"


Otto squeezed his beard. For building walls or something, building a wooden wall should be enough. "Rurik, you should know that building a wall with stones is a difficult job, do you think it is necessary?"

"It's necessary. I just hope that Shilla Fort will become a solid city. I think it is natural to use any means to strengthen our core defense in the future. Besides, we have to pave the road with stones."

Whether it was building stone walls, stone houses, or stone roads, Otto didn't think they were necessary.

"Perhaps, we shouldn't have rushed. Rurik, I think you are too eager." Otto reminded kindly. "In my opinion, rammed earth roads are enough. You know, there is no road to our hometown of Roseburg. Why do you have too high demands?"

"That's because you don't care!" Rurik was a little excited.

"Huh? If it's not necessary, why should I care."

"But for Shilla Fort, we have to be concerned. Alas, this matter can be covered by me." Rurik didn't want to argue with him anymore: "Dad, what is this island called?"

"Name?" Otto shrugged: "A deserted island full of stones, also has a name?"

"Then call her Stieno."


Rurik picked up his job again: "I will think about it tomorrow. I will take my mercenaries to the depths of the island to see. The stone island looks very large. If gold and silver mines can be found, even iron ore. It's great too."

The son actually thinks this way? Otto didn't know whether to be happy or confused. Is this kid naturally fond of discovering ore, or is he too close to the blacksmiths? Is Rurik going to be a guest prospector?

It would be great if you really found something good.

Otto rubbed his son's smooth little head: "Go, Jevlo has experienced a lot of battles, and you let him protect you. It's best to find something good for me, and remember to come back in the evening."

With his father's approval, Rurik boasted that he could be an explorer with confidence.

Those elite veterans from Tombstone Island under Arik's long rowing made them tired. Not to mention the strong and young Sorgon army who had been treated at the Novgorod Center for two months and ate their special food in Shilla Fort. Now their strong and young belly swelled up, and they had unprecedented possessions. A little belly fat.

The privilege of the strong is to be able to eat wheat with an open stomach! Even if oatmeal is a low-sugar food in later generations, it is more of a gimmick. Many young soldiers have accumulated some fat on their bodies, so that although they are more able to withstand the cold and can better survive the Arctic winter, it also reduces their physical strength.

The sun rose, and the sun quickly dissipated the sea fog.

The beach is full of lazy people, they continue to wrap up blankets to make up for their sleep. As for the women and children, they continued to obey Otto's orders, hurry up to grind wheat for the entire fleet, and then use stones available everywhere to burn it to heat to roast the wheat cakes. All the pottery urns brought were filled with the fresh water brought from the previous island. Since they knew the next stop, not many people really cherish the fresh water now. The oatmeal was churning in the pottery urn. Otto deliberately asked the women to cook more quickly. When the soldiers could drink the porridge until noon, that was the real delicacy.

The next berth is Naysar Island. Since it only takes a short voyage to rush to the mouth of a river, obtaining fresh water is naturally extremely simple. Even if the leader does not want to be harassed by the Estonians at the wrong time, Arik volunteered, and when he arrived at the next berth, he would take his brothers to row a boat to fetch water, so Otto did not want to interfere with the current water problem.

Jeflo's intention was to reject the unexpected expedition. He also participated in the long paddling. He had to obey the master's order because of his physical exertion, so as not to carry an oak bow for him, and guard the master's stay. Rick explored inland of the island.

Rurik brought all the mercenaries on this trip, and he moved the crowd as if he was going to be an enemy of the wild beasts.

On a small island, is there a bird bigger than a turtle dove, or a beast bigger than a mouse?

Fierce beasts shouldn't and can't be here, and Rurik himself is in good spirits. He is eager to shoot a bird or two in the woods and become the game tonight.

They walked along the pebbly coast, and the whole team followed a counterclockwise direction and went all the way north on the eastern beach of the island.

The north wind blew everyone's faces, and the sound of sea waves echoed in my ears.

"My lord, you want a lot of rocks. I think these rocks are enough to build Shilla Fort." The bored Jeflo spoke suddenly.

"I know, these stones are very good." Rurik patronized the huge beach and marched on the rocky platform, "Be careful, don't get your feet."

"Then send some people over to mine the stone. Sir, as long as you are willing to give some money, brothers are willing to do it."

