Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Whatever you do, pay attention to the rational use of a resource. If you don't use it, it's a waste, isn't it?

This is like saying that you have a few T of learning materials on your computer, but you secretly study it when there is no one, so why not share it.

After all, Lele alone is not as good as all Lele, cough. What, brothers, you can directly post it in the comment area of grapefruit.

When Lao Cheng, who was processing the materials in the office, saw Lin Yi suddenly arrive, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he said half-jokingly:

"Oh, who is this here? Isn't this our chairman Lin Da? What kind of wind blows your old man here? My temple is small, and I thought it couldn't hold your great god. "

When he was talking, Lao Cheng had already stood up and walked out of the desk directly to greet him.

Although it was such a joke, after sitting on the sofa, this guy mysteriously took out a small tea box from under the coffee table, and then took out a piece of tea from it very preciously.

Looking at this guy's twisted appearance, it seems that he just wants to carefully knock a small piece from the tea brick to entertain himself.

When he saw this, Lin Yi rolled his eyes helplessly:

"I said, do you want to be so stingy, don't you just have some tea? You just throw it into the pot and boil it and it's done. There's not much in total. Look at how stingy you are."

Who knows, after hearing Lin Yi's words, Lao Cheng was like a cat whose tail was stepped on:

"What kind of stuff? You said you put it in there? Do you know what kind of tea this is?"

Looking at Lao Cheng's chicken-guarding cub-like appearance, Lin Yi pouted in disdain, isn't it just a catechu brick? Look at your stingy Bara's energy.

Didn't I give you a lot of top Royal Dragon Wells back then?

How can it still look like he has never seen the world.

Compared to his own mother, this is far worse.

I didn't see that when my family didn't have much money, did my mother use tens of millions of Yuqian Longjing to boil tea eggs?

Look, this is called the atmosphere! Really.

However, facing Lin Yi's disdainful gaze, Old Cheng immediately began to explain to him, and after breaking off a small piece of tea brick, he carefully put the remaining point back into the box:

"Hey, let me tell you, kid, don't look at how expensive your kid is now, but this stuff is a good thing, you can't get it with money.

Let me tell you this, those imperial dragon wells that your kid gave me before are precious, right? But this thing is no worse than that. "

Having said that, pause for a while, it seems that the value of this kid can't move this kid at all, who makes this guy really not bad for money? So he continued to speak in a different direction and preached:

"I'm telling you this, maybe you don't care too much, so let me talk about it from a different angle.

Although your kind of tea is very precious, at least the few tea trees are still there.

Although it is protected, there is still a little bit of output every year.

And this small piece of catechu brick in my hand is something to drink a little less.

Let me tell you this, there are only 20 tea bricks in the world at most. "

When he heard this, Lin Yi just glanced at the small box in his hand.

I didn't expect this gadget to be a limited edition.

However, after looking at it again, he didn't see any doorway.

"Hey, don't you know? Then I'll give you a good lesson today.

Come here, see? Billionaire, do you know what this means? This is the old tea name of the Qing Dynasty. It means that this tea comes from this old tea name!

And see this color? Proper old stuff!

It's not just here, you see what else is written on this seal? Manhan tea food, Kingswood Silk Point!

Do you know what that means? This represents its worth!

Because this tea was only offered to officials at that time.

To put it bluntly, it is the special tea provided in the Qing Dynasty, so you can understand it? "

However, after hearing what Lao Cheng said, Lin Yi, who had just brought the brewed tea to his mouth and took a sip, suddenly puffed out all the tea leaves in his mouth:

"Uh, I'm relying on it. Principal Cheng, I won't bring you such a fool!

This tea is all the stuff of the Qing Dynasty. Are you still drinking it for me?

That's how your old man entertained me with expired stuff.

It's a shame I still think about your old man so much. Anything good is thinking of your old man. Alas, it's rude to meet people. "

Lin Yi's action immediately made the opposite Lao Cheng stunned for a moment, and then he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

Look at this bastard, what are you talking about?

Is this what people say? Things that are still overdue, thanks to this kid who can figure it out.

But really, if you are a person who doesn't understand tea, it is not uncommon to ask such a question.

After all, the Qing Dynasty has a history of more than 100 years. For such a long time, tea is really difficult to preserve.

However, the small tea brick that I got was specially treated by the collectors with anti-corrosion paint during the Republic of China, making it airtight, so the quality of the tea inside is very good.

It is precisely because of this that this tea brick can be preserved, which is why it is so rare in the world.

Of course, once this tea brick is opened, it must be drunk as soon as possible, otherwise, the tea leaves will become rotten.

But now, the half of the piece in my is a small piece that I got after opening it at a friend's place a few days ago.

It just never occurred to me that today I brought it out to entertain Lin Yi with good intentions, but this stinky boy didn't know the goods at all.

Watching the guy put the teacup away in disgust. For a while, Lao Cheng couldn't help crying and laughing:

"Don't worry, boy, this thing has been specially treated, and it can be taken out without any problem, it can be drunk, and we have also undergone special testing for this tea brick, it is indeed non-toxic and harmless, and the ingredients in it Nor was it destroyed.

I am sure that there are only more than 20 tea bricks in existence today.

This thing is something that takes one sip and one less sip, and it is quite precious.

If it weren't for your kid, I wouldn't be willing to take it out and drink it.

Really, if a dog bites Lu Dongbin, he doesn't know a good person. "

Lin Yi, who was opposite, became a little curious when he heard this, and then stretched out his hand and said:

To be continued. . . .