Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 700

Chapter 700

All of this, of course, is due to the special equipment on the roof of the base. After pressing the remote control overnight, a special mask has been formed.

This layer of mask is more similar to the zoom that astronomical observation telescopes can generally clear, so as to observe the conditions of outer space.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yi spent nearly 300 million yuan on this set of equipment.

This does not include the cost of his system modification.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yi was able to achieve this effect as expected.

This beautiful starry sky reminded him of Xiao Zihan once again.

Under such a beautiful starry sky, it would be a pity not to do anything.

However, at this moment, on this moon, let alone finding a mother, there is only one living body.

Because of this, no matter how beautiful the scenery in the night sky was, Lin Yi got tired of watching it for a while.

Press the remote control to close the top directly above. At the same time, the entire room was plunged into darkness.

After all, he knows the day and night of the moon. Because of this, the room here has been specially transformed at the beginning of the design.

It can be said that although the alternation of day and night cannot be adjusted naturally, it can be adjusted artificially.

After all, humans are used to the 12-hour day and night alternation every day.

No one can go without sleep for 30 days or sleep for 30 days at a time.

In this way, Lin Yi slept directly until 12 noon the next day, and then got up on the nearly 40-square-meter bed.

After getting up, Lin Yi subconsciously wanted to get out of bed and go to the bathroom, but when he came to the bedside, he realized that the big bed was higher than the first floor of his house.

This is not the most important thing. He wanted to go to the bathroom and looked at the toilet that was taller than himself. For a moment, countless grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart.

However, can a living person suffocate urine to death? This is definitely not realistic.

Walking out of the room, in the green plant pot next to it, I fertilized this green plant that can be three meters away.

After opening the gate and releasing the water for a while, Lin Yi only felt refreshed for a while, and couldn't help but shuddered.

It shook and put it back again.

It has to be said that he still has a lot to think about in the amplification of this incentive.

He didn't even consider that these things inside the base would undergo similar changes, which made him very helpless.

For a while, he had to re-disrupt his plan and postpone it a little later.

After all, these things in front of you still have to be dealt with first.

As for how to deal with it? Isn't that hard to say? Of course, they are all thrown into their own system space.

Just do what you say, start from your own room.

When he thought about it, Lin Yi went straight back into the room, and began to throw away all the unreasonable things that were visible to the naked eye into the space of the system.

Including the big bed of more than 30 square meters, the toilet like a swimming pool, etc., as long as it is unreasonable, he will throw it all into his system space.

Soon, the room became empty, and there was even an echo when Lin Yi spoke.

After finishing the room, he walked out again. On the way, it could be said that Lin Yi kept picking up and down.

Fortunately, the system space is not online, even in such a short time, he has already collected a full truck of things.

After two days of busy work, Lin Yi put away all the unreasonable facilities inside the base.

After eating this morning, he walked out of the command center of the base and came to a specific planting area.

Here, Lin Yi let the robot cultivate some plants and various crops, all of which were prepared for human immigration in the future.

Of course, these planted experimental fields are still a small number, only a small part, at most, the various reserve seeds in the warehouse.

At this moment, the earth-shaking changes have indeed taken place here.

Potatoes, which were originally intended as seeds, turned out to be the size of footballs.

The rice seeds that were originally used for planting were now the size of each palm.

It is no exaggeration to say that as the rice looks like today, a grain of rice is the size of a steamed bun.

This kind of rice, this kind of potato, this kind of sweet potato, this kind of corn, if people on earth see it, they have to be scared to death.

Looking at all kinds of seeds in this whole warehouse, Lin Yi had no choice but to receive them all into his system space.

After another busy day, Lin Yicai collected all these seeds into the system space.

However, he was also muttering to himself at this moment, when will he be able to take out these things?

Take it back to Earth? That's just too scary. If you don't take it back, how will you deal with it?

But think about it, even though there are a lot of things here, but if you bring it back to Earth and find just find a deep sea and throw it into it, it won't take long before it will be eaten by those fish .

How to deal with these things is actually very simple to think about, but Lin Yi suddenly had some different ideas in his mind.

In his heart, Lin Yi even wondered if he could make use of these special seeds?

If the crops on earth can reach the level they are today, will human beings on earth still be affected by hunger?

Does it mean that there will be no more people who can't eat?

When he thought of this, Lin also made up his mind secretly. After returning, he set up an organization dedicated to crop research in the nuclear group.

Then he slowly pushed out these mutated crop seeds and told them that this was the latest transgenic research result on his side.

When he thought about it like this, Lin Yi looked at these seeds that originally gave him a headache, but the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.

After another few days of work, he checked it up and down again and found that almost all the unreasonable things inside the base had disappeared, and then nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, he also put his original plan on the agenda.

First, send a message back to the Earth base, and let Li Huiqun prepare all kinds of daily necessities and various living facilities. After he returns, he can load the spacecraft and transport it to the base again.

Secondly, that is, he still has a system task that he has not completed.

[To be continued. . . .