Riaru de Reberu Age Shitara Hobo Chītona Jinsei ni Natta - Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Translator: Reflet


 In the hospital room, the sound of huge sneezes resounded . As though they had conspired together, the girls sneezed all at once .

「You too, Miyagi-san?」

 Kotone made a strange face . It wasn’t unusual for the sisters to sneeze at the same time, but now for Aoba to join in, it was a little unusual .

「Yeah, the interior of my nose suddenly started itching . I wonder if someone’s gossiping about us?」

「It’s Taiyou-san, undoubtedly . 」

「Natsuno-kun isn’t really like that, I think; besides, he’s probably doing his best to save Pochi . 」

「I don’t think that’s the case . 」

 Kazane grinned . That was the face of someone who didn’t think in the slightest that Taiyou was having a rough fight, and the sisters・・・・・・made the exact same faces .

「You guys are impressive . 」

「Taiyou-san is the one who’s impressive . 」

「No, you guys are impressive . To the point where me sneezing with you makes me feel a little apologetic . 」

「Miyagi-san, have you begun to dislike Taiyou-san?」

「No, that sort of thing is impossible・・・・・but」

「In that case, I think that’s fine . 」

 Suzune said, and the three of them gazed at Aoba .

 The girls were talking about the only definitive guiding principle of justice .


 Aoba said with nostalgic eyes, smiling calmly .

「I wonder if Mom and the others also felt this way . 」

「Miyagi-san, your house is like ours, right?」

「Yeah, although it is a little more snug . 」

「Ours is going to increase more and more . By four more people . 」

「Wasn’t it two more…」

 Kotone, who was in a good mood, was corrected by Aoba’s hoa.r.s.e voice .

「So they left…」

 After watching from beginning to end the helicopter that Anna was riding

on disappear far into the sky, Taiyou finally relaxed his guard . Sighing with a phew, the exhausted Taiyou was filled with a sense of relief that the situation had been managed .

 As a result of acting out a scuffle by mowing down some ten people with one fist, he had somehow gained a temporary state of tranquility .


 That product, Pochi, called his name, making an apologetic face . Her constant downcast eyes were like that of a child fearing getting scolded by their parents .

「I’m sorry; that I could, do such a thing…」

「Are you alright?」

 Taiyou asked that, disregarding her statement .


「Show me real quick…for someone who was continuously tied up, there aren’t any marks . This rope…did they seal it with wax?」

 Taiyou took Pochi’s hand and took the rope that had tied her up until earlier in his hand, taking a long hard look at it .

 He could somehow feel Anna’s consideration there .

 Looking at the rope and Pochi in turn, he asked her .

「Could it be that you wanted to go together with her?」


「If you did, then I’ve done something bad; from my point of view she’s an enemy, but for you she’s a relative after all . If you by any chance have begun to want to go together with her, then――」


 Pochi let out a loud voice; having been despondent until just now, Taiyou was surprised at her doing this .

「I want to be together with Master . I’m Pochi, so if I’m not with Master then it’s no good . 」

「Is that so . Sorry for asking you weird things; then let’s return to Master’s place, I guess . 」


 Taiyou began to walk forward guiding the vigorously nodding Pochi, but soon remembered something, stopped walking and turned back

back .

「That’s right; I forgot something important . 」

「Something important?」


 Saying that, he stared straight at Pochi . He had softly set his hands on her shoulders…

 When they returned to the hospital room, it was curiously in high spirits .

「No, the veteran beautiful girl’s name ain’t Itachi . 」

「Then does it have any relation?」

「Of course it does; if one were to be deceived at this level, they’d die by the roadside before even reaching the veteran stage . 」

「More importantly, Kohaku-tan, you should tell us more about your travels . I’m interested in the continuation of your camping car trip . 」

「「「More so than that, I’m interested in the car’s interior kitchen . 」

 The three sisters, Aoba, and Hera, as well as the recently unconscious Kohaku had formed a circle and were noisily rousing . With six women, the clamor was amplified accordingly, but Taiyou felt healing in that atmosphere .

「I’m back . 」


 Aoba was the first to rush over .

