The room was sometimes used for lectures when Hartson Brant got his entire staff together, and there were plenty of chairs. In a moment the audience was seated comfortably and listening to Steve.
"You were all involved," the agent began, "so I want you all to know what has been going on. Some details are not known to us, yet. But we're continuing the investigation. However, the part that involves you is finished, and you'll probably never hear about the rest of it."
Rick knew that was true. Who the houseboaters and the barber really were, who paid them, how they had been tipped off to the project in the first place, and similar details would remain locked in top-secret files somewhere in Washington.
"The key to the whole affair was uncovered in Washington yesterday.
Most of you know about the physical arrangements on the fourth floor.
In setting up the security system we checked all wiring, traced all phone lines, and in general made sure the place was not 'bugged,'
which is the term we use for wire taps, hidden microphones, and so on."
Steve paused, and Rick thought his friend looked a little embarra.s.sed.
"In spite of our care, it developed that we did have a hidden microphone picking up all conversation and relaying it to the enemy group. I can only say in our own defense that it was the kind of 'bug'
we couldn't have found without tearing the building apart."
"It's nearly impossible to take all modern electronic developments into account," Julius Weiss said. "We all know how thorough you are, Steve. Go on."
"Thank you, Julius. Directly above us, on the fifth floor, was the Peerless Brokerage Company. It was a legitimate firm, doing a good business. We had no reason to suspect it, even though we checked out all firms both above and below us. Well, in checking on the houseboaters, we discovered that the firm had recently been taken over by a dummy corporation, and most of it was actually owned by the man Rick called 'striped shirt.' He bought the stock right after the project moved in on the fourth floor."
"There was no change in the firm?" Dr. Morrison asked. "Nothing suspicious?"
"Nothing. The firm continued to operate as always. There was one personnel change. A lawyer, representing the new stockholder, took over one of the offices."
Rick suspected that said lawyer was now in custody.
"As soon as we discovered the connection, we made a check. Under the floor in the lawyer's office we found a 'bug.' A hole had been drilled into the floor structure until only a thin sh.e.l.l of plaster remained.
The plaster was, of course, our ceiling. So actually the microphone was within a fraction of an inch of our room, but there was no way we could detect it. That's how every move we made was antic.i.p.ated, and why the enemy moved to Whiteside on the same day that the project moved to Spindrift."
That explained a lot, Rick thought. "Did the barber tape the two scientists?" he asked.
"We think so. He's the boss of the enemy team, Rick. We've found that during the period when he was in Washington, his ma.s.sage machine was wired through to a room in the bas.e.m.e.nt. The wiring went through the power cord into the electric outlet, and the impulses were actually transmitted over the power system and taken out of a plug in the bas.e.m.e.nt. We found the machine where he had stored it."
Rick knew that could be done quite simply. The frequencies of the electric current and the brain patterns were so different that they would not interfere with each other.
"He didn't plan to use his machine in Whiteside," Steve went on, "because he left the mind-reading part of the machine in Washington."
"Then why did he bring it?" Barby asked.
"We're not sure. The likeliest possibility is that he wanted to continue using it as a ma.s.sage machine, because he made a little money with it. I never knew an espionage agent who didn't need money."
Steve looked at Rick. "I'm a little surprised at one thing. Why didn't the Spindrift twins suspect foul play when Hartson Brant ran over something in the speedboat?"
It was Rick's turn to be embarra.s.sed. "I guess we were so upset we didn't think straight. Why?"
"The mainland team found a log. It had a yoke on it. Apparently the houseboaters had taken a lesson from the incident on the pier and were waiting for Spindrift traffic on the water. We think they waited until they heard the sound of the Spindrift speedboat, then took the pram and cut across the course hauling a log on a long rope."
Scotty spoke up. "That's what puzzles me, Steve. Why the switch from long-distance electronics to violence?"
"When we moved the project to Spindrift, we also removed the chance of taping project members in some natural setting like the barbershop.
