Reverend Insanity - Chapter 1773 - Fang Yuan“s Epiphany

Chapter 1773 - Fang Yuan“s Epiphany

Chapter 1773 Fang Yuan“s Epiphany

Within yama battlefield, two immortals stood on opposite sides.

Fang Yuan sighed: “We have limited time, I will say this directly, I want to make a transaction with Chi clan, are you interested in my dream path research results?”

Chi Qu You was slightly stunned before his cold and icy gaze changed slightly.

“Dream path? Did I hear wrongly?” A flash of excitement flickered in Chi Qu You’s eyes for a moment.

Fang Yuan’s dream path research results were not a secret by now.

When he disguised as Wu Yi Hai, his goal was the dream realm. Fang Yuan had methods to turn dream realms into people, he had used it back in the battle over the dream realms, many super forces were extremely envious of his method.

Fang Yuan had Spring Autumn Cicada, he had been reborn from the future which had a flouris.h.i.+ng dream path, it was not strange that he had some dream path mysteries.

One could say, Fang Yuan’s dream path research results were at the peak of the five regions, far ahead of this world.

“The mysteries of dream realms and the depth of dream path, I have only made slight progress in it. What if I told senior that my formation path attainment level was obtained from the dream realm, what do you think?” Fang Yuan smiled as he spoke casually, it was like a huge rock that splashed into Chi Qu You’s heart, creating a huge commotion.

“Oh? Is that true?!” Chi Qu You was moved, he could not hold his cool anymore.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily, he had meticulously crafted this conversation to lower Chi Qu You’s aggression, at this point, he had complete control over the flow of the conversation.

This was different from the previous life.

Fang Yuan tossed out an information path Gu worm: “Senior, take a look.”

Chi Qu You received it and his gaze flickered, he unconsciously grasped the information path mortal Gu in his hand, as if afraid that it would fly off.

The information path mortal Gu had all sorts of details regarding dream path mysteries, it was incredibly attractive! Chi Qu You was completely drawn into it, he quickly finished looking through.

Chi Qu You licked his lips, he felt that his throat had gotten dry after this short while.

He was incredibly moved.

Chi Qu You forced himself to stay calm as he purposely asked: “What transaction do you want?”

“I want dream realms, give me dream realms and I’ll give you the dream path research results of the future.”

Chi Qu You did not agree instantly, he said: “This is difficult, almost all of Southern Border’s dream realms are being guarded by the righteous path super forces.”

Fang Yuan smiled: “Senior Chi, I want the dream realms on Yi Tian Mountain. Even though the formations there have changed, you are the person in charge. I also know that there are many hidden backdoors, it will be easy for your clan to steal some dream realms without any problems.”

Chi Qu You heard this, his expression changed again.

Fang Yuan understood the situation so clearly! It was really terrifying!

The backdoors at Yi Tian Mountain’s formation were Chi Qu You’s proud creation. He had created them under the eyes of all the Southern Border forces, he was bullying their lack of formation path expertise, these backdoors were set up in secret.

“I thought I deceived everyone, but to think that Fang Yuan saw through it.”

“Hmm, maybe not just Fang Yuan… sigh, I have underestimated the geniuses of this world.”

Chi Qu You was overthinking it.

Fang Yuan’s information was obtained in his previous life, it was given to him by Chi Qu You himself.

Fang Yuan used Chi Qu You’s information against him, it was really useful. Otherwise, why would there be the saying: your biggest enemy is often yourself?

Fang Yuan continued to pressure Chi Qu You as he lost his resistance.

Every negotiation was a battle, even though it was not as straightforward as fighting, it was still a contest of strength in terms of wits and tactics.

Compared to the previous life, Fang Yuan had too much advantage, he was stronger now because of his information, he knew his opponent well, his tactic of putting up a front was incredibly effective. Even a person like Chi Qu You had fallen victim to it.

The transaction was quickly negotiated, it was very advantageous to Fang Yuan in the end.

Chi Qu You agreed to the transaction, but for his status, this was ‘humiliating’.

But there was no choice, Fang Yuan had a strong hold over him.

Firstly, he could not do anything to Fang Yuan, even if he tried to deal with him, the risks were too high, the gains were marginal.

