Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

According to Lin Yi's intention, not only the city wall needs to be built with this thing, but also the ground inside the city pool needs to be hardened with it.

Not to mention whether a modern city can be built in a short period of time.

Simply speaking, the hardening of the ground is essential, otherwise, if the entire capital turns into a puddle on a rainy day, it will be very inconvenient for businessmen, and it will also be unsightly.

At this time, Lin Yi really agreed with the saying that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

On the second day, when the sky just dawned, all the workers rushed to the city wall, and they were about to start a new day of work.

In this way, for two days in a row, they were like this.

It's just that their confidence in that cement is getting less and less.

The reason is that today, when they built the wall, something collapsed unexpectedly.

This makes their confidence in cement even less, they are really afraid now, can this thing really hold up?

Of course, the reason why the collapse happened today was not because of the cement, but because a log hit the wall during the process of building.

After the log hit, that section of the city wall collapsed.

The emotions here are still gathering together little by little, and everyone is now beginning to disbelieve the quality of this wall.

Because of this, the person in charge of supervising the work also began to murmur in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be that this thing really won't work?

At the same time, he was also thinking, if it really doesn't work, will someone hold him accountable after the city wall is built?

After thinking of this, he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, but walked quickly towards his immediate boss.

In this way, after receiving the report from his subordinates, the immediate boss was also heartbroken. He didn't quite believe it at first, but when he came to the construction site in person, he saw that the wall collapsed with a slight push. After that, his complexion also became a little ugly.

Immediately, he didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and hurried to the palace and reported the news to Lin Yi.

And Lin Yi, who was discussing with Xiao Zihan, couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

At the same time, he and Xiao Zihan looked at each other, and saw the wry smiles in each other's eyes.

"Come on, let's go and see for ourselves."

In this way, under the leadership of a group of guards, Lin Yi and Xiao Zihan came to the location of the city wall built here.

When the two appeared, everyone around them fell to their knees in panic and saluted Lin Yi.

Regarding this, Lin Yi also waved his hand very kindly, making everyone stand up, and then came to the position of the collapsed city wall.

Seeing a small piece of the city wall collapsed in front of him, Lin Yi stepped forward and picked up a small piece of cement. He found that the cement hadn't dried completely, or it should have been less than two hours since the cement was mixed.

And this time, he understood.

In such a short time, it is impossible for the cement to be numbered, and because of this, the wall is indeed not strong enough now.

And after seeing his actions, Xiao Zihan on the side also directly thought of such a thing.

And looking at the person in charge of the construction site on the side, after seeing this scene, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

They were afraid that the emperor would put the blame on themselves when he said a word.

At that time, even if they have a few heads, it will not be enough.

I can't handle such a big thing by myself.

However, not only was he breaking out in a cold sweat, but the workers on the side were also panicking at this moment.

Especially when he saw that the emperor crushed those things with one hand, he panicked even more.

Under such a depressing atmosphere, Lin Yi suddenly smiled helplessly.

And following Lin Yi's laughter, all the people around were taken aback for a moment.

You look at me one by one, I look at you, don't know what's going on?

Could it be said that this is the precursor of the emperor's anger?

It is said that the emperor is the most unpredictable, is it possible that the emperor's heart is really so elusive?

Is this how this companion king is like a companion tiger?

He was still laughing one second, but is he going to kill someone with a knife in the next second?

Following everyone's thoughts, Lin Yi's voice also rang out:

"Is there a wall that has been built a few days ago, let's go and have a look."

Lin Yi's voice was not loud, but it made everyone present stare into their ears.

The reason was that everyone in the building held their breath at this time, and no one dared to make any unnecessary noises.

Because they were afraid that Lin Yi would get angry.

Because of this, after Lin Yi finished speaking, some of them immediately nodded in agreement, and began to take the lead towards the wall not far away.

And at this time, Lin Yi also took Xiao Zihan to the side with his steps.

And this scene also made the person in charge puzzled. He was a little unclear what the emperor was going to do. Could it be that he wanted to check whether the previous wall was in such a state?

If this is the case, I am afraid that I will have no good fruit to eat.

At this time, he who was walking behind hurriedly grabbed a worker and asked:

"Aren't the walls built in front of us the same as the current state, are they within reach?"

The worker who heard this was full of bitterness, and then saluted the person in charge with a face full of horror, and then said:

"Returning to my lord, I just spent time yesterday and went over there to take a look at the wall over there, it's the same as here.

Although it is said that it will not fall when touched, the bricks on it can be turned over easily with hands. "

After the sound of these words fell, the steward's heart suddenly thumped, his eyes blurred, and he almost fell to the ground.

Good guy, it was still like this last night, you know it has been several days, if this is really the case, then I'm afraid I'm really going to die.

After all, the emperor will not reason with you. Anyway, no matter whether this thing came from that place or not, there is one thing, that is, the city wall was not built properly, and this is your responsibility.

Wanting to reason with the emperor, hehe, I really don't think I have a long life.

Even if he had some truth, he didn't dare to say it.

Just like that, he staggered a little, supported by several workers, and followed Lin Yi's footsteps all the way towards the area.

Finally, this uneven road finally found its end. Standing on the section of the wall that was tired at the beginning, Lin Yi looked at the cement that had begun to turn white on the wall, and nodded in satisfaction.