They had hoped to knock out the team without anyone suspecting it was enemy interference. That worked, at first. But moving the project upset their plans. They rigged the train deal that caught Marks. But even though it worked, it showed we were dealing with an enemy."
"So they had to catch the scientists in order to tape them," Scotty commented.
"Right. Of course they tried to do it in a way that looked natural in the case of Marks and Dr. Brant. Probably they hoped the attack on Duke, whom they mistook for Morrison, would be taken as a holdup. They undoubtedly planned to allow time between the accident, or attack, and following through with the mind-reading machine, hoping that the two wouldn't be connected."
The pattern was clear, Rick thought. Like many such schemes, the moment a suspicion of foul play developed, the plan began to boomerang.
"I think the order of events is clear enough," Steve concluded. "Any questions?"
Barby had one. "I don't understand about Dr. Marks. Did they turn on the mind reader from the train?"
"Probably. The man on the train apparently had a two-section gadget in a suitcase. One part took the EEG and the other sent out the signal that did the damage. He waited until the train was pulling out of the station before turning on the record section. Then all he had to do was get off at New York. We haven't found him, or his machine. But we will. Any other questions?"
"Why did the barber move to Whiteside, if he didn't intend to tape anyone?" Weiss asked.
"The barbershop in any small town is a good central location for keeping track of goings-on in town. I think that's all he had in mind--besides the fact that barbering was his trade. If Vince Lardner hadn't needed an a.s.sistant, he probably would have moved into one of the summer colonies, or gotten some other kind of job. We can't be sure."
Rick asked, "Are there any machines in existence besides these two and the missing one from the train?"
"We don't know. But it doesn't matter. The enemy now knows we're onto the system and can't expect to get away with it again. Besides, Dr.
Winston says a countermeasure is easily arranged, to be used when we suspect the mind readers might make another try."
"Who are these people?" Jan demanded.
Steve grinned. "Unfriendly agents. Seriously, Jan, we aren't sure about their employers. It will take some backbreaking investigation to get the whole story, because the files show nothing on any of them.
That means they were deep-cover agents, kept hidden until there was something important enough to bring them out. We may never get the whole story."
"Won't they talk?" Scotty asked.
"They haven't yet. They may. But, anyway, we'd have to check on their stories. Any other questions? Okay, I'm finished. Dr. Winston will take over at this point."
The cyberneticist came to the front of the room. "We have something here," he stated, "but we don't yet know what it is. And, curiously enough, from the crude nature of the machines, I doubt that the enemy knows, either. If we have to speculate--and I guess we do--we might guess that sometime, in an enemy EEG laboratory, some experiment resulted in a subject having his mind erased. It was probably an accident that the enemy exploited without knowing how it worked."
"Can't we even guess how it works?" Weiss asked.
"Approximately, without knowing the physiology of it. The EEG recording is simply fed into a gadget that modulates a carrier wave.
The carrier is an average frequency for brain patterns. In effect, the thing simply transmits the man's own pattern back to him. Why that should produce trauma of the kind we have seen is a mystery." The scientist gestured to the TV receiver. "The transmitter is incorporated into the TV cha.s.sis, and the 'rabbit ears' act as an antenna when adjusted properly. The recorder is a simple EEG mechanism."
Winston smiled. "You may be sure we're not through with this apparatus. I'm leaving the project immediately to set up a new team with Chavez, for the investigation of this phenomena. It may be another major key to the physiology of the brain."
"Do you mean we know nothing more than you've told us?" Rick asked.
"Nothing more, Rick. Oh, are you wondering about the barber's machine?
Actually, the ma.s.sage gadgets acted as electrodes, and the ma.s.sage oil did very well in making good contact. It was a simple setup."
There were no questions for Parnell Winston. Steve took over. "In a short time we'll take the prisoners off your hands. Joe Blake and two men will remain as guards, but I think we have nothing more to worry about beyond routine security."
"I just remembered," Rick interrupted. "How about the elevator operator?"