Rise Of Rurik - Chapter 1195

Chapter 1195

The sacking of Maastricht was still going on, and the Mlaren who occupied the city simply began to dig the earth. They believed that the wealthy households of the city would dig some cellars, believing that some gold or other things were buried in them. .

Their efforts were not in vain, as the small cellar was dug and some casks of ale and wine were taken out of it, leading everyone to believe that there was something good to be dug up.

The inner city became a forbidden area because of the stench, but for the sake of wealth, the brave found cloth **** dipped in water to cover their mouths and noses, and forcibly entered to start excavation.

Some wealth that had not been plundered by the Ross army was found and taken away, and new discoveries were made every day. The Mellaren army and a large number of fishermen who followed the coalition army acted like grave robbers.

Because they literally stared at the cathedral graveyard and started digging, the dead of all ages were dishonored. Although believers who died according to their beliefs had no burial objects, they would definitely be buried with gold and silver pendants and rings, which is what the looters were staring at.

As a holy place, the city also has a large number of tombs that can be excavated, and they have become special gold storage places, and Bjorn strongly supports this kind of excavation.

Bjorn himself did not shy away from the fact that the group of soldiers he brought in owed debts on a large scale, and the gold and silver obtained from the digging and looting had covered the debts, and he was happy to see these people get rich.

As a duke, he has made a fortune himself, which is reflected in the fact that he wears multiple rings on each finger and gold and silver pendants around his neck. Even though these jewels were taken from dead people and skeletons, he didn't feel bad luck, and deliberately wore them to show off everywhere.

There are many people in Mellaren who show off their wealth, and they find some little treasure every day, but it is the Ross Barracks on the other side of the Moshamas River.

The people who stayed in the open-air camp also wanted to go to the town on the other side to find some more treasures. They were driven away, as the saying goes: "The blue fox has given the right to plunder to the people of Mlaren. Only the Mlaren army can plunder freely in this city. .

Quarrels and fights happened randomly, and Bjorn restrained his own people at critical moments, but he still emphasized privateering rights.

"Russians! You go to Aachen to plunder! Go make your fortune and stop robbing us." Bjorn used this rhetoric to prevaricate, and sent a team of soldiers to form a shield wall to suppress it.

The people who attempted to loot had to go back to the other side, and soon waited for the army returning from Liege.

Now it was Bjorn's turn to be jealous, because the longships were clearly full again.

Precisely because there was a lot of plunder in the holy city, Bjorn was satisfied with this military operation. He doesn't want to leave now, the army can still find wealth in this city, and leaving at this juncture will give him the excuse of betraying the alliance.

When the fleet returned to the camp, Bjorn, who was in a good mood, crossed the river in a small boat uninvited just after the army blocked the road.

He opened his arms with a smile on his face, and the blue fox caught sight of this man who was acting violent a few days ago, and couldn't understand seeing him so happy.

The blue fox put on a happy look, and he told the others to calm down, and went to talk to the Duke of Mellaren himself.

"What is it that makes you so happy?" Blue Fox approached and found no less than ten sterling silver cross pendants on the old boy's neck. "You... really got rich."

Bjorn continued to smile, and grabbed a lot of treasures on his chest: "The amulets of the Franks, haha, are all silver."

"And that's not all. Your fingers are all gold and silver rings."

"It's also inlaid with gems." Bjorn continued to show off, "Thank you for giving me the right to plunder. Haha."

These words made Lanhu feel a little uncomfortable, he suspected that he had missed a lot of treasures by withdrawing too quickly.

"This is fate. It's all your wealth." Blue Fox didn't want to talk about this anymore.

Bjorn asked anxiously: "It seems that you also plundered a lot in Liege."

"We fought a battle, and the enemy's corpses were everywhere, and our army also suffered losses. We sacrificed Odin with blood, and the souls of the dead brothers have gone to Valhalla. Those who survived will continue to attack Aachen." Blue Fox It is estimated that this guy must not plan to go to Aachen, but considering that his current strength is damaged, he urgently needs a new force. "How? Follow us to Aachen."