Secondly, if he worked with Fang Yuan, he would stop plundering Chi clan, they would even gain some dream path research results, this was too attractive to Chi Qu You.

Finally, Chi Qu You was still worried about the so-called traitors in Southern Border’s righteous path, he wanted to find these traitors. He might be able to find them through Fang Yuan.

Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Southern Border.

A mountain was empty and bare, it had no vegetation and stood proudly on the ground. Around it, the ground was not flat, there were some contours but the inclination was limited, there were just some small mounds. Because of these mounds, this empty mountain looked even larger in perspective.

Right now, at the peak of this empty mountain, a rank six rockman Gu Immortal stood as he looked up at the sky.

“After becoming a grotto-heaven, this immortal aperture truly became different from a blessed land!”

“It is so grand and magnificent! The size of this sovereign immortal aperture is beyond logical, it is unimaginably big, worthy of the miracle created by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!!”

Every time s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng looked at this place, he would sigh internally.

This was majestic, this was a miracle, this was simply a divine construct!

He was completely awed by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, he had no thoughts of resisting Fang Yuan at all.

Behind him was a group of rockman Gu Masters, they were talking among themselves.

“After spending more than ten days, we have finally constructed this mountain!”

“I am so tired, we had to work from early in the morning to late at night every day.”

“I heard that the creation of this mountain was a mission given by that supreme being.”

“In order to complete it quickly, we paid a huge price and activated Gu worms continuously, at least thirty earth path Gu worms died in the process…”

“Speaking of which, don’t you feel that refining Gu here has a high chance of success?”

“Sigh, there will be rewards when we complete the sect missions. I hope that the supreme Gu Immortal would give us some valuable rewards.”

“Quiet! Do you think you are qualified to discuss matters regarding that great lord?” The rockman Gu Immortal could not take it anymore, he scolded.

These rockman Gu Masters quickly lowered their heads, becoming silent from fear.

At this time, green light flickered as a figure descended from the sky, floating in the air.

The rockman Gu Masters looked up, it was Fang Yuan’s rank six time path clone. Everyone’s hearts jumped as they quickly knelt down, paying their respects.

“This subordinate greets lord!” s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng quickly greeted with a humble att.i.tude.

Fang Yuan’s clone had a plain expression, he nodded and asked: “Has the formation been completed?”

Fang Yuan’s mission was not just to create an artificial mountain, they had to set up an immortal formation in the interior of the mountain.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng quickly reported: “Lord, I have already set up this fire path formation according to the formation chart you provided, you just need to activate it now.”

Fang Yuan had already used his divine sense to penetrate the mountain, he was already looking into it.

He nodded, he was quite satisfied with the set up of this formation, he was about to get these rockmen to leave, but he saw that s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng wanted to speak, although he did not dare to.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng had rank six cultivation level but he had once fought against Fang Yuan, his immortal battlefield grey cloud rock puppet left Fang Yuan a deep impression, he was quite talented.

After moving the rockmen, Fang Yuan sent the rockman Gu Immortals to the stone lotus island to familiarize themselves with future self. Meanwhile, s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng stayed behind, he was the leader of the rockman tribe, similar to Xue Er and Mo Tan Sang in their own tribes.

“You have something to say to me?” Fang Yuan’s clone stopped as he asked, he had some patience towards this talented person.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng blinked as his expression turned uneasy, he made up his mind as he said: “I heard that lord has been on the offensive and gained great victories, the Southern Border righteous path is extremely fearful now. Even that Chi clan first supreme elder Chi Qu You was helpless against you, he could only watch as you left freely…”

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed with bright light, he was such a shrewd person, how could he not understand s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng’s words, he interrupted: “Your tribe’s Gu Immortals want me to stop and live peacefully, there is no need to take such risks, am I right?”

“Oh, I beg for forgiveness!” s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng bowed deeply, he had an expression of fear: “This was my own bold idea, the supreme elders are all cultivating at the stone lotus island, they are unaware.”

Fang Yuan’s clone sneered internally.

