Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 624

Chapter 624

And the content on this photo is some photos during the construction of the lunar base.

Among them is a close-up of a photo of a rover falling from a spacecraft to the lunar surface.

Since the height of the spacecraft hatch after opening is close to one meter from the lunar surface, the lunar rover drove directly on the spacecraft when it came down, which also caused the vehicle to hit the lunar surface directly.

And even at such a height, when the vehicle hit the lunar surface, the close-up clearly captured the wheel sinking to a depth of more than ten centimeters on the lunar surface.

When he saw this, the corners of Lin Yi's mouth were slightly upturned. I have to say that this guy Li Huiqun really observed carefully enough, which he hadn't considered before.

"Boss, do you see how much our car weighs?

The weight of this lunar rover is about seven tons, which is double the weight of the original Apollo.

Moreover, our lunar rover only fell at a height of one meter. Such a height and the gravity of the Apollo landing from space to the surface of the moon are definitely not a heavyweight.

But even at such a height and such a weight, our lunar rover successfully penetrated the soil to a depth of more than ten centimeters on the lunar surface.

From this point of view alone, can't it explain anything? I think those pictures of the other side are very problematic. "

For Li Huiqun's statement, Lin Yi expressed his approval.

Although the gravity of the moon is much lower than that of the earth, this can only determine the depth and shallowness of the craters on the lunar surface and cannot prevent the original Apollo lander from sinking into the lunar soil.

To know that a spaceship of more than ten tons landed on the surface, then its gravity is self-evident.

Of course, they actually gave an explanation for such a thing.

According to their explanation, the location where Apollo 11 landed at that time happened to be made of hard rock, so there was no obvious landing pit.

But this explanation is obviously very far-fetched.

If it is really explained according to their statement, even the heavy weight of the spacecraft cannot leave any traces on the surface of the moon, then why are the footprints of their astronauts so clear?

In a place where even a 14-ton spaceship can't leave a mark, can a small human step on it?

This is simply a joke.

It is precisely because Lin Yi was more convinced of this after he actually logged on to the moon this time.

According to the results of various detections, the surface soil of the moon is actually similar to the soil on the earth.

Of course, the content of various minerals is different.

And the content of some rare minerals is very rare on earth.

This is undeniable.

Looking at Li Huiqun's sworn appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel amused.

After shaking his head helplessly, he picked up the teacup again and took a sip:

"I see that you have nothing to do, boy, what's the point of these things?

Whether they landed on the moon or not, it doesn't matter now.

After all, the reason why they wanted to go to the moon back then was just a competition between them and the Soviet Union.

Now that it's all gone, it's pointless to argue that they've landed on the moon or not.

At most, it is used as a post-dinner talk, just to pass the time. "

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Li Huiqun'er also nodded, expressing complete agreement.

The boss is right, there is really no need to argue about this matter.

What's more, now that the spacecraft has already flown to the moon, does it matter whether the other party has been on the moon or not?

However, just as he was thinking about it, Lin Yi's words made him stunned, and the teacup in his hand stopped beside his mouth.

"Besides, what's the point of just relying on your own conjecture here? Have you ever landed on the moon, are you accurate?

Don't their so-called experts jump out and say that their footprints will continue to be passed down?

According to them, there is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon.

Therefore, there can be no changes in weather such as wind and rain.

In other words, the lunar surface has been in a state of calm.

So they decided that the footprints on the lunar surface were definitely a very safe thing to put there.

At the beginning, they had a total of 12 astronauts who left their footprints on the surface of the moon, right?

It seems that in addition to the footprints, there is a flag over there. Oh, right,

And this one landing gear is stowed there.

That being said, even if the footprints on their side disappear, those things won't disappear, right?

Now, it's not that we don't have this strength. We're still guessing here, just drive a lunar anti-gravity plane and take a look at it, don't you know? "

Looking at Lin Yi's very relaxed appearance, and hearing these words again, Li Huiqun only felt that countless black lines appeared on his head.

Good guy, the boss was just telling himself that he was free and had nothing to do, so he did these boring things to analyze whether those individuals have ever landed on the Now it's good, The boss really did not analyze these, but directly drove the plane to take a look.

Good guy, now Li Huiqun just wants to say a word to Lin Yi, it's still boss, you can play.

Not to mention that this thing does sound attractive enough.

This topic has been debated all over the world for more than half a century. If the truth can be solved in their hands, then it will be a very great thing.

Lin Yi's character has always been to do whatever comes to his mind, this guy never waits.

It is precisely because of this character that after mentioning this matter, he immediately took out his tablet and issued an order to the computer on the spacecraft.

A spaceship far from the moon.

Following Lin Yi's order, a hatch was immediately opened at the top of the spaceship.

Immediately afterwards, a flying saucer-like object similar to a disc slowly lifted off in the hatch and flew into the air.

This thing is an anti-gravity vehicle that can fly on the surface of the moon.

And this thing was not created by Lin Yi alone.

It is a product that was attached when the spacecraft was disassembled and rebuilt.

On this spaceship, there are a total of five aircraft similar to this one.

It's just that the size of this thing is not large, and its diameter is only over eight meters long.

One such aircraft can take up to five people if there are people in it.

To be continued. . . .