"You?" Rurik stopped. He didn't know if Jeflo's words were deliberate or purely unintentional. "You have to forget it. I want you to fight against the enemy, not to make you stonemasons. It is necessary to mine stone. Maybe we should let a group of Novgorod people come over, or move some Kovin people to excavate the stone for me. ."

"In my opinion, you can go to Mellaren to recruit some people."

Maybe a mercenary captain shouldn't have so many words. Rurik was a little unhappy at first, and he had to think about it after hearing what Evlo said.

What will happen to Mellaren next year? Rurik estimated that many people would be hungry. Fortunately, they are adjacent to the big lake, so they should not starve to death by relying on fishing. Are they willing to be poor? Digging the corner of the Melaren tribe is regarded as a policy by Rurik. When the extremely poor children are collected by themselves, the next step should be to develop those adults and invite them to go on the ship of the Rus to settle the wilderness in the east.

The expedition north along the coast seemed aimless, and Rurik was always aware of the rocks everywhere. Looking at this island, it must be a huge boulder that was forcibly lifted from the crust during a geological event. What is very different from the flat island I experienced before is that this island actually has mountains.

They walked for a while, and an incredible thing came into view.

"Huh? How big is this island? How come there are streams?"

What was completely different from Rurik's surprise was the excited expressions of the mercenaries.

Yevlo pursed his lips: "I thought I really wanted to go to the mainland coast to the south to find a river to fetch water. I didn't expect this island to have a stream."

"Yes, it seems that the plan of the leader needs to be revised." After that, Rurik shook his neck: "We trace the source along the stream."

They walked on the land on both sides of the stream, and began to truly penetrate into the hinterland of the island. After walking a little more than a kilometer, a small lake came into view.

The lakes in Northern Europe are getting cold quickly, so they don't nourish a lot of duckweed. Gogran Island has four larger lakes and a small water pool, which are supplemented by seasonal precipitation. The largest one is now witnessed by Rurik.

On both sides of Amber are tall mounds, and the west is sunny with white clouds.

"It looks like this is the middle part of the island." The experienced Yevlo judged.

Rurik felt a little tired. He twisted his waist hard and sat casually on the soft pine needle cushions by the river: "I thought the island was big. Haha, it was a pleasant surprise to find a small lake. Jeflo, look at the sides The mountain is actually full of stones."

Yevlo let out a long sigh of relief: "From my point of view, the entire island is a huge boulder. The forest here is not dense. Now that I have seen a few birds, there are no beasts." After that, he looked at his bow. : "I worry too much."

Rurik shrugged: "If you go and explore again, there may be unexpected gains. Haha, maybe you can dig some delicious truffles."

People who have nothing to do are of course resting for a while and wandering freely. When Jevlo avoided going to the toilet, after shaking his body, he noticed a tree not far away that was completely different from a pine tree.

It is so tall and fluffy, and its winding trunk is completely different from the red pine. Looking closer, there are many such trees beside the lake.

A special feeling drove him forward. He shook a small tree like his forearm, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the trunk was quite elastic. He cut it down without hesitation, cut off some twigs, and happily carried it to his master.

Rurik, who ate a little oatmeal to replenish his energy, watched Evlo return with a strange thing, and asked casually: "Did you find any baby?"

"There's a baby! That's it."

Jeflo showed off the branches he had found, making Rurik look puzzled. "What do you want a branch for?"

"Make a bow! Haha, do you know what tree this is?"

"What is it?"

"Is the ash tree~www.mtlnovel.com~the ash tree?" Rurik was more puzzled. He is not a botanist, and the Old Norse description of the tree is even less clear. "What can it do?"

"It is a good material for short hunting bows. Every hunter wants it, but it is not easy to find. People in my hometown, as well as you people in Ross, are using oak for bows. In my opinion, Ash trees are the most suitable."

Yevlo has been mentioning the term "grey". No matter how much Ruriek takes a good look at the felled tree, he certainly can't judge its true identity. Yevlo struggled to bend the branch and it rebounded violently. , Rurik felt instinctively.

"Ah! This thing is really good material for bows. Where did you get it?"

"It's over there." Yevlo pointed to the lake. "My lord, any instructions."

Rurik slapped his thigh and exclaimed excitedly: "I thought that this exploration would be rewarding! We actually found a good material for bows. Go, cut down all the ash trees on the left and right and take them away."