Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Chapter 754 Pain and happiness

However, he has never figured out which dynasty in history this place belongs to.

Although through the conversations of these people and my own observation, I also found that it seems that the three countries are in a state of confrontation.

The three countries are Yan, Zhao and You.

And this Lengyu side is the one who belongs to this Youguo.

It's just that he didn't know which dynasty he belonged to and who the current emperor was.

In other words, what I came to this time was a parallel time-space world that was different from the previous trajectory.

In any case, the first thing I have to do is to figure out all this, which is also conducive to my next plan.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't think too much about it at this time.

No matter what kind of world this is, no matter what kind of dynasty it is, all he has to do is wait for the system to wake up, and then re-travel back to the 21st century.

After all, that was his home, where he had his daughter-in-law, children, and all his relatives and friends.

Leng Yu, who was sitting next to him, after hearing Lin Yi's question, also looked at the men who were collecting war horses in the distance, and explained softly:

"Through what happened just now, you should have a general understanding of the current Central Plains,"

"The present Central Plains has been divided into three parts, that is, three rival countries.

They are the Yan Kingdom that attacked us just now. There is also Zhao Kingdom, who did not participate in the war this time, and the rest is our Dayou Kingdom.

Among them, the Yan State had the strongest troops, with an overall number of nearly 500,000.

And they are more cavalry, so they have always been the most powerful.

Secondly, Zhao Guo came in second.

Although their total strength is not as large as ours, with only nearly 300,000 troops, their number of cavalry is second only to that of the State of Yan and far stronger than ours. "

When he heard this, Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't expect to choose and choose the weakest country.

But now it's too late. The most powerful Yan country has been offended to death by himself. If you want to go there again, you will definitely be wearing small shoes.

It's an absolute thing.

Of course, even if he didn't offend the other party, Lin Yi would never go to Yan Kingdom.

After all, the arrogance shown by the Yan soldiers just now made Lin Yi feel disgusted with this country.

As for Zhao Guo, who was in second place, although he didn't offend him, Lin Yi wouldn't pass by at this time.

The most important point is that he became friends with the little girl beside him.

Now that he has become friends with the soldiers of Youguo, he naturally can no longer contact others.

Leng Yu on the side also seemed to feel Lin Yi's helplessness, and saw Lin Yi shaking his head, so he continued to say:

"Although Zhao's overall strength is stronger than ours, they can't help us, let alone Zhao, even the mighty Yan country can't help us.

Today, we are a tripartite. No one can help anyone. "

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yi couldn't help but turn his eyes to Leng Yu without thinking:

"Oh? Since your troops are the weakest, why can't their two countries help you?"

Lin Yi was really curious.

Since the total military strength is not as good as the opponent's, and the number of cavalry is not as good as the opponent's, why can it still reach the state of the Three Kingdoms?

Could it be that they allied with Zhao State?

But as soon as this idea appeared, it was directly denied by Lin Yi.

If it is really an alliance, there will be no three-legged state.

And then, Leng Yu also gave him the answer directly:

"Although our total military strength is not as strong as the other party's, our infantry is incomparable between the two countries.

We have a full 250,000 infantrymen, and among these three countries, our territory is the largest. With these 250,000 infantrymen sticking to the city wall, they can't help us. "

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yi immediately solved his doubts.

It turns out that this side has enough defending troops.

Thinking about it, it was indeed the case. Before the powerful cavalry reached the city wall, they could only stare blankly.

If you want to attack a city wall, it takes several times the number of defenders.

It is precisely because of this that this You Nation can hold so much land, and can still maintain a three-legged attitude even though its overall strength is weaker than the opponent's.

But on second thought, Lin Yi was a little fortunate.

Although the Youguo chosen by him in terms of overall strength does not have the upper hand, he has the most territory.

That's enough.

After all, his land base is here. With such a huge land, why not have a strong army?

What's more, he has enough infantry.

Although it is said that in this era, the cavalry is the king, and the cavalry is invincible.

But don't forget, isn't cavalry also trained?

With enough troops, why not have a strong cavalry team?

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yi felt a little more at ease.

This also shows that there is not much wrong in the choice of oneself. The strong consciousness does not mean that it will always be strong. Only with a good foundation can it become stronger.

In the following time, Leng Yu gave him a detailed introduction to the current situation and basic situation of these three countries.

This also gave Lin Yi a deeper impression of the society at this time.

However, although he has a better understanding of this society, in a short period of time, Lin Yi did not intend to get too deep into this society.

All he has to do is wait for the system to wake up.

Instead of going out and wandering around, it is better to stay here honestly.

After all, compared to the outside, here is still relatively comfortable.

What is even more commendable is that it is very quiet here.

These people regard themselves as gods again, so there will not be too many people to disturb them.

I had thought about it before, to find a place to wait for the system to wake up, and then bring myself back.

So right here at this moment, isn't that the case?

With the efforts of everyone, they finally put away all those war horses, and then everyone started to work together to build a temporary fence to enclose these war horses under the city wall.

Just looking at this large warhorse, these individuals are both happy and worried.

It is a pleasure to have so many warhorses at once, which is enough to arm a super cavalry force.

But at the same time, he was worried that his manpower was not enough. The most important point was that the daily ration of these war horses was also a huge problem.

To be continued. . . .

(End of this chapter)