Rise Of Rurik - Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

Rurik himself would not stay in Rigado, he took the time to observe the city that surrendered to him, and he also stood on the frozen coast with his cronies, behind him was the frozen Daugava River (Sidvi Na River) and the entire large settlement covered with snow, in front of it is the vast frozen ocean.

"It's so similar, it looks like Fort New Rose in many ways. It seems that this place can indeed be developed into a good port."

His muttering was naturally heard by the accompanying Sturkander.

The old guy who returned home and changed his clothes now just wants to serve King Ross well as a landlord. "What the king said is very true. I will definitely repair the port of Riga, and...we can even do things that we didn't dare to do in the past."


"Hey." As he spoke, Stekander pointed to a frozen river in the west, "That river."

"It? Doesn't it look like it's part of the Daugava River?"

"It looks like a river diverging after approaching the sea, but it is actually another river."

"Oh?" Rurik became alert subconsciously: "Could it lead to another tribe? To Semigalia? I learned that the local Latvians are very afraid of their attacks."

"Yes, but not all. The river will pass through the territory of the Semigallians, and near it will be their friends the Okeshtets. They covet the prosperity of Riga, hope to occupy this city, occupy this place trade resources."

"How bold!" Rurik glanced at Dongfang contemptuously, and sighed softly: "Then, they are threatening the interests of the king. It's just that I don't have the time to deal with them now, and I don't have the energy to negotiate with them for the time being. "

"This...Maybe the king's army can be dispatched to pacify Semigalia as easily as you pacified Smolensk. I don't think there is a problem with this, after all they are very weak. If the king wants to, you can send troops to fight now, and victory must be something you can get. .

If you change to a hot-headed monarch, you will really follow the trend.

Rurik's knowledge of Semigalia comes from other people's statements. If they want to say this, I am afraid that all statements have a certain purpose. What the Ross army needs most now is not to continue fighting, but to take a large-scale rest of the main force, precisely to avoid unnecessary wars. What's more, once the war goes wrong, it will interfere with the expedition after the spring of this year.

"Very weak?" Rurik pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at the newly appointed earl again: "Strikander, since you are an earl, you have the ability to freely recruit troops. This is the power I bestow on you. You can recruit fighters from the Latvians, and since those enemies are weak, you can defeat them yourself."

Strokander shook his head and put on a wry smile. He felt that King Ross had no intention of sending troops rashly, so he simply stopped bluntly admonishing him. He continued: "Is there anything stronger than the Ross Army in this world? Even if I recruit troops, I can't win alone. Besides, the Latvians are afraid of the people on the other side of the river. The Latvians are not even willing to organize their own powerful villager armed forces." , have always relied on our Danish businessmen to ensure their safety, to say something bad..."

"You can talk all you want."

"Yes. Without us Danish merchants, Riga would have been occupied by Semigalia. We don't like those people because

Because they don't want to pay us commission, if they take Riga, our Danish community will have to pay tribute to do business. so"

Strkander didn't go any further, and the wise Rurik had figured everything out. He was afraid to pat the earl on the shoulder: "Then take a defensive position for now. We will deal with the Semigallians, but not today, I am now Came to Riga with another project."

"Yes. I understand. It's Pskov."

"Yes. Now that the news has spread in the city, let us wait and see! See if the Pskov businessman you mentioned dares to come to the Ross community to meet the king."

Because it is different from the village alliance of Latvia, which is scattered in a dish of sand, the Semigallians living in the area along the Lielupe River have built their chiefdom, and then surpassed the neighboring tribes in terms of organization. They have elected their own chiefs, and the whole tribe is walking on the path of natural evolution, and it is not far from becoming a true "Grand Duchy".

The main settlement of the Semigallian people is only 40 kilometers away from the city of Riga. In this era when travel is mainly based on feet and boats, 40 kilometers is not difficult for people who are used to hiking in this way. Its difficulty lies in the existence of dense forests and a number of mud ponds sandwiched between the two.

It is easy for travelers to get lost in the forest, and they must beware of wild animals, especially bears.

If the two sides really want to communicate peacefully, communication by boat is the preferred way. Naturally, if there is a military conflict, the Semigallians will unite with their friendly army, Okshtet, on a large number of canoes and rafts, and the militia

The armed forces landed directly in the city of Riga.

There have been such raids in the past, but with Latvians hiring Danish immigrants as armed bodyguards, Riga has finally become a safer place to do business. And it all fits together!