「Was everything alright? Are you hurt anywhere?」

「Sorry for making you worry . As far as I can tell, I’m not hurt anywhere . 」

「I’m glad…」

「See, I even told you, that Mii-chan worries too much . 」


 He tilted his head to Kotone’s words . He could imagine that it was “Mii” taken from “Miki”, but he searched his memories, wondering if he had ever heard that way of referring to her .

「Yeah…Earlier we were discussing how we’ve come this far together, so rather than us calling each other by our surnames or attaching “san”, we should choose a different method . 」

「Ohhh, and you became Mii-chan . 」

「Is it weird?」

 Aoba asked uneasily, looking up at him .

「No, I think it’s nice and cute . It fits you . 」

「By the way, I’m Kohaku-tan

I’m Kohaku-tan . 」

 Kohaku, wearing patient clothing, puffed up her non-existent chest .

「Yours doesn’t fit you . Don’t tell me that everyone started calling her that…」

「I call her thatー」

「Well you always did . 」

「Umm…I’d like――」

「「「Pochi-chan is Pochi-chan, okay?」」」

「Yeah, you’re Pochi . 」

「You’d best be fine with Pochi . 」

 The girls shut down Pochi as soon as she had begun talking . If someone who was unfamiliar with them were watching, this scenery would probably look like bullying .

「Ah, yes . I’m Pochi, please call me Pochi . That’s not what I was talking about though, umm…」

「Hmm, what is it?」

 The second master, Kohaku asked in a loving voice . Pochi then made a somewhat more relieved face and once again, began talking .

「Thought that I’d give a greeting . 」

「A greeting? We all know each other; it ain’t necessary, right?」

「No, that’s not it . 」

 Saying that, Pochi stared straight at Hera .

「Nice to meet you; my name is Pochi . 」

「Nice to meet you as well; I’m Hera Kr――wait whaaat?」

 Surprised, Hera’s eyes darted between Taiyou and Pochi .

「Taiyou-chan Taiyou-chan, Pochi-chan can see me, you know? What happened?」

「If anything, I’m more concerned about what happened with your introduction . 」

 Taiyou said, smiling .

「Well, it’s exactly what you think it is . 」

「Ooo! It’s exactly what I think it is?」

「With this, she’s now also able to see your form . Get along, folks . 」

「I look forward to being with you!」

 Pochi bowed in a flash .

「Yes indeed! If anything, I look forward to being with you . Although I am a fairy, I’d rather you not pay it any heed . 」

「Fairy . A spirit in the form of a human . Possesses superhuman power, and as a being that

a being that delights in playing pranks, it largely makes appearances in Western tales and legends . Is that right?」

「Likes playing pranks, eh? That definitely fits her description . 」

「Not pranks; and even if they were, they’re of the s.e.xual kind!」

「Quit it with the two-fold plagiarized lines!」

 Taiyou hit Hera with his palm .

 He suddenly noticed that the three sisters, Kohaku, and Aoba were silent . Looking at them wondering what was wrong, each of the girls had dissatisfied looks on their faces .

「All of you, what’s wrong?」

「Natsuno-kun…you did・・it, didn’t you?」

「Eh? Yeah, I did it . 」

「Why’d you do it?」

「Eh? Wait, but you all told me do that, and besides――」

「That sort of thing is a no-no . 」

「That’s right; doing it in secret is a no-no!」

「If I’m――If this girl isn’t here then it’s no good!」

 Stopping what she was about to say, Kazane seized the tottering Hera as she returned like a stuffed animal, thrusting her out in front of Taiyou’s eyes .

「Eh, no, there’s not really any need for that, yeah? It’s true that I did it when she wasn’t there, but look, she can see her and everything . 」


「No, umm…




 The girls stared at Taiyou . The power of their stares was like a tsunami surging forward at him .

「Umm…Master’s Master . 」

 Pochi said with a flushed face, tugging at his sleeve .

「I’ll be fine, okay?」

 That became the finis.h.i.+ng blow . She was just so cute with her blus.h.i.+ng face and upward-looking eyes, and Taiyou’s senses were lightly blown away .

 Pulling her small hands toward him, he sealed her lips with the likes of a beast .

 The second kiss amidst everyone gazing . With that, Pochi had officially become a member of the Natsuno House .