Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 682

Chapter 682

This guy is not afraid of becoming a large-scale social death scene. "

However, just as the two were talking, the guy on the stage spoke again:

"Do you know what Lin Yi's expression was like when he saw me saying I would invest 50 million for him?

Hehe, just stupid!

Just knocked him out!

Fifty million was an astronomical sum for him at the time, and I can tell you this, this guy never dreamed of seeing so much money at the time.

Just seeing Lin Yi like this, I didn't bully him. Instead, I said something that made him even more dumbfounded.

Do you know what it is? "

When he said this, the middle-aged man in the suit paused for a while, and his eyes swept to the people present again, as if asking each other, waiting for everyone's answer.

The people below looked at him one after another, but no one said a word.

Obviously, the people below are also skeptical about this guy's mouth running on the train. Although it may not be entirely believed, it can't help but believe it. If this guy really knows Lin Yi, it may be possible.

Seeing that no one in the field answered his words, the middle-aged man immediately smiled to himself, and then shook his head at the crowd:

"How can you mortals understand how I felt at the time? How can you guess what I did at that time?

Hehe, I won't give a shit, I'll tell you bluntly, that's what I told Lin Yi.

I say:

'Lin Yi, I'll invest the 50 million yuan in you, but I don't want any of your shares. This is the money I made friends with you.

Can you see what I mean? These fifty million are what I use to make friends with you, and we will be friends in the future. This has nothing to do with profit, and it has nothing to do with your company. '

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, there was an uproar from below, and one after another began to talk to each other. At the same time, they also wondered in their hearts whether what this guy said was true or false?

Just throwing 50 million to pay a hairy boy who was nothing at that time, can people with such vision really exist?

Isn't this guy bragging?

However, at this time, the middle-aged man did not give everyone too much time to think about it, but continued to say:

"This is precisely because after the 50 million calls were made to each other, the two of us naturally became friends. And that's how I made friends.

Can you all understand what I'm saying? Hear the applause! "

After saying this, regardless of the people present, the middle-aged man actually took the lead in applauding himself on the stage.

And after his generation's actions, some people below who didn't respond also applauded.

For a while, there was warm applause from the field.

And at this time, I don't know why, there was a burst of passionate music in the background.

Matching the applause, for a while, the field appeared to be very active.

Even Lin Yi, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help feeling a little stunned.

I have to admit that this guy's ability to make things up is really strong. Not only that, but this guy's ability to incite people's hearts and arouse the atmosphere is also very strong, which led the audience to applaud.

However, this is not over yet. When the applause fell, the middle-aged man's voice rang again:

"Okay, the applause is enough for now, this is just one point I share with you.

Because after all, as a past person, as a senior, I still have a lot to teach you.

Everyone, pay attention to what I am going to say next, it is likely to change your destiny and your future opportunities, and future development will determine your future direction. "

This tone has obviously put himself down from the general status of teaching and educating people.

Everyone present seemed to have become a primary school student in his eyes.

That kind of self-confidence makes Lin Yi feel that this guy is very likely to be a very successful person.

And everyone present felt the same way, and they all felt that this guy was not easy.

Under such an atmosphere, the middle-aged man's voice rang again excitedly:

"I'm going to share my experience of how to be successful over the years to everyone here today!

First of all, I want to tell everyone here that the greatest confidence in life is not how much money you have, but the courage to face when you have nothing.

Because everyone has to believe in themselves and have a self-confidence!

I can tell you this, each of you

Everyone must have the belief that I can create something out of nothing in my heart!

Only with such a belief can we succeed! Listen to the applause.

Another point is that those who really dare to spend money are those who have confidence in themselves and the future.

Because such people have such beliefs in their hearts that they all believe that they will create something out of nothing.

At the same time, he also knew that the money he spent today was just his pocket money.

After he spends the money, they will conquer the world right away and understand the applause.

Well, some of you may not understand this, so I will take myself as an Take me as an example.

In the beginning I was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person like you.

But I have one point that is different from you, that is, I dare to spend money.

Not to mention anything else, just when I was in school, I had no income at that time, but I still felt like spending money.

The living expenses my parents gave me, a month's living expenses, I had to spend it within three days.

Not only my living expenses, but also the living expenses of those buddies in my dormitory. I would also take them and consume them within three days.

At the time, they were very opinionated about me, thinking that I spent their money and that I would only spend money, which is not good.

But I laugh at them for being too naive, because they don't understand me, only I spend more today. I'll be back for more later.

This is the beginning. When I started my business later, many people came to me and wanted to invest in me.

Did you only know what I told them at the time?

That's what I told them, I'll tell them how much money you can afford, just put it with me.

If you can afford to pay 1 million, then you throw 1 million with me.

If you can afford to lose 100 million yuan, then you can throw 100 million yuan to me.

Then you think about what happened?

Those individuals threw all their worth on me, and then they were all defeated by me within a year.

[To be continued. . . . .