When Frank strongly intervened in the Danish regional political situation, the local nobles in Denmark had differences in beliefs and even civil war broke out, which forced a group of Danes to leave their hometowns and go to the Gulf of Riga and nearby amber collection camps to build new settlements.

Now Stekander is very grateful to King Ross, because Rurik has provided these displaced persons with a new identity-the Latvian principality was born, and almost all the ruling people are Danish immigrants.

The people speak the same Norse language as the King of Ross himself, and believe in the same Norse gods as the Ross and Swedes who continue to migrate. No one in Riga denies the belief of the local Latvians.

Everything is getting better, and it is rapidly stimulating the expansion ambitions of the Principality of Latvia. After all, the real rulers here are the Danish Varyags. Everyone only bears the name of "Latga". Expansion and plunder is a shortcut to making a fortune. Now, with the backing of the powerful Ross Kingdom, they attack Semigali It may not be possible for Yab to plunder their wealth now, but it may be time to do so in a few years.

On the other hand, those Pskov businessmen who were on the sidelines really appeared in the Ross community on the second night after the arrival of the Ross Army.

At first glance, the Ross people in these people's communities are the same, have similar faces and can speak Norse. The most obvious difference is that the clothes of these people are a bit rough.


This roughness is an appearance. They have no intention of further modifying the fur coats to keep out the cold. These coats made of reindeer skin can even be used as quilts, and a person can lie down in a snow nest and curl up in a ball when wearing them alone. As long as there is no cold wind blowing all the time, travelers can sleep overnight without freezing to death, because reindeer sleep in this way in winter, even if they are covered with snow, when someone discovers this mystery, they imitate it.

Ross did not have such extreme cold protection needs during the tribal period. Even if there were, the real winter coats were sewn from bear skins. This is the case now. The cold coats of the Ross cavalry are mainly sewn from polar bear skins, which makes the soldiers appear to have a large-scale white tone.

These strange visitors also looked like Danes, or they were another group of Danish immigrantsliving in the Danish community in Pskov, and this time the leader of the class, Gower, had become the local king.

A man took off his coat, revealing the intricately patterned lining.

He held up his robe and shouted: "We are Mrs. Pusko! I want to see King Ross!"

If he didn't yell, probably no one would pay attention to these frozen fools in the cold weather, but they yelled the word "Pskov", which aroused the vigilance of the lazy soldiers.

The Ruth warriors on duty inspected the ten visiting people, first conversing with them in Norse, and then suddenly switched to Slavic. This surprised the Pskov merchants present, and the leader switched to Slavic now.

Do you still have to question their identities? Isn't the person in front of you the Mrs. Psko that the king needs?

As usual, the upcoming

The face-faced king unarmed. Considering the dignity of the man, the saber was temporarily removed and kept by the Ross Army, while the daggers they used for self-defense and as tableware continued to be hung on the belt.

Slavic tribes everywhere are very good at sewing flowered cloth. In this era, they don't know the art of cloth printing and dyeing, but they can dye the hemp thread at the source, and then rely on the skillful hands of women to weave cloth with various patterns.

Because of the complex processing of such calico, it is also more expensive in Pskov. People who can wear calico clothes are not nobles, but local wealthy households.

Precisely they have to be rich to have the ability, energy and financial resources to run the Pskov-Riga trade line, and it is they who maintain the economic exchanges between the two places and buy some key specialties of Riga to make money.

Rurik has been waiting in the warm palace, and if he can't wait for Mrs. Psko to visit him, he will go to bed.

In his opinion, even if there are no businessmen in this area in Riga, and he returns to the Selon territory with his own troops, that Ilbert will definitely find a few villagers who know the way to Pskov, even if they provide a general direction That's fine, the rest is up to the Ross people to find out by themselves. In this regard, Rurik has sufficient confidence. After all, he has an overview of the map of the large area, and he is clearly aware that the Latvian area is not far from Pskov.

Don't worry about getting lost, as long as you go all the way north, even if you don't find Pskov, you can rush all the way to the frozen seashore of the Gulf of Finland, and then you can easily return to the capital.

Just in the middle of the sky, the guard happily came to report: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Pusko has arrived."

"Oh? That's great, how many people are here?" Rurik, who was embarrassed, immediately stopped being sleepy.

Ask Bejahir, who is about to go to bed, to put on the clothes and decorations.

"Only... ten people."

