Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167

When the centurion heard it, what is the name and number?

I don't have this either, he looked at the boy.

Do not you know me? I am a centurion.

Hearing this, the little servant looked up, knowing who knows you and not knowing you, but it's not easy for anyone to come now. This is the latest lottery rule. Those who can read and write can come up to draw lots.

hum. Am I a centurion still illiterate?

No, I dare not say that you are illiterate. It's just that this number is issued in line in the morning, so you just need to report your name and number. The boy said with a smile on his face.

The centurion thought to himself, you are not talking nonsense. If I want a number, I can still ink it here, but he can't show it. I had to look at the boy without speaking.

I said you are talking, name and serial number, and the boy asked patiently, there is no way, although the centurion is not a high-ranking official, he is also a leader for ordinary people.

Don't you know my name? The centurion was delaying time on purpose. He tried his best to see the numbers of the first few people, so that he could make up one himself.

What you said, how can I not know your name, please tell me the number, the boy wrote the name of the centurion on the paper.

At this moment, Steward Lu, who was in front of the centurion, let out two hahas, causing the people in line and the surrounding crowd to look at him one after another.

It turned out that Steward Lu had registered to go to the lottery draw before the centurion, but he did not expect to be drawn, and his joy was beyond words, and he almost put it on his face.

While everyone was looking at Steward Lu, the centurion saw the boy move his hand, and immediately saw several strings of numbers.

The centurion hurriedly wrote down the series of numbers. Then turn around. He tapped the servant's table with his hands.

The boy turned around. what happened? Envious? The boy looked at the smiling centurion, and thought to himself that this old boy was still frowning just now, why did he get excited when he won the lottery?

What do other people have to do with me? I also want to draw a lottery quickly. He recited the string of numbers he saw just now, and stopped on purpose when he reached the last number.

I said your number is wrong, it's still one digit short, the boy said.

The centurion was waiting for his words. He just saw that the previous numbers were all in order. The last number of Steward Lu was 9. He was not sure whether the last number was 0 or 10, but he heard The boy said it was still one digit short.

He said 0 with certainty, and the centurion said a number 0 with certainty, and then the boy looked at it and registered it without saying anything.

The centurion has this kind of cleverness. After 9, it should be 10, but the store really made a 0 on purpose. I just don't know whose number this old boy occupies, and whether he will be beaten if he finds out.

But at the moment, there should be no one to recognize this, so the boy gave the centurion a character, which was prepared before.

The boy took out the written note, and said, only if you read it correctly can you go to the lottery.

The centurion's knowledge is equivalent to the level of the second grade in elementary school, so simple and basic guys are really not a problem for him.

The centurion took the note from the boy's hand, and then looked at it. It was more like a picture than a written word on the note.

What does this mean? The centurion was a little puzzled.

Yes, you can guess what the word is based on the picture.

The centurion just wanted to get angry, but he couldn't help it. This is the rule of the store. If you want to participate in the competition, you have to follow the rules.

Having no other choice, the centurion looked carefully at the note in his hand again.

In fact, it is a painting, that is, modern people call the characters of the early ancients pictographs.

These are all pictographs, and they draw a sun and a moon, which are actually what we call Ming.

The centurion looked around for a long time, but he didn't see why.

The people behind have

I was in a hurry, and kept mumbling in a low voice, really occupying the latrine and not shitting.

The boy naturally heard the voice behind him, so he looked at the centurion.

If you really can't figure it out, just give up. There will be opinions later on.

Who dares to have an opinion, I just started watching it, so why worry. Don't look at him being submissive in front of Butler Lu, but he is still very majestic in front of the common people.

Although everyone was reluctant to see this, they stopped making any noise.

But hurry up, it will be noon soon, we are still waiting for lunch, the boy said.

I know, I know. The centurion said impatiently.

Then he turned the note in his hand and looked at it for a few times, but he didn't say what the word was.

Oh, how difficult it is, the centurion thought to himself. I have no chance for this fine nectar.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said, this painting is so ugly that it insults my eyes. He was about to throw away the note.

Hey, don't throw it away, so if I can answer it for you, if you win, how about half of the drink? It was a beggar outside the line who spoke.

Hmph, you beggar, I don't even know you will know the answer? said the centurion.

Don't look down on me as a beggar, I really know this word, it's just that I am a beggar, even if I get the answer right, I won't have money to buy wine if I win the lottery.

The beggar walked over as he spoke.

Hearing the beggar's words, the centurion's expression froze suddenly, and he patronized Lin Yi to join in the fun, and his own money had already been squandered by him.

Even if I got the answer right, so what, I won't be able to afford alcohol if I win the lottery.

Oh, it's really thanks to this beggar, the centurion said in his heart, if it wasn't for this beggar, he would have been thrown into his grandma's house today.

So he shouted, "Stinky beggar, don't come here, you are full of bad luck, how can you win the lottery, I won't draw." After finishing speaking, he returned the note to the boy, and hurriedly withdrew from the team.

As soon as the centurion left, the others continued with the lottery.

Don't talk about others, just say that after the centurion came out of the team, he secretly touched his pocket again.

Hey, I guess I'm not as rich as this beggar now, and there are still a few copper coins in the begging basin.

Just as the centurion was walking forward, he met the carriage of Steward Lu who had just won a lottery.

Steward Lu, Steward Lu... the centurion hurriedly shouted.

Butler Lu is in a very good mood today, and the harvest is slow today, and he can take credit for it with the master when he goes back.

Hearing someone calling himself, he immediately stopped the carriage, opened the curtains and stretched out his head to have a look.

Turning his head from this side, he saw the centurion's big face approaching him.

Is there anything you need? Has not the silver been given to you? Butler Lu said in a rare good mood.