"No." Bjorn laughed generously: "We are already satisfied."

Such words are still expected by Lanhu, and Lanhu still hopes to fight for it again: "You know that Aachen still has a lot of wealth, don't you want to get a piece of it?"

"A share of the pie? If you really fight, you will grab more if you have more people."

"Oh? Still resenting our priority in Maastricht? This attack on Aachen will give you the chance to break through the city first."

"Forget it!" Bjorn smiled wryly and shook his head: "That means that we Mellaren will fight to the death with the Frankish elite. That is their capital! We have wasted too much time here, I don't think so. They are deaf and blind, and the Franks will be on the alert, and perhaps our chances of a surprise attack are numbered."

It's not that the blue fox didn't think about this. The residents of Liege fled. I'm afraid that many people would flee to Aachen along the road after crossing the bridge. After a long delay, it is indeed risky to attack Aachen urgently.

"But." He shrugged: "Our expedition is to attack Aachen. I will go no matter what. If I don't go because I am worried about the risk, I will become a coward."

"Tch, that makes me a coward." Bjorn resentfully said.

"You are either a coward, or you are too cautious. Caution is a good thing. As a businessman, I am cautious in investment. However, now we need courage, and I would rather take risks."

"Blue Fox, I know you're still trying to persuade me to join the action. Forget it." Bjorn had his own opinion. He didn't want to be ridiculed by the nobles about courage during the meeting, so he simply fought with the military now. The blue fox of the commander-in-chief spoke up. He made a promise: "You go to attack Aachen, and I will be stationed here. My people will not leave first. When you come back with the spoils, we will leave together."

Bjorn's words are very constructive. Blue Fox needs some people to garrison the camp in Maastricht. The wounded soldiers from previous battles also need to stay here to recuperate, and a lot of spoils need to be taken care of. The problem is how many troops are left behind, too few of course not.

Since the Mellaren army can't be persuaded, let them garrison. Maybe this is the personality of the individual!

Blue Fox looked at Bjorn's face again. This man is more suitable to be a big landlord, who can keep money and lacks the spirit of adventure. It is precisely the kind of nobleman who can take advantage of him now.

After talking about it, Bjorn left by boat again. From the perspective of the nobles who were watching not far away, the conversation between the two of them broke up again.

When Blue Fox returned to the team, the veteran Grund came over and asked, "The talk broke down again?"


"How? Is that Bjorn guy going to Aachen?"

"No, he's going to help us hold the camp."

"Coward." Grund sneered for a while and spat.

"Don't be like this." Blue Fox patted him on the shoulder kindly: "Bjorn is not the Olegin like before, he will be stationed here and never leave without authorization. Think about it, anyway, we have to keep someone watching Now that he is stationed in the camp, our army doesn't have to draw lots to keep too many people.

Grund shook his head again: "I don't trust him. He might send troops to plunder our spoils."

"Impossible, if so, the king will deprive him of his title in the future. Besides, he dare not risk the risk of war to **** the gold and silver tribute to the king, and let the soldiers carry the other scattered gold and silver with them."

"Well, let's see what we can find in Aachen this time."

The returning army took advantage of the situation to rest. They did not find much gold and silver in Liege, and they loaded a large amount of practical daily necessities.

People still believe in the legend that there is a mountain of gold and silver in the city of Aachen.

As far as this clumsy statement is concerned, it described the Danish northern commercial town of Silver Castle, but Silver Castle really has gold and silver reserves, and it is impossible to pile them up into mountains.

Such a statement still maintains the morale of the Ross army, and no one pays attention to the risk of continuing to attack.

And Blue Fox thought of another point, the so-called "bright lead" mining village on the way to march.

The sacking of Aachen may be hindered, but the plundering of lead ingots in that village will surely sell for a lot of money.

