Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 599

Chapter 599

And under the situation that all the satellites are out of control, serious consequences are constantly happening in every region of the beautiful country.

Of course, our book is divided into two parts, and we can't just talk about this side.

Although the beautiful country has become a little chaotic at this moment because the 17 satellites are completely out of control, but this has not affected Lin Yi's launch mission at all.

In fact, when Davis was being beaten, Lin Yi's near-Earth spacecraft had also successfully entered low-Earth orbit.

All of a sudden, everyone in the launch center cheered.

As for the episode that was almost hit by Davis and their satellite, they had already forgotten about it.

At this moment, the excitement in their hearts is simply indescribable.

At this very moment, although this near-Earth spaceship can no longer be observed with the naked eye, countless measurement teams and thousands of sets of modern measurement and communication equipment designed by us are holding on to this spaceship tightly. Don't dare to slack off.

Groups of accurate measurement data were quickly summarized and reported here.

"Jiuquan reported that the telemetry signal is normal, and the spacecraft has entered low-Earth orbit. The spacecraft began to orbit in low-Earth orbit."

"Report from Yutu. The telemetry signal is normal. The spacecraft is flying at a normal speed, at a normal altitude, and at a normal flight attitude."

Almost every second, there are a large number of detection signals all over the country, and even the world where there are our detection stations, madly pouring in here.

It can be said that at this moment, every movement and every form of the spacecraft has been well recorded, and at the same time, it has turned to this side.

It can be said that every broadcast in the field can be called a good news!

All sorts of things are tracking fine, everything is working fine, everything is flying fine, etc., and the sounds are blaring.

This is just a sound broadcast. On that huge big screen, the numbers and flight trajectories of various colors are constantly changing.

On the big screen, the green form representing the spaceship is gradually flying according to the predetermined orbit.

He can also tell everyone present more vividly that at this moment, everything about this spacecraft is normal, including its flight trajectory and everything inside it.

Under such an atmosphere, time passed little by little.

After about ten minutes, a loud and surprising voice sounded in the hall, directly overpowering the broadcast voices in the field:

"The spacecraft has entered the intended orbit. We have successfully launched!"

It was the commander here who shouted this at this moment, the same commander who ran to Lin Yi when the spaceship was in danger before and asked to take over the dominance of the spaceship!

At this moment, his face was full of excitement.

Unable to stand up, he shook his fist heavily.

And along with his words, the audience immediately cheered, standing up one by one, the applause resounded non-stop.

And amid this round of applause, everyone looked at Lin Yi in unison.

To the applause from the crowd, Lin Yi just smiled and squeezed his hands:

"You don't have to look at me. The reason for the current success is because of the dedication of everyone present."

After Lin Yi finished saying these words, the applause in the field became even more enthusiastic.

It lasted for half a minute, and then gradually stopped.

At this moment, the spaceship in the sky has also successfully entered the low-Earth orbit that has been planned.

In the next few hours, the spacecraft will wait for several hours above this orbit.

The spacecraft has to wait for a suitable opportunity, an opportunity when it can rush to the lunar orbit with the fastest speed.

And during this period of time, everyone can also breathe a sigh of relief and relax that tense mood.

Of course, while the spaceship was resting, people were resting, but Lin Yi did not rest.

When he came to a lounge prepared for him, Lin Yi leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

Of course, although he was leaning there with his eyes closed at this moment, it seemed like he was resting.

However, in his ears, various signals from the robot on the spacecraft were constantly being transmitted to him.

After all, everything inside this spaceship has to be reported to him.

Because of this, Lin Yike is not as easy as people see it. Every task is an order he is giving to the robot above through the special earphone in his ear.

Not only that, in addition to controlling the spaceship, Lin Yi also has this thing to do.

As for what this thing is, it goes without saying that everyone has already guessed it.

That's right, Davis, their 17 satellites.

At this moment, the 17 satellites have come to certain specific positions according to Lin Yi's request.

However, the trajectory of these satellites, Davis and his team really could not grasp at all.

Since the firewall they set up, they not only lost control over the satellite, but even lost the satellite's trajectory.

It is precisely because of this that the 17 satellites in the sky at this moment, they do not even know where they have arrived.

When Lin Yi closed his eyes and rested, the newly transferred commander from Davis and his team was already sweating:

"Pete, can you be sure who did this?"

Although the newly transferred guy has strong management ability and execution ability, he does have one point, that is, he is not a scientific researcher.

Therefore, watching these people keep typing on the keyboard, he can only be anxious, but he can't understand the operation of the other party at all.

It is precisely because of this that he would ask such a question.

And Pete looked at the new boss and knew that if he wanted to stay here in the future, he must protect this guy.

So he winked at this guy, took him to a separate office next to him, and explained everything one by one.

And when the newly transferred guy understood the cause and effect, and knew that the cause of the incident was actually because Davis wanted to use a satellite to hit the spacecraft of the nuclear group, his eyes were full of anger, and he couldn't wait. Rush to the hospital now and strangle Davis to death.

"Bastard! This **** Davis, what is he doing to me?

[To be continued. . . .

ps: Tonight, I will reward and update the former leader of the 'Invisible Wings' boss!

From now on, one chapter will be updated every hour, starting at least five tonight! ! !