It's not about money, it's not about money, it's Steward Lu like this, will you still buy wine tomorrow?

Why didn't you draw just now? Steward Lu looked at the centurion who was empty-handed and said.

It's really not good to start today, but if you want it tomorrow, I can still come and line up, the centurion said flatteringly.

Butler Lu looked at him, and then put down the curtain again, but he didn't move, but was thinking inside.

It is true that most of the subordinates I brought over are uneducated, and there is no way to help me participate in the lottery.

This old boy is educated, and he can really help him with this little favor. Thinking of this, Steward Lu stuck his head out again.

Of course you need wine, but you haven't got it yet, what can you talk to me about, you are too anxious.

Butler Lu, look, although I didn't get one today, I will get one tomorrow. Actually, let me tell you the truth, you are not the only one in the mansion who wants to cooperate with me. The centurion paused on purpose.

Oh? Do other houses dare to compete with us? Steward Lu's face was immediately full of


Uh, the centurion didn't expect Steward Lu to be so arrogant, he wanted to raise the price even if he stopped him.

In this way, it is not easy for me to open my mouth.

Why are you silent? Steward Lu saw that the centurion was not as enthusiastic as before, so he asked.

Grandma, people died for money, birds died for food, the centurion was heartbroken, looked at Steward Lu and said, I stopped you because I wanted to say that someone from another mansion came to me just now and said that I could pay you at the price Basically give me a markup.

The centurion looked at Butler Lu's expression while talking.

Steward Lu is a man of some city after all. Hearing what the centurion said, there was no superfluous expression on his face.

But the coachman next to him spoke out first, who is so courageous, don't you know who is in our house?

I didn't agree, the centurion quickly expressed himself.

Hmph, you have good eyesight, if you can cooperate with us for a long time, the benefits will naturally be indispensable to you, but if you turn your back on us and do business with other companies, no matter whether you are a centurion or a county magistrate, you will still be unable to eat go around.

Housekeeper Lu glanced at the coachman, and the coachman immediately shut his mouth. Don't listen to my coachman. We are all voluntary. If you are paid by another house, you can go to another house.

But you have to be clear about what other families can bring to you, and you are also clear about my family's place in this place.

The centurion broke out in a cold sweat from the fright on his back, and nodded repeatedly. Yes, the little one naturally knows it, knows it.

That's good, I won't say anything else, the price is still the original price, if you have wine, you can send it directly to our house, and the money will be paid to you immediately, let's go Hou San.

After finishing speaking, Housekeeper Lu stopped looking at the centurion, but sat back in the carriage, and ordered his coachman, Hou San, to start the carriage and leave.

After the centurion saw the person leaving, he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground. He originally wanted to earn more money, but he didn't confess to himself. The more I thought about it, the more unwilling I became, so I went to Baihualou.

The hotel reported the number of people in today's lottery draw to Xiao Zihan.

There were only nineteen people in the lucky draw today. Most of these nineteen people are from aristocratic families, and there are only a few real ordinary people.

Thinking about Lin Yi's desire to open a school, he had to do his part.

Since he came here, Lin Yi has always thought about giving the school to himself. After all, he can indeed teach college students in modern times, let alone start from elementary school.

In the evening, Xiao Zihan told Lin Yi about his idea of starting a school as soon as possible.

Lin Yi nodded, since his daughter-in-law wanted to do it, he must fully support it.

At the beginning of the planning of the community, Lin Yi had already designed the location of the school. When the building was built, it was naturally built together. The decoration and so on have been carried out secretly behind Xiao Zihan's back.

After all, Xiao Zihan is still a modern woman, and modern women still pay attention to work.

Lin Yi is also happy that Xiao Zihan can exist as an independent woman, not just his wife, his own appendage.

Desks, chairs and benches are all in the Lin Yi system, and they have all been placed in the classroom early on.

Lin Yi gave Xiao Zihan a set of textbooks for one year of elementary school. This is not something we can do on a whim. It is impossible for you alone to preach to these people.

I think the most urgent thing is to cultivate a few more people who can help, and then your school can start classes. What do you think? Lin Yi looked at Xiao Zihan.

This is natural, my ability alone is still limited, and your education in places like ours is not only carried out in the capital, you turn around and ask someone to take photos of the top picks, second places, and top picks in the past few years. To test their level.

I plan to let these people go back to their hometown in the future, and then start a school, so that the imperial court will pay them wages, and they only need to teach their local children, or not just children, as long as anyone who wants to learn can come to learn.

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Zihan, and then

Finally nodded, we thought of this idea and went together.

I also plan to plan according to our system.

That's right, including future exams, it's not just a way out of the palace exam, it's just a matter of eclectic demotion.

Yes, yes, what the lady said is very true.

After the two discussed it, Xiao Zihan started to prepare the materials. This is the first primary school run by the state, so naturally he has to pay attention.

Early the next morning, Lin Yi accompanied Xiao Zihan to visit the school in Weifu.

Xiao Zihan said that this place is exactly the same as what he thought, the windows are bright and clean, UU Reading www. Thinking that the ancient people could sit in such a good classroom to teach, he could wake up with a smile.

Xiao Zihan looked at Lin Yi and himself, and asked, what are you looking at me for, is there something on my face?

Lin Yi shook his head and said no, but that you can always follow my thoughts.

Xiao Zihan rolled her eyes speechlessly, the children are all over, how many years have we been together, how can I not know what you are thinking.

Lin Yi nodded, Menghan also knew me.

The two returned to the palace hand in hand.

When the palace servants saw their master and son coming back together hand in hand, this is something lowly people like me can't see, so they immediately lowered their heads.

Xiao Zihan couldn't help laughing every time he saw the reaction of this group of people, but he still had to teach them slowly as a group of people.

[To be continued. . . .

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