Blue Fox is well aware of Rurik's attitude towards wealth. What is wealth? Not just gold and silver, but all things with use value, so wheat leather and linen are the most important, followed by iron, copper, lead and other metals.

What is "bright lead" called lead? Is it whitish than dull lead? This kind of mineral has never been heard of in the northern blue fox. It may be an alloy with silver in it.

No, Blue Fox unloaded all the prepared trolley parts from the big ship anchored on the Maas River after breaking down. After all, the army came prepared. The wooden wheels piled up into cylinders were installed on the carts and copper pins were inserted, and a large number of simple and standardized two-wheeled carts were assembled.

The wheels of this kind of trolley don't even have spokes. The so-called bearings are carbon steel in a ring state, and the surface of the wheels is nailed with thin iron sheets.

There are as many as two hundred trolleys in this way, and its load is limited. When marching, most of the armor will be loaded on it, and when returning, it will be loaded with spoils.

However, Blue Fox still found some Frankish carriages and carts in Maastricht. They were limited in number and were not valued by Bjorn. About fifty vehicles are available.

"It would be nice if some horses or donkeys were captured. Damn, the brothers have to go on foot for the last time. Fortunately, it is said that the journey is not very far."

Blue Fox resisted marching on foot and left the fleet feeling unwell.

In inland operations, only the Ross cavalry can advance quickly, and the soldiers in this battle have to advance step by step with their weapons and equipment on their backs.

The blue fox doesn't understand that the Roman legionnaires in the past laughed at themselves as "muses and horses". Any heavy equipment was carried by the soldiers forcibly, and the soldiers really became pack horses.

The Ross Army, which has always advertised as "Northern Rome", is now really going to reproduce the Roman Legion in this respect, especially their posture of carrying the round shield is indeed similar. At least they still have plenty of barrows, so walking the ancient Roman roads won't be too painful.

The returning army is resting for the last two days. Each soldier must check his weapons and equipment, and he must rest his legs well to make final preparations for the future march on foot.

What's more important is that each soldier must understand and accept the brand-new combat mode psychologically. This is the first time they leave their own ships and attack with a pair of legs as a pure infantry.

Only veterans like Grund, who fought in the war on Gotland. Although Grund was still on the opposite side of the Ross Army more than ten years ago, it has to be said that this veteran soldier has sufficient experience in land warfare.

If the ship is lost, if the battle encounters trouble, how can the army withdraw quickly and calmly?

The majority of soldiers have been going from one victory to another. They don't consider the possibility of encountering combat difficulties, so only a few people such as Lanhu are really worried about this.

The warrior binds his feet tightly with strips of sackcloth, a footbinding so long that it wraps around the entire calf.

"It's like the winter hunting that adults say. They used to go long distances on the ice and snow to hunt big animals. This time we went to Aachen to get our gold." Many young soldiers of the Seventh Banner hoped that Slowly, they overestimated their physical fitness, but they really took a full set of equipment and walked around the camp experimentally for a while, and gradually felt tired.

The thin shoulders of these too young warriors are not likely to carry the heavy load like the ancient Roman soldiers, but they are willing to grit their teeth and persevere in order to make a fortune and spiritual glory.

A soldier's legs are bound as hard as a stone, and high-strength leggings can well restrain varicose veins, and soldiers can go farther.

All kinds of armor are piled up on the trolley, and the soldiers on the march must wear them in civilian clothes. Even so, the burden of the soldiers was not light. Their backpacks contained personal rations and a pair of huge round shields. A handaxe and a sword of the Ross army are standard equipment, and now it is perfect to use the captured enemy's short spear as a marching weapon.

Those warriors who carry crossbows are the hardest ones. In addition to ordinary swords and axes, some arrows are stuck in the crossbow bag, and the crossbow is also hung on the body by the belt.

