Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108

The richest man in the world: God-level reconstruction system

However, as soon as these words came out, everyone around was dumbfounded, and they all looked at me and I looked at you, all in a state of bewilderment.

okay? Look, is this the person who asked?

This actually asks them who are these technical nerds who can do electric welding?

Is this any different from asking a man if you will have children?

Just my own group of people, I am very familiar with the keyboard, but I have never seen this electric welding.

You have stumped the master all of a sudden, one by one you look at me, I look at you, all eyes widened.

Li Huiqun's words really stumped the top students.

After seeing such a situation, the corners of Li Huiqun's mouth could not help but crack open, revealing a happy smile.

At the same time, I secretly murmured in my heart, "Sample, I don't know about your little thoughts?" You can't fix it yet!

If I can't fix you, I'll just follow your surname.

So, he just stared at the people so straight, didn't speak, just stared at them like that, waiting for them to answer.

He would like to see if any of these talents can meet his requirements.

In fact, this is not Li Huiqun deliberately embarrassing them, it is really limited this time, only a mere 500 people.

And each of these people wants to go up, so there is really no way to do it without some special means.

And just when everyone was staring at each other, suddenly, a few people suddenly exclaimed, and then raised their hands with joy on their faces.

After seeing this scene, the eyes of the surrounding people immediately turned red, looking at them one by one, I really wanted to rush over and beat these people violently.

However, at this time, those guys immediately shouted at Li Huiqun in a loud voice:

"Hahaha, boss, I will! Hahaha, boss, I will!

Don't tell me, my family is doing this craft. Before the university entrance examination, I really did this thing.

I think when I graduated from high school, I was dragged by my father to the factory for two months of electric welding. Maybe other people don't know this, but I really do. "

After the buddy's voice sounded, the surrounding people who raised their hands also nodded in agreement. They all said the same thing. They all went to the factory with their father when they were young. Welding.

This is enough to see that their family background is not prominent.

But in this regard, no one in the surrounding means to look down on it, after all, who is not the son of a peasant.

But now they not only don't mean to look down on them at all, on the contrary, their eyes are full of envy.

And this item was also beyond Li Huiqun's expectations, and it also made him a little surprised. He didn't expect that some of these top students would actually know this technology, which also made him very happy at the same time:

"Okay, all of you are qualified to go up, go over there and fill out the form."

This time, the group of guys became even more excited, and immediately began to cry and howl. At the same time, they stood up, ignoring the naked jealous eyes of the people around them, and went directly to the sign-in table there.

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The richest man in the world: God-level reconstruction system

Seeing that there were 50 or 60 people missing at this time, this group of people became jealous in an instant. If it goes on like this, these 500 people will soon be able to get together.

I just hope that Yu Li Huiqun's next question will not be too tricky.

However, just as the group of people happily ran to sign in, just as Li Huiqun looked at everyone with a smile, and when most of the people in the audience were full of jealousy, Li Huiqun's voice resounded in everyone's ears again. side:

"Very good, you must master a lot of technology, don't care about the distinction between high and low, I tell you, there is no high or low career.

Any professional technology, it is exchanged with sweat and hard work. Error free update@

Therefore, mastering one more skill may make you better than others.

Take you, who are here now, for example, which of these thousands of people is not a calculation.

Top talents in the field of machine?

Maybe you are a genius in your hometown and a technical talent, but have you ever thought that when you are around the nuclear group, you will be surrounded by people similar to you, and some of them are skilled Only higher than you, not lower than you.

Doesn't that give you some other ideas?

Only after learning too much technology here can you better express yourself and stand out better.

Only when you have more skills than others and are better than others can you have the opportunity to be promoted.

I think you can all see it, our group will never have the problem of being stingy.

Compared with China, our group can be said to be higher than any other company in terms of treatment and environment.

Therefore, I am not afraid that you have more skills here, but I am afraid that you have less skills.

As long as you have the corresponding technology and follow-up guarantees, everything will be handed over to the group.

The group will never treat you badly.

After Li Huiqun finished speaking, everyone nodded silently.

Indeed, as Li Huiqun said, in the nuclear group, you only need to express yourself with all your strength.

It can be said that as long as you show the corresponding value, then you should get nothing less.

Whether it is funds or various benefits, you can get it softly.

It can also be said that it is precisely because of such an environment that these people turned to scientific research wholeheartedly, and the progress of this scientific research has been improved countlessly.

Because Lin Yi has always flattered this point, that is, don't talk about ideals and dreams with employees alone. While talking about ideals and dreams, you must give employees the life they want.

Even basic living security cannot be guaranteed, so how can we talk about value with employees?

It is obvious that Lin Yi does not agree with such things as generating electricity for love.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone has their own responsibilities and responsibilities.

After getting married, you have to support the family, support yourself, and support your parents and children.

With such pressure on your shoulders, what is needed? are strong funds.

It is precisely because of this that if you keep making cakes for your employees, but you don't actually implement them, you will lose people's hearts over time, and you will know that what you say cannot be implemented.

