Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Remember for a second

For the elderly, such a room is simply as comfortable as it is comfortable.

But Grandma Xiao didn't care about these things. The only thing the old lady cared about was her precious granddaughter.

If it weren't for the fear that the baby granddaughter would not be able to go to school, maybe the old lady would not come.

Originally, Xiao Zihan didn't plan to go to the capital with Lin Yi now, but now that grandma is here, she doesn't need to worry about herself, and she feels at ease.

So as soon as the two discussed it, they simply agreed to set off early tomorrow morning.

In the evening, Xiao Zihan did not return to the room that the Queen Mother Ye prepared for her, but lived with Grandma Xiao.

I don't know what the grandparents and grandsons talked about that night. Anyway, when Lin Yi saw Xiao Zihan the next morning, the girl's eyes were a little red and swollen.

Obviously, I must have cried last night.

Seeing this scene, the Queen Mother Ye was very distressed, but she could understand this girl's mood.

Lin Yi's family has the custom of "getting dumplings on the bus, getting off the noodles".

So in the early morning, Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan ate the dumplings made by Empress Dowager Ye and Grandma Xiao Lin, who got up early.

"Hey, it's not like we're not coming back, why are we so reluctant, we can't say we'll be back for dinner tonight."

In front of the brand-new black Land Rover, Lin Yi looked at the people behind him who had sent them out of the villa, rolled his eyes and said stubbornly.

Sure enough, being interrupted by him like this, the atmosphere that was reluctant to bear was suddenly broken.

Suddenly, the Queen Mother Ye glanced at Lin Yi angrily, and said angrily:

"We are reluctant to bear Zihan, what does it have to do with you, I tell you, Lin Yi, if you make Zihan wronged, see how I will deal with you when I come back!"

Looking at the figure of the two children standing together, the Queen Mother Ye couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "This stinky boy is really lucky."

Lin Yi shrugged helplessly, then opened the door and got into the car.

On the other hand, Xiao Zihan, after getting into the car, did not forget to put down the car window and wave to everyone.

As for Lin Yi, he stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover roared and rushed out.

Looking at the passing Land Rover, the Queen Mother Ye shouted at the taillights angrily:

"What are you in a hurry, little bastard! Drive slowly!"

But after saying this, the Queen Mother Ye couldn't help rubbing her eyes.

He is just such a son. From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time he has left his side. Although he said that he should leave quickly, he said that he was not worried, it was false.

Seeing this, Grandma Xiao on the side smiled and took the Queen Mother Ye's hand:

"Don't worry Xiao'e, Yi boy is not in the pool, the outside world will make him soar faster."

Lin Jianguo, who was on the side, was obviously taken aback when he heard Grandma Xiao's words.

This doesn't seem like a puffy old rural lady can say it~

The car drove all the way out of the villa area, and soon drove onto the expressway of the capital.

Lin Yi didn't feel anything. He even put one hand out of the car window to blow the air, while he turned on the car radio to find a song and listen to it.

As for the co-pilot Xiao Zihan, she seemed very depressed at first. After all, this was the first time she had left the island, the first time she had left her grandmother.

However, after he secretly looked at Lin Yi, he also felt an inexplicable calmness in his heart.

"Hey, why are you always peeking at me? I don't charge you, so just watch it if you want."

While peeking at Lin Yi, he suddenly heard Lin Yi's nasty voice and said.

Suddenly, Xiao Zihan withdrew his gaze like a frightened deer.

Especially when I remembered what my grandmother told me last night, I couldn't help but have two red glows on my face.

He glanced at Lin Yi carefully and secretly again, and when he saw that he was driving intently, Xiao Zihan was relieved. He was really afraid that he would guess what he was thinking.

Originally, the island was not far from the capital, and it was only a three-hour drive away. However, because I was not in a hurry, the speed of the car was slow along the way, and I occasionally went to the service area for a walk.

By the time I felt the capital, it was already noon.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry to go to Tsinghua University, but directly navigated to a nice hotel and took Xiao Zihan to taste the food in the capital.

It only cost more than 3,000 yuan for a meal, but Lin Yi felt that it was not as affordable as the small restaurant in front of his house.

After I was full of water and food, I called and contacted the teacher at the school, and then the car drove all the way to the gate of Tsinghua University.

Looking at the classical and stylish door, Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan both felt the heritage of Tsinghua University.

"Student Lin, classmate Xiao, this way!"

Since Lin Yi's car window was not closed, the admissions teacher who received the notice waited at the school gate early.

Seeing Lin Yi sitting in the car, he immediately waved.

I have to say that Lin Yi's reputation is so great now that Tsinghua University has never paid attention to it.

Under the leadership of the teacher, Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan were taken directly to the vice-principal office of Tsinghua University.

In the office, the vice-principal received Lin Yi and the two warmly in person.

Lin Yi was also very calm about this, and chatted with the vice-principal about his plans and the need for the school's help.

The vice-principal simply agreed, but he also

^0^ One second to remember

A condition was put forward, that is, Lin Yi needs to cooperate with the school's publicity work.

Lin Yi had already thought of this when he came. Although he was reluctant, he had no choice.

"Necessary publicity is okay, but it can't be unlimited and has no bottom line. I think you should be able to understand what I mean."

For Lin Yi's words, the vice-principal laughed:

"Haha, that's natural. Well, your request must be fully supported by the school, let's do it, and try to win a few halos for our school!"

Since it was still very early for the school to start, after the vice-principal's office came out, the director of admissions had a special procedure to go through the admission procedures for the two of them.

Then the admissions teacher planned to arrange a guest house for Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan in Tsinghua University.

Lin Yi didn't refuse this. After all, he had his own plans, and it was very inconvenient to live outside.

It was only after entering the guest house that Lin Yi did not need the school to arrange a room, but bought a large suite with his own pocket and the guest house.

I have to say here that this guest house in Tsinghua is no less than a five-star hotel. Just like the large suite that Lin Yi wanted, it was directly on the same level as the president outside.

The admissions teacher didn't say anything about it. After all, the relationship between Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan was already known when they went to Xiaodao to recruit students.

In this regard, I just shook my head secretly in my heart, and sighed inwardly for the young people today, what the hell.

[To be continued. . . .

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^