In theory, such an army can quickly switch from a marching posture to a combat posture, but once it encounters a surprise attack, there will definitely be no chance of armor penetration. But wearing heavy armor and wanting to walk through the final march, I'm afraid that halfway through, they will already be exhausted and paralyzed to the ground.

Blue Fox had to make a difficult choice, considering that the army was already standing here, he had to bet everything on himself.

The agreed day, the time of departure.

The sound of horns and drums resounded throughout the barracks on the right bank of the Maas River, and more than 2,000 people who were urgently waiting for the battle got up one after another.

The sleepy-eyed warrior stepped on the dewy grass and approached the slow-burning bonfires, where he ate his last breakfast before setting out.

Each soldier's wooden bowl scooped a bowl of bubbling thick oatmeal lake from a huge pottery urn. They had been boiled overnight, and the soldiers put some minced salted fish into it, stirred frantically, waited for it to cool slightly, and then ate it with big mouthfuls. .

Soldiers try to fill their stomachs to cope with the future walking consumption, and in the foreseeable future, there are not many opportunities to calm down and eat hot porridge.

Their knapsacks were loaded with a large number of wheat cakes they baked by themselves, the so-called self-introduced flour and the seized goods of Maastricht, and after mixing into wet dough, they were burned into cakes on hot stones, It is like a special kind of cookie, but it has been baked hard. Soldiers don't have to worry about these hard pancakes in their backpacks that they will go bad, but they have to eat them slowly with their front teeth like a rabbit, and if they are not careful enough, they can make a mouthful of blood.

Blue Fox thinks that the logistical preparations are ready. He doesn't need to ask Bjorn, who occupied it, for food from the granary in Maastricht. The coalition forces have obtained key food supplies in Liege, and the existing food can be easily Support the army for another two weeks of high-intensity combat.

The soldiers all carried up to ten days' rations, and each leather bag was filled with river water.

According to the original information, when the army goes straight to Aachen along the road, they will encounter a small river. Although they have not encountered it for the time being, the problem of drinking water when they want to march is not a problem.

Blue Fox has only a little worry about this, but if he knows the original intention of "Aachen", these worries will disappear.

Because, as the city of Aachen in the new Rome of the Frankish Empire, it was expanded on the basis of a "hot spring villa" in the Roman era.

Finally, the well-fed soldiers gathered, and the elite of the Ross Army were divided into three sections, the first banner team of the standing army, the seventh banner team of the citizen soldiers, and the mixed engineers of the Finnish army went ashore to the navy. There were also five thousand men from the noble army of Gotaland, and four hundred Danish troops from Invar.

Some wounded soldiers and a few elites were stationed in the camp. Coupled with the losses from the previous battles, all the ministries participating in the battle were not satisfied. Even so, the coalition forces managed to gather about 2,500 troops.

An average of ten people has a trolley, and all 20 complete torsion slingshots are installed on the trolley, and the rest of the carts are filled with a large amount of armor and daily necessities.

Blue Fox looked left and right again~www.mtlnovel.com~ He ordered to blow the trumpet for the last time, so far no more sacrificial activities before the expedition, or the coalition forces have already used two Frankish cities as sacrifices to complete the sacrifice.

"Let's go!"

He walked at the head of the team and took the lead with the most elite standing army, leading the entire team to march due east.

Ross flags fluttered one after another, among them was a raven flag representing the Kingdom of Denmark.

The overall tone of the army is white, which is the reason why they wear white robes on a large scale, and a large number of blue cloth strips are sewn on the robes. The helmet of a junior soldier is decorated with a blue goose feather. The higher the status, the more and more colorful the feathers on the helmet are. When it comes to the blue fox himself, his crown is already too gorgeous.

These decorations cannot improve the combat skills of soldiers, but can give the enemy a strong mental pressure with a sense of visual unity, and at the same time give a strong morale to one's own side.

The huge and gorgeous army is walking down the Roman road called "Aachen Road". Just like the name of the road, just keep walking to reach the target city.