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The richest man in the world: God-level reconstruction system

On the contrary, talk with funds first. As long as you make a little achievement, I will definitely give you unexpected funds, which will allow you to solve the worries of your family, and you can devote yourself to this work.

But there are very few bosses like Lin Yi in China.

More bosses are drawing cakes with you and giving you a future that you long for and cannot reach.

Then, like a horse, I don't want you to graze, and I want you to run fast.

However, such enterprises are often unpopular, and employees will not do things with their hearts when they are working.

After all, they also have a steel scale in their hearts, that is, how much money I take, I will do as much as I want.

For such a company, Lin Yi doesn't want to comment too much, after all, everyone has their own ideas.

Everyone has their own way of managing.

Those who are suitable for the nuclear group are not necessarily suitable for every group.

After speaking here, Li Huiqun paused for a while, and then continued to say:

"Well, in the future, we will hold a skill study every week, and this electric welding technology will also be one of the study schedules.

Not only must each of you be proficient in completing the assessment of your own skills, but you also need to master at least three additional skills, and these three skills must also be assessed. @No mistake starting~~

Of course, those who fail the three technical assessments will also be included in the salary package.

But you can rest assured that your salary will not be deducted.

Now, I'll make a plan to increase your salary by 10% for each additional skill you acquire.

If mastering three skills increases to 40%.

That is to say, if you have a basic salary of 100,000 yuan per month, then if you master three skills, you can get a monthly salary of 140,000 yuan.

Conversely, if a skill fails, that skill will be deducted at that time.

Of course, the audit standard for this skill also needs to be assessed by the group.

Finally, let me add that no matter what the deduction is, it will not hurt your original base salary.

Can you understand what I mean? "

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people suddenly slammed and fell into a discussion.

None of them thought that such a policy would be introduced now, and it is obvious that this is the request of the other party's head.

But let's not say, this one is really enough to attract each of them.

As I said before, the first purpose of everyone is to live a good life and support their family.

The second is to want to shine and create your own value.

It can be said that you must have food and clothing before you can gain fame and fortune.

When you can't even eat, how can you think of relying on a technology to become famous in the world?

When they don't have enough to eat, their first thought is, when can I? Let my family have enough food and clothing, and then they think again that we can live a petty bourgeoisie life. @

Only when the material life can achieve what you need, will you think about using your own strength to shine and create value for others.

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The richest man in the world: God-level reconstruction system

Now, this item proposed by Li Huiqun immediately makes everyone excited, especially after mastering the three skills, the salary will directly reach 140%, which is equivalent to 1.5 times. salary.

In particular, among these engineers, there are not a few engineers with a monthly salary of 100,000.

If this sentence is for a group of people whose monthly salary is only 32,000, then the 40% may only be more than 1,000 yuan, which may not be very attractive to them.

But for them, even among those present, the minimum salary exceeds 50,000 per month.

In other words, they can get at least 20,000 yuan more every month.

How can they not be moved by this? I believe that any person can't help but be excited.

At the same time, it was the first time that they were also interested in other skills besides their own technology.

They even couldn't wait to learn other techniques while taking the time to rest.

Of course, looking at this scene, Li Huiqun went back to the topic after they discussed it for a while:

"Now we have more than 400 people left, so now, there will be three skills, raise your hands."

After this, everyone looked at each other for a while, and then someone dared to ask:

"Mr. Li, can I ask, what kind of technology can count? Does it count if I can cook like this?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed again, including Li Huiqun, who glared at the guy angrily:

"Do you think your technology is necessary on the moon?"

The guy who directly asked this sentence was speechless, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

After all, if you go on, I am afraid that you will really make the other party angry.

After all, I also thought clearly, this cooking really cannot be called a technology.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all cooking is not a skill. Like a chef, you can indeed call yourself a professional skill, but like yourself, you can only simply fry a few home-cooked dishes. It can be regarded as a specialized technology. It can be said that everyone can do it, and it can be said that long hands can do it.

However, the following questions were also asked, UU reading, but Li Huiqun only had one request, that is, let them think for themselves whether this technology will be applied in the lunar base.

And the evaluation standard is also based on this, as long as the technology that can really play a role in the lunar base can be proposed, and this has also caused everyone to fall into contemplation, and they have been thinking in their hearts whether this technology is useful or not. .

Just like that, after about five minutes, someone slowly raised their hand.

In this regard, Li Huiqun directly asked them to go to the registration office over there to fill in the form, and at the same time told them to register everyone's technology.

Whether or not they will be allowed to go to space because of their technology still needs to be reviewed by a special person.

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The richest man in the world: God-level reconstruction system

Let's examine whether their technology has any value.

Moreover, Li Huiqun also told them that those personnel would ask professional knowledge questions at that time, and if they couldn't answer them, they would be transferred directly to the group.

And this time, those guys who still wanted to fish in troubled waters immediately put away those careful thoughts.

Although it can't compare to the experimental environment of the lunar base, no matter what, my side is considered a front-line. If I go back to the group, I'm afraid I can only be reduced to chores.

This is what each of them is unwilling to see and do not want to do.

And I have to say, there are more than 200 people standing up this time.

[To be continued. . . . @].