Rise From The Humble - Chapter 1850

Chapter 1850

Chapter 1850 Peeking Through

The sun hung high in the sky, the cold wind stopped raging, and the unorganized and undisciplined Japanese pirates finally packed up their belongings and packed their luggage. Under the command of the Japanese pirate leaders at all levels, they set off from camp and slowly retreated south.

Seeing that the Japanese pirates finally retreated, the defenders on the city wall couldn't help but cheered happily.

"Hahaha, the Japanese pirates ran away with their tails between their legs like a lost dog. We won, we won..."

"The Japanese pirates are gone, we beat the Japanese pirates away! Father, Mother, I, Tie Dan, did not embarrass you two elders..."

"We won, we won!"

A group of defenders shouted happily, jumped three feet high, and vented their excitement loudly.

While excited, many defenders took off their pants on the city wall and urinated at the retreating Japanese pirates, yelling provocatively, "You **** Japanese pirates, don't run away, turn around and fight grandpa again!" For three hundred rounds, grandpa will lose if he takes one step back."

When the defenders were excited, Shang Zhifu came to Zhu Pingan and tried to persuade Zhu Pingan to give up his plan to go out of the city again, "Zihou, the Japanese pirates lost their troops and returned to Tuolin's lair in despair. We have won a big victory now. You It is a well-deserved first and greatest achievement, in fact, there is no need to venture out of the city anymore."

"My lord Shang, our Suzhou is safe, but what about other places? On our land of Daming, every day that one more Japanese pirate survives, our common people in Daming will suffer one more day. Dali, I will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of my life, and I will have no face to face Daming's fathers and fellow villagers."

Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands to Shang Zhifu, and said seriously.

After hearing this, Shang Zhifu couldn't help but look at Zhu Pingan again with admiration. At the same time, he was a little ashamed and bowed to Zhu Pingan, "I was superficial and misunderstood Zihou. Zihou went out of the city not to make meritorious deeds, but to serve the common people. I hate that I have no military strategy, otherwise I would go out of the city with Zihou and give a big gift to the pirates."

"Master Shang is too serious." Zhu Pingan hurriedly stepped forward to help Shang Zhifu.

"I won't talk too much, but, Zihou, you have to understand the reason why you don't have to worry about no firewood if you keep the green hills. Whether you agree or not, in this world, people are different, and some people die. You are as important as Mount Tai, and some people's lives are as light as a feather, but you are the one who weighs as much as Mount Tai. As the saying goes, it is easy to get a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a general, and you can be gentle and martial, you can win the title with the letter, and you can make the country with the military. It is a rare talent of Confucianism, not to mention that it is rare to meet in a hundred years, even in the fifty years I have lived, I have never seen it in our court."

"As for Qiu Luan and his ilk, it's so disgusting to grit your teeth that you can be appointed as the Taifu, Taibao, Prince Taishi, Prince Taifu, and Prince Taibao?! The Gengxu change of the year before last was caused by this bastard. At that time, the commander-in-chief of Datong didn't want to serve the country, so he used some crooked ways, even spent a lot of money to bribe the northern prisoner I Da, begging not to attack Datong, but to move to another place. As a result of the Gengxu Incident, I am ashamed of the Ming Dynasty! After his death, his body will be opened up and his body will be taken advantage of!"

"Besides, Ding Rukui, Minister of the Ministry of War, did not die unjustly. As Minister of the Ministry of War, he presided over the defense of the capital. Yan Song said that in the battle in the frontier, you can cover up your defeat, and in the suburbs of Beijing, you can't hide your defeat. I answer that he is just a predator. When he was full, he would go naturally. He obeyed his advice and warned the generals not to act rashly, and just sat and watched the northern prisoner Ida burn and plunder freely outside the city for a full eight days and eight nights."

Shang Zhifu repeatedly reprimanded several famous military officers in the dynasty, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth when he mentioned any of them.

"I'm getting old, and I talk too much. Zi Hou, you just need to understand. I mean, you are a rare scholar-general in the dynasty. Now that the Japanese plague is serious in the south of the Yangtze River, a scholar-general like you is needed to help the Holy Majesty reorganize Jiangnan. Heshan."

"Other people are either incapable of writing, or not capable of martial arts like me. It is rare that Zihou came to our Jiangnan. This gave me hope. So, Zihou, you have to know that you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. Your life is extremely precious, there must be no mistakes, and you would rather have no success, and return with a whole body."

"The Japanese infestation in the south of the Yangtze River is serious. The people in the south of the Yangtze River are living in water and fire. The people in the south of the Yangtze River can look forward to the stars and the moon and hope that someone will save them from the water and fire. , but also powerful, I don't know what the future holds, I just hope Zihou you can work harder.

Shang Zhifu was like a chatterbox, pulling Zhu Pingan to say something, telling Zhu Pingan to cherish life.

Zhu Ping'an didn't know what to say for a while.

The Japanese pirates are still retreating slowly, scattered like cattle and sheep in the wild, and the retreating figures of the Japanese pirates are all over the mountains and plains.

The Japanese pirates were scattered and out of formation, not to mention the formation, and even the formation was gone. Carrying their belongings, one piece here, one piece there, a pile here, a pile there, and they went to the south of the city loosely.

Zhu Ping'an was on the city wall, looking at the scattered Japanese pirates leisurely. Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others were waiting behind him.

In the city, more than 800 Zhejiang troops were dressed in cotton armor and lined up in an orderly manner. Each man had a mule and a horse, all of which were saddled.

Everything is ready, just waiting for Zhu Ping'an's order.

"It's no wonder that Zihou wants to go out of the city to give a big gift to the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates are also fierce fighters. They are extremely powerful in single-player combat, but they are disorganized and undisciplined. They are just a group of stragglers and mobs. Their retreating posture also saw a lot of loopholes, if Zi Hou went out of the city to pursue them now, he would definitely be able to."

Shang Zhifu stood beside Zhu Ping'an, looking at the scattered Japanese pirates receding far away, he couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Hehe, Lord Shang, if I lead the troops to chase out of the city now, then I will follow in the footsteps of Wang Jian."

Zhu Ping'an laughed and shook his head.


Shang Zhifu couldn't help but exclaimed, gasped, and looked at Zhu Ping'an in disbelief.

"The Japanese pirates are repeating their old tricks. They deliberately showed me weakness. They wanted to lure us out of the city to pursue them like a traitor. Mr. Shang still remembers the formation of the Japanese pirates when they invaded Suzhou for the first time. Although the formation was not very neat, it was not like it is today. It is scattered and full of flaws; in addition, if you look carefully, Lord Shang, you will find that the Japanese pirates are chaotic from the outside and internally organized, and there are dozens of scattered but not chaotic white Japanese pirate teams mixed in the chaotic formations, faintly encircling them." Zhu Ping'an Smiling slightly, pointing to the scattered Japanese pirates, he explained to Shang Zhifu.

"Ah?! So that's how it is" Shang Zhifu looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly realized that his back was dripping with cold sweat.

(end of this chapter)