Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 616

Chapter 616

This is not to say that Lin Yi doesn't believe these people.

It's a lot of people, so it's better to let yourself know about this kind of thing.

Not only the people in front of them, but even the people in the nuclear group, except Li Huiqun, no one knows about this.

Including Li Huiqun, they only know some minor details.

In the following period of time, this woman really said this matter very mysteriously, and even threw out a piece of video data to prove that this matter was actually true.

Not only that, they also released rhetoric, saying that they had captured some aliens long ago, and these aliens had surrendered to them at this time.

I believe that it will not be long before they can get the technology they want from these aliens.

Once the press conference was broadcast, it swept the world in an instant, and all the hot discussions on the Internet were about this matter.

On the contrary, Lin Yi's plan for a moon base was slowly faded out of people's sight.

Of course, this was actually what Lin Yi wanted to see.

He didn't want to brag about anything.

Since he is no longer being noticed by people, this is not a good thing.

After all, there is an old saying in Huaxia, to make a fortune in silence.

If everything is publicized and everyone is staring at it, then this is not a good thing.

Under such an atmosphere, Hara Shao and the others finally recovered some of their images in the hearts of the people.

They also successfully used this alien incident to divert the disappearance of their satellite.

Even at the end of the press conference, she vaguely made it clear that the disappearance of the satellite signal was also related to those aliens.

And according to the people's own understanding and inference, they directly made up a scene of aliens taking their satellites.

Lin Yi sneered at such shameless behavior.

Not only that, but when the other party's alien incident was all over the place, Lin Yi directly let Li Huiqun throw a blockbuster bomb.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

During this day, the spacecraft docked on the surface of the moon has been busy detecting the outside.

This is on the moon, and on the earth, in Huaxia, in the nuclear group.

Li Huiqun posted a video uploaded by netizens on the nuclear community.

When the video was released, it was discovered by countless netizens.

The reason, of course, is because this video is too conspicuous, and it was pinned to the top position. Almost anyone who logs in to Zao and the community can see this video.

It is in this position, let alone whether it is a high-quality video, even if it is a video no matter how rubbish, it will definitely take off.

What's more, the content of this video is very exciting.

When netizens clicked and saw the content of this video, they were all shocked by the content on it.

In the picture of the video, the missiles directly came into close contact with the satellites in the sky again and again.

Groups of dazzling sparks bloomed in the air.

The excitement of that picture is really too shocking.

All of a sudden, everyone thought of one thing in their minds.

Could it be that this is a clip of a certain sci-fi movie that will be released this year?

Is today's technology level has reached such a high level of technology?

Once such a movie is released, it will definitely usher in a big box office explosion, at least I will definitely go to support it.

For a while, almost everyone who sees this picture will think of this for the first time.

However, when they came to the comment area, they were stunned to find that someone in the comment area at this moment actually linked this matter to the beautiful fireworks display there some time ago.

When they were reminded of that incident while they were still in deep memory, these people immediately reacted.

At the same time, they also began to leave messages on the Internet one after another, sending out what was in their minds.

For a while, almost a lot of people are @ the publisher of this video, asking him to come out and clarify whether this video is a beautiful satellite.

Of course, they also have big doubts in their hearts.

If the dozen or so satellites shown in this video belong to the beautiful country, who shot it down?

Is it someone from our side?

But this is not realistic.

After all, it is a matter of world peace now, and no force would do such a first-hand thing.

In the Black Palace, in the office of Young Master Hara.

While Harrah's tidying up his skirt, he looked at the panting old Baitou sitting in his seat, and at the same time a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Hey, this time things have finally been dealt with.

With the incident of aliens, the matter of those satellites is displayed here, I am afraid no one will pay attention to it anymore.

Taking advantage of this period of time, we should make up for these missing satellites as soon as possible. "

At this moment, the old white head has a face that is as red as a monkey's butt, and his mouth is constantly panting.

Listening to Harrah's words, he just nodded slightly, and finally spit out a few words in his mouth with difficulty:

"It's all up to you. I don't have the energy to deal with these things."

In fact, as Lao Baitou said, this guy was already out of breath after being served for a while. This can also be seen. His physique is really bad.

Because of this, he doesn't ask about a lot of things.

To be more precise, he just needs to follow the orders of the consortium.

But I have to say that this time Hara did less than perfect. This is the best way to control public opinion.

Jingle Bell.

However, just when Hala Shao nodded, feeling complacent that he had obtained the greatest rights again, the phone in the office suddenly rang.

Ha, LS has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and the phone on his side has to ring dozens or hundreds of times almost every day.

So, after spitting out the mouthwash in his mouth into the trash can, he walked over and answered the phone directly.

However, when she put the phone answer to her ear, her face suddenly changed.

Then the slightly swollen mouth suddenly roared:

"What? What are you doing to me, why do you want her to appear on our network?"

[To be continued. . . .