Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 604

Chapter 604

Just when Davis was thinking about whether he could find a way to escape the disaster, it turned out that right above their heads, something unimaginable was happening.

There were actually three satellites that originally belonged to them lined up and gradually flew towards them.

After being detected by the rest of the satellites, all the way tracking is started.

However, they were surprised to find that the final destination of these three satellites was flying towards their Wharton after following them along the way.

This made them all tense for a while, and they didn't know what the purpose was.

Not only that, when everyone was nervous, the people above also acted again.

Although it was said that the communication between Jack and Lin Yi was not smooth, the people above couldn't just watch and ignore it.

After all, no one knows what will happen when the three satellites come here.

Such consequences are beyond their ability to bear.

jingle bell~

At the same time when Davis was arrested, Lin Yi's phone rang again.

Lin Yi, who was just about to get up and go to the command center, stopped when he saw this, sat back on the sofa, picked up his mobile phone, and answered the call from abroad.

This time, the opposite turned out to be a woman's voice.

Not only that, after answering the phone, the voice is so kind.

Compared with the previous Jack, it is simply a world of difference.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I'm pretty country xxxx, you can call me Alice, I'm honored to be able to speak with you today."

The opening was an unusual courtesy, which was already expected by Lin Yi. Not only this time, but also the original Jack, which was actually what he expected.

After all, the policy of adding sweet dates to sticks has always been their favorite thing.

As for the purpose of the other party's call, you don't have to think about it, you know it, it must be for those satellites in the sky that are drifting towards them.

It's just that Lin Yi naturally wouldn't pick up on their little tricks.

How could he be willing to repeat the mistake that Jack made that stupid?

Because of this, in the next call, no matter what method the other party used, even if it was a beauty trick, Lin Yi did not let Lin Yi say half of the information about the satellite.

All in all, what Lin Yi expressed from the beginning to the end was, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand something?

This also made the popularity over there not good, and even said it bluntly later, as long as Lin Yi has a request, he can mention it, as long as it is not too confidential, he can tell Lin Yi everything.

Even in order to please Lin Yi, he was the first to tell some confidential information.

However, Lin Yi accepted the confidential information and remembered it, but Lin Yi didn't take the control of the satellite in the other's mouth at all.

In such an atmosphere, the phone was finally cut off by Lin Yi.

And after arriving, I explained to the other party, don't call me again, I am still waiting for you to explain to me.

We will never let go of your attack on our spaceship.

Not only that, but in response to these things that Lin Yi stirred up on the Internet, the old man even spoke up.

This is something no one has thought of.

Not long after Lin Yi's video was posted, Brother Jian's press conference appeared on the Internet.

In the video, Brother Jian is facing the camera, facing reporters at home and abroad, and the words he speaks are called a sonorous and powerful questioning voice, and the foreign reporters in the field of questioning are all blushing.

One by one can't wait to find a crack to dig in. This time it was really embarrassing, it could be said that they all felt their old faces get hot.

In the past, no matter how unreasonable they made trouble, they had to forcibly find an excuse, but this time?

This time, I really don't want a B-face.

This time, even these reporters with thicker skin than the city walls couldn't take it anymore.

In such an awkward atmosphere, these reporters naturally recorded things with personal emotions.

In this way, in their writing, it can be said that for the first time, they did not favor their own people, but directly threw powerful insults at Davis and their team in articles or videos.

It can be said that this kind of literary abuse can be said that the person who sees it can't even pick out the fault.

Even if they watched it by themselves, they could only say that the reporter is awesome.

Of course, these are all things to talk about later. Now above the sky in Washington, the three satellites have reached their predetermined orbits.

After arriving here, the satellite in charge of detection was surprised to find that these three satellites did not stop, and just stayed in place.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

The upper echelons even raised countless doubts in their hearts. They wondered if this would be the second 9/11 incident.

As soon as this thought appeared, their hearts were immediately raised in their throats.

Now is not so many years ago. Now, if such a thing is really happening, then their faces can be thrown directly into the trash can.

It is precisely because of this that after having such an idea, they immediately launched an action, and immediately mobilized all the surrounding air defense systems to prepare.

A death order was directly issued above, as long as they found something wrong, they would immediately intercept it.

It doesn't matter if it causes a certain amount of damage!

Yes, they even thought about it. If they really found out that the other party had such thoughts, then they would definitely launch in advance at all costs.

In such a tense atmosphere, Lin Yi walked towards the command center Not only that, but Lin Yi also received a message from the above robot in his earphone as he walked. report out.

Reported to himself that the established goals have all been in place and have reached the predetermined track.

After hearing this reply, Lin Yi couldn't help but slightly upturned the corners of his mouth. At the same time, he also said lightly into the earphone:

"Since everything is ready, then invite them Western devils to watch a free fireworks.

Oh yes, be sure to make it a little more gorgeous. "

After saying this, I immediately received a reply from the robot.

The content of the reply is very simple, only two words:


And with the reply of these two words, the three satellites that were originally staying in place suddenly moved up in the sky above Waston on the other side of the ocean...

[To be continued. . . .

ps: Brothers, happy new year!