Nathan answered his phone. Cantrell.
"Turn on CNN."
Nathan hurried into his living room, pressed the remote, and found the right channel. The tail end of the aerial clip zoomed, showed a man being taken in handcuffs from a huge mansion. Nathan recognized it-Cornejo's palatial house in Caracas. The camera angle wasn't great, but Cornejo's face couldn't be mistaken. He turned the volume down and read the news ticker along the bottom of the screen.
The news ticker started again.
"You got him," Nathan said.
"No, we got him. It's the lead story around the world. I wish you could see things around here. This is huge."
"I'm glad it was worth it."
"You have no idea. Ursula got on board when we told her that Cornejo was her biological father. We got tons of testimony and leads on more caches of information that she and her brother had stashed away. That, plus the thumb-drive documents, will mean Cornejo's going to prison for the rest of his life. Venezuelan authorities are going to do their best to locate as many of the children as possible."
"What about Ursula?"
"She got spared a needle. Part of our deal. Don't worry, she'll never see daylight again."
"I'm assuming they raided his basement?"
"Yes. They found over one hundred million dollars of gold bullion in his cellar and another three hundred million in other stuff. Seems he was quite the pack rat."
Nathan shook his head. So much wealth, so little compassion. "So where does this leave Venezuela?"
"Acting president Cadenas is on a solid path to victory now. You didn't hear this from me, but ever since Garmendia's incapacitation, the state department's been conducting secret negotiations with him. He's anxious to normalize relations."
"For a price, of course."
"It's how the world works, but in this case the price won't be high. Venezuela's economy's on the brink of collapse, after all."
"And the nuclear issue you mentioned?"
"Nipped in the bud. Let's just say it's not a banner day in Tehran. DNI Benson's briefing with the president went well and your names were mentioned. Needless to say, our commander in chief remembered you guys and wanted me to personally offer his thanks. Now it's my turn. Thank you again, Nathan. Please extend my gratitude to Harvey and Linda."
"I will. She doesn't want to stay in La Jolla. She needs a fresh start somewhere." He hoped his message was heard.
"We can always use another good analyst."
He ran his hand along Sherman's back. "I think she's game. Harv and I are coming out there next week. Harv wants to see your algorithm at work."
"I'll make it happen. What about you?"
"I'm heading over to the Hoover Building. Holly's arranged a personal tour. I've never been in it."
"Don't even think about buying your airfare or hotel stay. It's on us."
"I'll accept it, with no strings."
"None offered."
"I need a small favor."
"Name it."
"I need a name and address." He told her why.
"Be careful, Nathan. That may not go so well."
"I trust my instincts."
"I'll send you a text in a few minutes. Good luck with it. I've got to run. I'll say it this time. Goodbye, Nathan."
Nathan arrived in the Santa Monica area a few hours later. He didn't know what to expect from the meeting, but it was something he needed to do. After parking a few blocks away, Nathan walked along the sidewalk. The Wounded Warriors ball cap he wore helped mitigate the grooves on his face. He didn't think of himself as a wounded warrior per se, but he believed in its trademarked statement: The greatest casualty is being forgotten. Not in this Marine's world. Nathan thanked vets wherever he ran into them. If uniformed service members dined in a restaurant with him, even at a different table, he picked up their tab. And it didn't matter how many there were. Four or forty, he paid the bill. There were few absolutes in his world, that being one of them.
The stop he'd made before this one went surprisingly well. Again, he hadn't known what to expect, but it was also a visit he'd needed to make.
The day was bright, with no signs of the previous storm that had carpeted Southern California. Staying on Pico, he crossed 26th and saw his destination ahead: Santa Monica Car Wash. Buried in their electronic worlds, not one of the cell-phone addicts sitting in the waiting area looked up as he strode past. Fine with him.
He spotted his mark drying off an expensive sedan. Without hesitating, he approached the kid.
"Remember me?"
Oliver Kline looked up with a confused, almost frightened expression. Then recognition hit. The kid didn't say anything and kept wiping the sedan's door panels.
"You don't have to talk to me. I'm just here to give you this." He extended his hand. "It's a new Samsung Galaxy S7. All yours. All you have to do is activate it with Verizon."
When the kid didn't take it, Nathan set it on the trunk of the car. Oliver eyed it while wiping the bumper.
"I took your phone, so I'm replacing it. Simple as that."
Oliver looked him in the eyes and he saw the same intelligence he'd seen in the alley. Nathan turned to go.
"Is this your Lexus?"
It isn't much, he thought, but it's a start. "I'm parked down the street."
The kid moved around to the far side of the sedan. "How'd you find me?"
"Your mom."
"My mom? How'd you- My cell phone."
Nathan smiled and nodded.
Oliver didn't say anything for a few seconds. "I told her what happened. She was really pissed. I got grounded for a month."
"You'll live. When I told her I was the man from the alley, she wrapped me up in a bear hug that would make my girlfriend jealous."
"Yeah, she's pretty strong."
"We had a long talk. She worries about you. A lot, actually. She says you don't listen."
He looked down.
"Look, if you keep out of trouble and stay on the straight and narrow, you've got a job waiting for you in my company."
"What kind of job?"
"Let's just say you'd be helping people stay safe. It's a good job. I think you'd like it. I get hundreds of applications for a single slot."
"Where did you learn to fight like that? I couldn't believe how fast you were."
"The United States Marine Corps."
"For real?"
"For real."
Oliver looked around and lowered his voice. "I was really scared. I thought you were going to kill us."
"How're your friends doing?"
"Uh . . . they're not really my friends."
"You told them you were going back to school, didn't you . . ."
"They called me names."
"Names won't hurt you, bullets will. Look, I'm not here to give you any fatherly advice. You already know what to do. The job offer is real, Oliver. No BS."
"Did you tell my mom?"
"What did she say?"
"I got another bear hug, and a kiss. I had to reward her for it: anyone who gives that good of a hug deserves a payback. I gave her the money for your driver's-ed classes."
Now he looked genuinely confused. "Why'd you do that?"
"She said she couldn't afford it. Let's just say I consider it an investment."
They fell into silence again.
"I was a lot like you at your age. Defiant and stubborn. Nobody could tell me anything. I started fights, got into trouble, and ditched school. I was also horny as all hell."
Oliver smiled.
"I see you know what I mean. You're at a tough age. There's good news and bad news. The good news? You'll outgrow it. The bad news? Life doesn't get any easier."
"What happened to not giving me fatherly advice?"
"Okay, you caught me. It's one of my many character flaws."
Oliver grabbed the phone and pocketed it. "It was gonna take me forever to save enough money. Thanks, man."
"You're welcome. I want you to promise me something."
"I want you to do a Google search with the words 'poverty in the Congo' then click on the images. Poverty in the Congo. Got it?"
"Why do you want me to do that?"
"You'll know why when you see the pictures. Promise?"
"Yeah, I promise."
"America's an amazing country."
Clearly, the young man didn't know what to say.
"You making minimum wage?"
"Yeah, it sucks." He looked around. "I don't speak Spanish."
"Don't worry, the language of work is universal. I had the same job at your age."
Oliver finished drying the sedan.
"Think I'll ever be able to buy a car like this?"
"I don't doubt it for a second." Nathan offered his hand and Oliver shook it.
With that, he walked away and didn't look back.
Oliver's world was small, but Nathan had a feeling it was about to get a whole lot bigger.