"Ten people? No more, no less. Go and tell their leader that the king allows them to enter the bedroom to meet each other. As for the others, after they are brought in, they will be given some wine and food, and everything will be done according to the standard for entertaining distinguished guests!"

"I obey." The guard bowed and retreated, and soon all ten people were led into the king's palace.

For the first time, Mrs. Pusko entered the inside story of the "Earl's Mansion" in the Ross community, which was only seen on the outside and did not know its connotation. Of course, it is now the palace of King Ross.

The defense here is quite tight, the soldiers dressed in uniform stood up straight like pine trees, looking at him with vigilant eyes, the merchant leader Olafin had to whisper to his companions not to look left and right.

Suddenly, the warrior leading them stopped.

The warrior with a blue decorative feather in his helmet was a centurion. From his appearance alone, Olafin realized that this person was a mission.

"Come here!" the centurion ordered: "King Ross ordered again that your leader enter the king's bedroom as an official envoy to meet the king. The rest of you wait in the side room. King Ross will give you wine and meat. Don't be nervous. , King Ross is friendly to you Mrs. Psko."

The well-informed Olafin immediately stood up and gestured: "I am their leader, I am Mrs. Pusko, and I am friends with our boss Gore. I think I am indeed qualified to represent Pusko Husband, formally meet the great King Ross."

It seems that Olafin is the real messenger, his words are quite formal, and the centurion feels

This is a respectable man, even in modest attire, and a true warrior in spirit.

"Then come with me."

No more procrastination, the meeting will follow.

So in Olafin's view, King Ross and his women were neatly dressed, and the king's golden crown was still shining brightly under the dim oil lamp. They sit cross-legged, and the way they meet each other is also based on northern traditions.

King Ross did not show his arrogance, and was very courteous to his emissary.

"Wait a minute, what kind of courtesy is this for me?! If I wasn't Mrs. Pusko, everything would be more than that."

Olafin is very self-aware, he knows that what he is here always represents the whole of Pskov. In Riga, he had already seen the great might of the Russian army, and knew that the visiting army was only a part of the Russian army, and he knew that this army came with a great victory against Smolensk.

They conquered Smolensk! Mrs. Pusko was neither deaf nor blind. Everyone knew that it was a big southern power, and it was conquered by the Ross army like a joke.

After seeing King Ross's friendly policy towards the surrendered Riga and Latvia, Olafin knew exactly what to do, and he also knew what his boss Gore would do.

So Olafin knelt down on one knee in front of King Ross, leaning on his chest with his right hand, and hooked his head deeply.

This is the warrior etiquette common in Northern Europe, and it is a gift for junior soldiers to show their loyalty to the leader. It is worth a thousand words.

"You don't need to give a big gift. This king will give you a seat, and you can talk to me face to face." Rurik felt relieved immediately.


Only then did Olafin really sit down.

"What's your name, you...do you have some great nicknames?" Rurik asked with his head slightly raised.

"Yes. I am Oven Nattfure."

"Oh? Your nickname is Nightcrawler? So you have night vision as keen as an owl's?"

"Maybe not as good as an owl, but better than the average person."

Olafin is not boasting. A person's nickname is generally not chosen by himself. It comes from what his companions say, and it is a considerable description of a person's certain behaviors.

Olafin's nickname from this naturally shows that this man is a very rare ruthless person who dares to walk at night!

Rurik asked with great interest: "So, I guess... you like to eat seal liver? Or fish liver?"

Olafin raised his head sharply: "The great King Ross actually knows this?"

"I guessed ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It seems that I guessed right. However, the liver of the seal is really delicious, even if it has a strong fishy smell, we can taste its deliciousness after overcoming these. I like to eat baked Seal liver, sliced and sprinkled with some chopped thyme and salt, this is delicious."

Rurik is a hypocrite. He doesn't really like to eat seal liver with a strong smell of blood, but he knows that Olafin's good night vision must be due to his vitamin A supplement. Goodbye, he is not young but his skin quality is very good. Yes, the ruddy color under the oil lamp must be due to the vitamin C in the seal liver.

Rurik talked eloquently, and Olafin was secretly drooling when he heard it.

"It was an honor to meet my fellow man in Riga, and the great King Ross

fortunate. "The scene that should have been serious disappeared, and Olaf laughed softly.

If he wants to know the general situation of Pskov, the local people's attitude towards Ross, and even the possibility of reaching some kind of alliance in the future, and then continue to develop business through this alliance, Rurik feels that everything will start tonight.

Everything started with this "Night Walker" Olafin.