Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

The original doubts in everyone's heart were completely resolved, and at the same time, they all looked at Fat Tiger with a look of foolishness.

Not only that, but this scene also caught the attention of Fat Tiger and Zheng Yunyun.

Zheng Yunyun's eyes almost fell out of surprise when he saw that Lin Yi actually got into the top Range Rover that the two of them had studied before.

How is this possible? My classmate's family conditions are just average, but how can I get into this four million-dollar Land Rover now?

A thought flashed through Zheng Yunyun's mind for a while, this is not Lin Yi's car!

Maybe now Lin Yi is working as a driver for someone, and then their boss bought this new car and just asked him to come over to do the formalities!

That's right, it must be so!

Zheng Yunyun, who made up a story in his own mind, suddenly felt that he had seen through everything.

Turning his head to look at Brother Donkey who was punching and kicking the fat tiger with anger, he suddenly smiled and said:

"Brother Donkey, don't be deceived by that kid! He is my former high school classmate. I know his family's conditions very well. His family can't afford such a car. Let me tell you, He must be working as a driver for someone else now!"

As soon as these words came out, Brother Donkey really stopped his movements, and then he asked suspiciously, "Is what you said true?"

Seeing Brother Donkey believing, Zheng Yunyun immediately nodded and assured:

"Really true! Absolutely true, his father is an ordinary small leader of a state-owned enterprise, his mother is just a workshop worker, Huzi and I also checked just now, the car in front is the 2021 5.0SCV8SVA Peak Creation The extended version of the Range Rover, the bare car price of this car is nearly 3.6 million! Do you think his family can afford it?"

It seems that it was intentional, and it seems that it was to save face. Zheng Yunyun deliberately put his voice louder, for fear that people around him would not be able to hear his words.

Not only the people around, but even Lin Yi, who was sitting in the car at this time and hadn't closed the door yet, heard the other person's words.

It's just that Lin Yi shook his head and smiled disdainfully. Now, why are people so unwilling to believe in the achievements of others?

While thinking so, he reached out his hand and slammed the door shut.

Facing Zheng Yunyun's sworn words, Brother Donkey was shaken for the first time. Is what Zheng Yunyun said is true? Is the other party really just a driver?

Thinking of the other party's age and wearing, it seems that this is really possible! If this is the case, then the person you are today will be lost!

For a while, Brother Donkey directly hated Lin Yi, Fat Hu and Zheng Yunyun!

Even if the other party is really just a driver, then you, Zheng Yunyun, can't say it in front of so many people right now. Isn't that slapping yourself in front of others and saying that you are as timid as a mouse?

But thinking of the scene when he went through the formalities before, he shook his head vigorously again, thinking that what Zheng Yunyun said might not be true.

He still clearly remembered that because he saw the Land Rover logo on the purchase contract in Lin Yi's hand, he carefully read the information on it.

Hearing Lin Yi closing the car door, Zheng Yunyun immediately shouted loudly:

"Look, donkey, he must have heard my words and planned to run away!"

Facing Zheng Yunyun's anxious expression, Brother Donkey frowned, thought for a while, and suddenly asked:

"Then let me ask you, what is your classmate's name and what year were you born?"

Zheng Yunyun was stunned when he asked this question, and didn't understand why Brother Donkey suddenly asked Lin Yi's information.

However, Zheng Yunyun really knows about this issue. After all, he has been a classmate for more than two years, and since he has pursued him, it is not a secret that he is a junior high school girl. So without thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said:

"His name is Lin Yi, an easy one. He is one year older than me. He is exactly eighteen years old this year. His birthday is relatively old, on the sixth day of the first lunar month!"

After hearing this, the hesitation in Brother Donkey's heart disappeared completely. After nodding his head, he turned around and kicked Fat Tiger's stomach.

The fat tiger, who was caught off guard for a while, fell directly to the ground.

It's not over yet. Brother Donkey went up and punched and kicked for a while, scolding while hitting:

"It's really blinding your dog's eyes! You dare to provoke anyone. If I hadn't come back in time, you guys would all be thrown into the sea to feed the fish now! Draft horses."

This sudden change made Zheng Yunyun, who was complacent, stunned for a moment, and quickly stepped forward and grabbed Brother Donkey's arm to discourage him from fighting.

Unexpectedly, Brother Donkey pushed her to stagger with one hand, and then pointed to his nose and cursed loudly:

"Fuck you, it's not all because of you slut! And Lin Yi's family is not good? And the driver who drives the car?? I'll go to you, it's because you can figure it out, I'll talk to you. You said, I was watching when Lin Yi went through the formalities, and the owner of the vehicle wrote Lin Yi's name!"

These words were like five thunders hitting the top, and Zheng Yunyun's eyes were suddenly blown up, and he kept saying to himself:

" How is this possible! Brother Donkey, you must have read it wrong! Or maybe his boss is also named Lin Yi!"

The donkey brother who was told this immediately became even more angry, but now that so many people around him were watching, he was too embarrassed to do something to a woman, so he immediately vented his anger on the fat tiger.

While hitting, he continued to curse:

"It's really bad for you to figure it out. Let me tell you, the date of birth on that contract is February 1, 2003! Come and tell me, is his boss only 18 years old?"

Everyone around looked at Brother Donkey's movements and shook their heads as they listened to the words in his mouth. Not a single one would even sympathize with the fat tiger on the ground.

Although Brother Donkey is not very good at beating people, there is nothing that can be done about it. An 18-year-old young man drives a Land Rover worth 4 million, which can already explain everything.

If this is not handled well, I am afraid that their fate will be miserable.

At this time, Lin Yi on the Land Rover had already pasted the car inspection sign on the windshield, returned to the driver's seat, started the car, and planned to leave.

However, the next moment, Zheng Yunyun, who was standing there dumbfounded, suddenly came back to his senses, and after muttering something in his mouth, he ran to the co-pilot position of the Land Rover like a madman. He pulled the door open in a flash.

When Brother Donkey saw this, it was too late to stop him. By the time he reacted, Zheng Yunyun had already sat in the co-pilot and slammed the door.

Lin Yi, who was about to drive away soon, was stunned for a moment, and then his brows furrowed:

"What are you doing here?"

[To be continued. . . .