"How long has it been since the wall was built?"

After hearing Lin Yi's question, the person in charge immediately answered cautiously:

"Returning to His Majesty, this wall has been built for four days."

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded directly. It has been four days, and the cement should have been installed. This time is enough. Presumably, the cement should be able to bear some weight.

Although it has not been able to achieve the ultimate effect, but it is not too bad.

Ever since, under the terrified gaze of the person in charge, Lin Yi's voice sounded again, and what he said really caught him off guard for a moment, and at the same time, he thumped in his heart:

"Go find a hammer and let me see the effect."

The person in charge who said this really thumped in his heart. He really came here for whatever he was afraid of. If Lin Yi just watched and observed from the outside, he might not have said anything, but if he really hit the wall with two hammers, Then I am afraid that this wall will not take two hammers, and it will collapse with one hammer.

You know, this is the city wall that was built, and this is not the rest of the city, but the capital.

Everyone knows the importance of the capital's city walls. If such a city wall dares to be fooled, the consequences will be self-evident.

But, after all, the emperor had already spoken, so they naturally didn't dare to say anything, and they didn't dare to refuse, so someone rushed to find the hammer.

In less than a moment, a big hammer was sent over.

When the person in charge saw the hammer, his eyes immediately went dark, and he almost fainted to the ground.

Good guy, he really wanted to rush up and beat up the worker who was looking for the hammer.

The emperor asked you to take a hammer, you can take a small one, why do you take such a big one?

With such a big hammer, even if it is a big rock, it will definitely break it with one hammer!

However, things have reached this point, and the hammer is already in hand, so it is obviously impossible to change it again.

Then I saw Lin Yi stepping forward to look at this post, then nodded in satisfaction, and pointed at the person in charge:

"Go and aim at the wall, and hit it twice with all your strength."

Although the legs were a little weak, but the emperor's order was hard to break, so he could only pick up the sledgehammer with difficulty and headed towards the wall.

After coming under the wall, his hands felt a little weak, and it was even difficult to swing the hammer.

But after all, the emperor was watching from the sidelines. Maybe he would die later if he smashed it, but if he didn't smash it, he might die now.

Because of this, he finally gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, swung the sledgehammer and smashed it towards the wall.

At the moment when the hammer swung up and hit the wall, he even closed his eyes and dared not look at it, and even thought about what would happen later.

It must be that the hammer easily passed through the wall and flew towards the back, and a large piece of the wall would fall down in an instant.

After all, in his opinion, this thing is not even as good as yellow mud now.

Originally, if the yellow mud was poor and some straws and the like, the degree of adhesion was still very strong. Although it would not be completely solidified in four days, it could easily withstand the hammering of a small hammer.

But right now this thing is really not the case, he has already tried this thing, after gluing it, it has no effect at all.

However, when he was ready for the hammer to fail, he suddenly felt that the hammer in his hand had hit an extremely hard object.

Then there was a sound, and then my arms hurt, and the hammer flew backwards.

Fortunately, his hands were clenched tightly, so that the hammer directly led him to stagger, and he almost fell to the ground.

And this time, even though his arms were numb and his waist ached a little, his expression froze on the spot.

After putting down the hammer in disbelief, he immediately ran back to the wall. When he looked towards the place he had smashed, his eyes widened instantly.

It turned out to be on the wall, but now there is only a small dot.

Moreover, the reason why this small pit appeared was not where the gray-black thing was, but where the brick was, and a small piece was directly smashed away by the sledgehammer.

what 's wrong? Countless question marks suddenly popped up in his mind, what is going on?

Why didn't it have the slightest effect after I smashed it down with the hammer?

Shouldn't the wall in front of this collapse directly?

But why is it still standing here in good condition?

It's just that after seeing this scene, Lin Yi was completely expected. He and Xiao Zihan looked at each other, and then walked to the wall one after another. When they looked at the wall, they saw When he saw the scene above, he also nodded in direct satisfaction:

"It's almost the same as the expected effect, it seems that it is indeed very feasible.

But there is one thing, the quality of this brick seems to be not very good. Let me tell you that when firing, the heat should be increased a little to make the quality of the brick harder. "

After Lin Yi finished speaking, the person in charge was still in a daze, and nodded mechanically.

No longer the person in charge, at this moment, the surrounding workers were all dumbfounded, staring at the small dent on the wall in disbelief.

If it weren't for Lin Yi standing there at this time, I'm afraid these people would have rushed here to check the situation.

They don't understand what's going on here. It was obvious yesterday that it would fall if pushed, but why is it so hard now?

After seeing everyone's Lin Yi naturally knew that they seemed to have misunderstood something, so he explained it to everyone.

When everyone heard that this thing needs time to solidify, they also understood it very well. After all, even if yellow mud is used to make walls, it still needs to wait until it is dry.

It's just that what Lin Yi said next really made them a little confused in an instant, and they immediately became very puzzled.

"Remember, water these walls every day from now on.

Let's put it this way, starting from the fifth day after each wall is built, a special person is responsible for pouring water on it every day until all of them are chanted, and it lasts for five to ten days. "

After Lin Yi said this sentence, everyone became confused. They couldn't understand why the wall was watered?

[To be continued. . . .


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