"Do you? Where?"
Rick grinned sleepily as Scotty's whisper came back.
"Off Smugglers' Reef."
The Redheaded Kelsos
The Spindrift motor launch rolled gently in the offsh.o.r.e swell as the New Jersey coast slid by off the starboard beam. Behind the wheel, Rick steered easily, following the sh.o.r.e line. In the aft c.o.c.kpit, Scotty prepared hand lines for the fishing they planned to do to keep up appearances.
Their decision to revisit Smugglers' Reef had been made on the spur of the moment. The case of the wrecked trawler was none of their business, and Rick had learned in the past that it was a good idea to keep his nose out of things that didn't concern him. But he could no more resist a mystery than he could resist a piece of Mrs. Brant's best chocolate cake. He watched the sh.o.r.e line as the launch sped along and tried to a.s.sure himself that a little look around wasn't really sticking his nose into the case. After all, it wouldn't hurt to satisfy his curiosity, would it?
Scotty came forward and joined him. "All set. We ought to find some fish right off the tip of the reef. If you intend to do any fishing, that is."
"Of course we'll fish," Rick said. "What else did we come here for?"
"Nothing," Scotty agreed. "This is a fishing expedition in the truest sense of the word."
Rick looked at his pal suspiciously. "What was behind that remark?"
Scotty chuckled. "Are you fooling yourself? Or are you trying to fool me?"
Rick had to laugh, too. "Okay. Let's admit it. We're so used to excitement that we have to go fishing for it if none comes our way.
But seriously, Scotty, this is none of our business. The local officials can handle it without any help from us. So let's not get too involved."
Scotty leaned back against the seat and grinned lazily. "Think you can take your own advice?"
"I think so," Rick said, with his fingers crossed.
Scotty pointed to a low line ahead. "There's the reef. See the light on the tip?"
"Couldn't very well miss it," Rick said. The light was painted with red and white stripes and it stood out sharply against the sky. He gave Scotty a side glance. "What did you make out of all that talk last night? Think Captain Tyler ran on the reef purposely?"
Scotty shook his head. "He didn't strike me as a thief, and that's what he'd have to be to wreck his trawler on purpose."
"I liked his looks, too. Then Cap'n Mike said he didn't drink, so his statement that he was under the influence of liquor wouldn't hold water, either. What's the answer?"
"If we knew, would we be here?" Scotty waved at the sh.o.r.e. "How far does this stuff extend?"
The water ended in an almost solid wall of rushes and salt-marsh growth that would be far above even a tall man's head if he stood at sea level. Now and then a small inlet appeared where the water flowed too rapidly for plant life to grow.
"There's about a mile of the stuff," Rick said. "It stops at the reef.
I'm not sure how wide it is, but I'd guess it averages a quarter of a mile. It's called Brendan's Marsh, after an old man who got lost in it once. It was over a week before he was found."
They were approaching the reef at a good clip.
"What do we do first?" Scotty asked.
Rick shrugged. He had no plan of action. "Guess we just sort of wander around and wait for a bright idea to hit us."
"Lot of other people with the same idea, I guess." Scotty nodded toward the reef.
Rick saw a number of figures moving around the wreck of the trawler.
"Wonder who they are?"
"Probably a lot of folks who are just curious--like two in this boat.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the law was doing a little looking around by daylight, too."
"We'll soon see." Rick turned the launch insh.o.r.e as they approached the reef. "Let's tie up at the Creek House dock. Then we can walk down the reef and join the rest."
"Suits me."
Rick rounded the corner of the salt marsh and steered the launch into the creek, reducing speed as he did so. On their right, the marsh stretched inland along the sluggish creek bank. On their left, the high old bulk of the Creek House rose from a yard that was strewn with rubble and years' acc.u.mulation of weeds and litter. A hundred yards up the creek was the gray, rickety piling of the hotel dock.
"That's it," Rick said.
Scotty went up to the bow and took the bow line, ready to drop it over a piling.
Rick started a wide turn that would bring him into the dock, then cut the engine. The launch slowed as it lost momentum and drifted into place perfectly.
"Hey! Get out of there!"
Both boys looked up.
Coming from the hotel's side door on a dead run was a stocky youth of about their own age. He was between Rick and Scotty in height, and he had hair the color of a ripe carrot. Swinging from one hand was a rifle.
"Is that hair real or has he got a wig on?" Scotty asked.
"It's real," Rick returned. His forehead creased. The dock had never been considered private property--at least not since the hotel was abandoned. He waited to see what the redhead wanted.
The boy ran down the loose wooden surface toward them, his face red and angry. "Get that boat out of here!"
Rick looked into a pair of furious eyes the color of seaweed, set above a wide nose and thin mouth.
"Why?" he asked.
"This is private property. Cast off."
"Where's your sign?" Scotty asked.
The boy grinned unpleasantly. "Don't need a sign." He patted the stock of his rifle. "Got this."
"Plan to use it?" Scotty asked calmly.