Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 28

Chapter 28

"Come on, come on, what are you yelling at me for? Really."

Although she said so, Liu Mei hurriedly walked back to help. There was no other way. She was still relying on her husband's managerial job.

Now the family's right to speak has also been transferred from Liu Mei to Sun Zhi because of her husband's promotion.

However, although Liu Mei was called back by Sun Zhi, she still did not forget to turn around and say something to Lin Yixian:

"Your uncle grandson bought a new big Audi A6. Someone gave you some rice or something. I have to help you pack up. I tell you, this car is very expensive, hundreds of thousands of dollars, you If you work hard in the future, maybe you will be able to save so much money when you reach the age of your uncle grandson."

Looking at Liu Mei's face that seems to be teaching but is actually pretending to be a force, I really don't know where this confidence comes from.

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, but he didn't have the heart to know her as an old lady.

He casually raised his hand and pressed the Land Rover remote.


As Lin Yi pressed the remote control, the lights of the brand-new Range Rover behind him suddenly flashed.

Liu Mei, who had already walked to her husband's side, did not see this scene. After hearing the voice, she turned her head to look at Lin Yi with some doubts, and couldn't help but whispered doubtfully:

"Huh? What's the news? Lao Sun, did you hear? What's wrong with you, Lao Sun? Why is your face so bad?"

She looked at her husband, but saw that her husband's face was flushing red at this time, and Liu Mei immediately asked with concern.

It was just her concern, but Sun Zhi didn't pay any attention at all, instead staring at the brand-new Land Rover with complicated eyes.

Liu Mei didn't see the scene just now, but that doesn't mean Sun Zhi didn't see it.

From Lin Yi raising his hand to the flashing lights of the Land Rover, he could see it clearly.

Most importantly, because of the nature of Sun Zhi's work, and because he likes all kinds of luxury cars, he does a lot of research on the Internet on weekdays.

As far as this Land Rover is concerned, it looks like a top-level Range Rover. Even if it doesn't have any options, I'm afraid it will cost 400 of them!

What is this concept? If I replace it with my newly bought second-hand old A6, I can get at least 60 or 70 of them!

And what made him feel ashamed the most was that just now his wife deliberately showed off her broken A6 in front of Lin Yi.

This is simply a great irony, showing off a second-hand old A6 costing more than 60,000 yuan in front of a man driving a four million luxury car...

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a ground slit in front of Sun Zhi now, Sun Zhi will not hesitate to get in.

As for whether this car belongs to Lin Yi, Sun Zhi can be 100% sure, absolutely!

Looking at how new the car is, it seems that it was just brought out from the 4S store, and just yesterday, Lin Yi sold it for 5 million.

To say that this car is not Lin Yi's, he doesn't believe it.

"What are you looking at, old grandson? Huh? This big car is a Land Rover, right? It's the same as our boss's. I know this car, what is it called Freelander? I heard the boss say it costs more than 600,000 yuan! But this Whose car is it? I haven't seen it in the community before?"

Hearing that Liu Mei was still giggling, Sun Zhi's face instantly turned even redder. You don't know if you can stop embarrassing yourself! Still a walker? Your whole family are freerunners!

Before he could scold him, he heard Liu Mei continue to speak to himself:

"Someone's house should be visiting, hey, I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that there is another family in our community who has relatives who are about the same value as my husband."

"Are you finished? No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

After speaking, perhaps it was really shameless, Sun Zhi directly bent down and stretched half of his body into the trunk to carry the bag of rice inside.

And Liu Mei couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "Ferocious, fierce, you know that you will kill me all day long."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Yi couldn't help but smiled and shook his head again. He passed by the two of them and prepared to go upstairs.

However, he didn't want to speak, but the sharp-eyed Liu Mei saw him.

"Hey Lin Yi, wait a moment, wait a moment, you go first, your grandson's waist is not good, just as you are young and strong, come and help us move it."

After hearing this, Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then followed in his footsteps, then turned around and walked towards the two of them: "Haha, okay, I'll come."

In any case, these two are considered neighbors, and they are also elders.

Besides, this is also in the community, and there are many people watching around. If I ignore them and leave directly, I am afraid that someone will chew their ears and say that the children of the old Lin family are uneducated and so on.

However, Sun Zhi, who was bending over to move the rice out of the trunk, heard that Liu Mei actually called Lin Yi to help him carry the rice, and the loss almost went straight into the trunk:

"Liu Mei, is there something wrong with your mother! What did you call Xiao Yi?"

After reprimanding Liu Mei, he looked at Lin Yi who had come over. Although he was a little, he had to force a wry smile and said:

"It's all right, Xiaoyi, don't listen to your Aunt Liu. I don't need your help. The college entrance examination will be taken the day after tomorrow. You should go back and study."

Although he didn't have the slightest fondness for Lin Yi in his heart, he had to say this on the face, who made the other party do better than me now, and they still have their own secrets.

"Hehe, it's alright, it's just a little effort, I haven't thanked you for what happened yesterday."

As he spoke, Lin Yi stepped forward and directly picked up the rice in the trunk and put it on his shoulders. At the same time, he thanked him very sincerely.

This thank you comes from the bottom of my heart. After all, if I didn't have the luxury car I bought for 50,000 yuan, I wouldn't have this Range Rover.

It's just that when Sun Zhi heard these words, it was like a steel needle stuck in his heart.

After listening to Lin Yi's words, Liu Mei, who was on the side, looked at her husband with some doubts, and then looked at Lin Yi, who had a calm face, and suddenly became puzzled.

how? Listening to the words of the Lin family boy, did your husband help him yesterday? It's just that you didn't listen to him last night, did you?

This old grandson is also true, why didn't he tell himself about helping Lin Yi, so that Ye Xiaoe could remember her own feelings!

"Hey, don't! I really don't need you, Xiaoyi, you can just let me do it myself, just do it myself!"

Seeing her husband's anxious appearance, Liu Mei immediately said:

"Oh, old Sun, your waist is not good enough to let Lin Yi help you carry a bag of rice? Besides, listen to Lin Yi, didn't you help him yesterday?"

[To be continued. . . .

ps: Brothers, throw all the comments on the recommendation tickets that don't cost money here...