Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 602

Chapter 602

The three satellites far in the sky also approached quickly, and then merged into a row, and the three satellites formed a straight line.

Not only that, they are still running at high speed.

Some of the back-up injectors at the back of the satellite also spew their fuel quickly.

The speed of the satellite is more than ten times the usual speed.

At such a speed, it takes less than an hour to reach the sky above the beautiful country.

And such a speed, such a state, was soon detected by the rest of the beautiful country's satellites.

They were also the first to discover these three unusual satellites.

As soon as the signal was received, he told Jack and the others the news.

Looking at the three satellites that formed a straight line on the screen and were moving fast towards him, Jack was dumbfounded.

"What does that mean? What are they going to do?"

Looking at the pictures on the big screen, captured by satellites belonging to other aerospace companies, not only Jack, but almost everyone here frowned, wondering what the other party's intentions were.

These three satellites are exactly the three satellites they lost, and on their side, they can't even track the traces of these three satellites.

However, what they never expected was that the three satellites were flying over their heads. What is the other party's purpose?

Do you want to show off their powerful technology to yourself?

At this time, Jack, who was so angry just now because Lin Yi hung up the phone, was also deeply lost in thought, wondering why the other party did this.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone again.

"Pete continues to translate."

After speaking, he called Lin Yi again.

After connecting this time, Pete, who had already received Jack's understanding, immediately threw out a series of questions:

"Lin Yi, what's your purpose in doing this?

How are you going to release our satellite?

This is so unethical! We admit that we were wrong about what happened before, but you can't be so reckless!

After all, didn't our satellites actually crash into your spacecraft?

Doing so will only lead to more and more conflicts between us.

And I can tell you that even if we don't have those 17 satellites, the impact on us will be very minimal.

So, I advise you now to release our 17 satellites immediately, so that we can forget about the past and not have the same knowledge as you. "

After saying this long paragraph, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

He was not surprised by the content of these words, but by the fact that this guy's Chinese level was so high.

He could say so much in one breath. Hehe, that's a real talent.

Of course, as for what the other party said, Lin Yi just wanted to tell them with a hehe, what a bunch of shameless guys.

To be able to say such shameless words.

Since the previous things have admitted that they are wrong, so what should I do to retaliate against him?

Of course, thinking this way, Lin Yi wouldn't say that.

After all, Lin Yi is not a fool and will not leave any clues to the other party.

So, Lin Yi put on a confused expression and said:

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?

Also, what happened in the past is really what you did!

Very good, I have recorded what you said. I will announce this matter to the public. I want the whole world to see what kind of faces you are.

Obviously we want to launch our scientific research results safely and steadily, but you are attacking us with such indiscriminate means!

And the most important point is that there is no injustice or hatred between us. Your approach is simply shameless! "

When it came to this, Lin Yi paused for a while, took a deep breath, and then continued:

"People like you, people of your character, I really disdain to associate with you.

Although I can't speak for everyone, I want to tell you one thing today!

That is, from now on, on behalf of the Nuclear Group, I will tell you that any product of the Nuclear Group will never be sold to you in the future!

Oh, I believe that you must not look down on our products.

Well, that's all for today, and I won't let it go. "

After speaking, Lin Yi hung up the phone for the third time.

However, contrary to the anger in his tone, at this moment, the expression on his face is so brilliant:

"It's really a bunch of brainless guys, and I don't know how this level can get to where it is now.

In this way, the handle is directly handed over to himself. I am afraid this guy is not his undercover, right? "

To be honest, if it wasn't for Lin Yi himself who didn't know that he planned to go undercover, then he couldn't really doubt whether this guy was an undercover agent when he developed.

Saying the above words, this is simply putting the handle in your own hands, and letting the public opinion directly stand on your side.

In the current situation, it should not be admitted under any circumstances.

It's like the 17 satellites, although I controlled them, I also swept all the tails behind them.

Never let anyone know that this has something to do with you.

Of course, even if all of them can guess that this is what they did, they will never admit it.

In the absence of any handle, even if they suffered a big loss, they could only swallow their teeth and swallow it, and consider themselves unlucky.

In the end after muttering such a sentence, Lin Yi directly picked up his mobile phone and sent this recording to the people in the technical department of the nuclear group, and asked them to edit it.

At the same time, they were asked to hold a press conference to announce the matter directly.

And the actions of the nuclear group are absolutely fast enough.

After Lin Yi sent this text message to them, it didn't take half an hour for the headquarters of the Nuclear Group to hold a press conference led by Li Huiqun.

At this press conference, Li Huiqun can be said to have ruthlessly denounced Davis and his team.

Not only that, but a recording of the phone call was also released at the press conference.

The content of the phone call was exactly what Jack and Pete said.

To be continued. . . .

ps: Rewards and updates for the former leader of the 'Invisible Wings' boss!

Fifth update tonight! There are four more big brothers! It will be done in two days! !