Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Remember for a second

Just before Lin Yi turned around, he heard Lao Cheng suddenly ask:

"Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you yet, boy, what research results do you have and what are you doing? Are you going to develop in that direction?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi, who had already stood up, sat back again:

"Hey, you see how this happened. You almost forgot if you didn't ask me. I just have something to ask you for help."

Hearing the word "help" again, Lao Cheng was stunned subconsciously, and then he said with a vigilant expression:

"What's the matter again? Let me tell you, kid, I can't help you with any policy temporarily."

Seeing Lao Cheng's nervous appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I don't want a policy this time."

Old Cheng Wenyan was a little relieved, not just a policy.

"I want people this time, and I need some people with strong computer skills."


Lao Cheng suddenly felt two black lines drawn across his forehead, and couldn't help roaring in his heart: 'It's better to have a policy! '

"There is nothing I can do about talents. If I can easily organize talents, then I will simply go to sea to do business."

Hearing Lao Cheng's veto so simply, Lin Yi was speechless for a while, thinking that your reaction was too big.

"Hey, I'm not just looking for talents, this is also a contribution to the employment of the school. This is a good thing, you have to support it!"

In a word, he directly put a big job title on Lao Cheng, making Lao Cheng speechless.

But before he could speak, Lin Yi continued:

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore. You can get me a list of computer talents. When I am, I will talk to them myself. Whether I can take it for my own use depends on my own ability."

Hearing this, Lao Cheng just nodded his head, it's more or less the same.

So he directly told Lin Yi to go back and wait for news, and give him a list tonight at the latest.

Hearing this, Lin Yi naturally left happily.

Seeing Lin Yi's back disappearing into the doorway, Lao Cheng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and muttered to himself:

"Hehe, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but I want to see what kind of tricks your kid can make for me."

Having said that, he reached out and touched the teapot and was about to pour himself a cup of this superb tea. Just now, with this stinky boy, he didn't even have a good first-grade tea.

Just when he grabbed the teapot, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless for a while.

This **** actually drank the whole pot of tea, really... alas.

Besides, Lin Yi walked out of Lao Cheng's office with a file bag, his face full of smiles.

This time, I have earned it. The original plan was to win the three office buildings in the center. Not only did I get my wish, but I even got a list of talents.

As such, it was a pleasant surprise.

After all, the list Lao Cheng gave him was much more accurate than finding it out on his own.

Most importantly, if you search for it yourself, you may not be able to find those real great gods.

Yuzai walked towards the school's financial office on a bicycle. Anyone who saw this figure riding a bicycle on the campus would not be able to associate it with a billionaire.

Who would have thought that this guy sitting on the bicycle had a rental contract of 30 million in the front basket.

As the protagonist, Lin Yi didn't care whether the million-dollar car or a one-hour shared bicycle was under his ass.

Holding Lao Cheng's hand letter, he paid 30 million yuan to the finance department. Then, under the surprised gaze of the finance department teacher, he stepped on the shared bicycle and went back to the guest house.

Here, Lin Yi just returned to the guest house when he received a call from Lao Cheng.

Lao Cheng is also straightforward, and he simply said that the list is ready, so hurry up and pick it up.

Lin Yi almost scolded his mother when he said this. It didn't even take an hour to add up.

You said that you are so fast, can't you just let me wait there?

Dude is riding a bicycle now, and the most important thing is that it is too far from Lao Cheng's office. It will take nearly half an hour to ride a bicycle in a straight line.

Pushing back hard, and having to push back again, isn't this a tired fool.

Of course, although he was speechless, Lin Yi still ran over.

There's no way, it's about your own business.

It's just that when I sat on the bicycle again, I greeted the girl well in my heart.

At the same time, he also began to doubt whether his license plate number was really ineffective. .

It's just that he has already pretended to be out, and now it's not easy for me to go to the handover team to pick up the car. The most important thing is that now I don't even know where the car was impounded.

Lin Yi was a little speechless for a while, why did he have to pretend at that time.

"Hey, young people today, why don't you talk about martial arts so much, alas, don't pretend to be compulsive in the future."

He sighed helplessly, his feet exerted force, and the bicycle jumped out instantly, faintly, Lin Yi seemed to feel a push back.

"Tsk tsk, as far as buddy's physical fitness is concerned, who else is there?"

^0^ One second to remember

"Yo, you kid, didn't you come here? I'll go home from get off work later."

Pushing away Lao Cheng's office, Lao Cheng looked at Lin Yi who was sweating and couldn't help complaining with a smile.

Just hearing this, Lin Yi rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"You old man really don't know the hardships of the people at the bottom. When you blow the air conditioner, it's too slow to drink the small tea. I came here on a bicycle."

After he finished speaking, Lin Yi took a glass of water for himself and poured it into his stomach before complaining quietly:

"Hey, I knew that I would have chosen the next door. At least the campus is small, and I can run back and forth in ten minutes."

Upon hearing this, Lao Cheng was speechless for a while, what kind of fallacy is Good guy, this campus is still wrong. . .

"No, I don't remember your kid having a car? And it's a Land Rover, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi's face turned ugly. He really wanted to tell Lao Cheng that Land Rover let himself pretend that he didn't believe it or not.

Of course, in the end Lin Yi sighed helplessly and waved his hand:

"Hey, don't mention this, let's not talk about those first, you should give me the list quickly!"

Wen Yan Lao Cheng didn't ask any more, just smiled and handed a folder to Lin Yi.

"Huh? What is this Li Zirui's charter? Why is this a freshman who hasn't enrolled yet?"

To be continued. . . .

ps: Brothers, I'm back, and the normal update will start tomorrow, try to add updates to the brothers, and try to make up for it as soon as possible!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^