The rockmen had different ideas to him, they wanted to live in peace and develop slowly and stably, they hated risks. They would love nothing more than for Fang Yuan to hide in a cave and cultivate for a century or a millennium.

They did not want Fang Yuan to take risks, because if he died, the sovereign immortal aperture would be exposed, they would all be implicated.

But how could this be possible?

Fang Yuan pursued eternal life, this was only possible after destroying fate Gu. If Heavenly Court fully repaired fate Gu, they would not let him off, they would find him one day and kill him.

Hiding and stalling would only lead to despair, only during the final Central Continent Refinement Path Convention would Central Continent be attacked by all four regions, when Heavenly Court is at its weakest, he would have a chance of success if he acted.

The variant humans’ wish would not come true. Not only that, they would have to fight for Fang Yuan in the future. They were already tied to him now, they could not isolate themselves.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng’s words was actually the idea of many variant human Gu Immortals, they used s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng to suggest it instead of saying it themselves, it was a way to keep themselves safe.

It was a mature political tactic.

Fang Yuan did not reject nor agree to anything, he waved his hand: “Bring the elites of the tribe and leave this mountain.”


Seeing that s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng had taken some distance, Fang Yuan’s clone started to activate the mountain’s formation.

Instantly, the formation became a furnace, intense heat was emitted from it. This heat quickly charred in the interior of the mountain, creating waves of molten magma.

A moment later, with an explosion, the top of the mountain erupted, smoke rose into the sky as gushes of lava flowed down the mountain, the temperature rose sharply.

The rockman Gu Masters watched from afar, they gasped, this method of changing the natural environment and creating a volcano out of nothing was truly stunning.

Even s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng was deeply moved, his formation path attainment was low, at this point, he finally realized the use of the formation that he set up.

But the more shocking thing happened next.

A huge hand appeared in the sky over the mountain, it was as large as the mountain as the five fingers spread out, scattering countless trees onto the volcano.

These trees were covered in a flowing light, they landed softly and planted into the lava itself.

The terrifying lava was quickly absorbed by the roots as the trees took in all the nutrients, soon, branches extended as leaves grew, they gave out the beautiful light of the setting sun.

These were sunset parasol trees!

A moment later, more hands flew out as they scattered fire phoenixes all over the volcano!

One by one, the fire phoenixes landed on the top of the volcano, they were quickly suppressed and sealed by the formation.

The entire process was overlooked by Fang Yuan’s clone, no unexpected mishaps occurred.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng opened his mouth wide, he looked at this scene with a dumbfounded expression.

Even though he knew that Fang Yuan had advanced to rank eight, it was not as shocking as witnessing this himself.

There were ancient desolate beasts among these fire phoenixes, just a single one could slaughter s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng without any problem.

Finally, Fang Yuan’s clone left behind a large number of fire path birds of all types, there was a huge variety of them.

“From now onwards, this will be known as Fire Bird Mountain, it is your rockman tribe’s resource point.” Fang Yuan’s clone flew towards s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng.

This was a huge surprise!

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng quickly knelt down and thanked him, he was very excited.

Fang Yuan’s clone smile: “Get up, I said before that I would help all of you. This mid sized resource point is my reward to you for your hard work of creating the mountain.”

“This subordinate is ashamed.” s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng was incredibly thankful, compared to this Fire Bird Mountain, the hard work that they had put in was truly insignificant.

The Gu worms used to create the formation of this Fire Bird Mountain, the formation chart used, and all the resources provided had all come from Fang Yuan, this was akin to his gift to them.

Fang Yuan’s clone added: “I will continue to give you missions in the future, Fire Bird Mountain is not the final one.”

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng was dazed, there was deep meaning in Fang Yuan’s words.

Where did the fire phoenixes and sunset parasol trees come from?

He had plundered them.

Fang Yuan said that Fire Bird Mountain was not the final one, he meant that he would continue to plunder and take risks!

The variant human Gu Immortals gave Fang Yuan very subtle advice, Fang Yuan’s rejection was also very subtle, but if one looked into it, they could see how domineering and intimidating Fang Yuan’s response was.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng did not dare to contradict him, he even felt a little joy after receiving this gift.

“With this Fire Bird Mountain, my rockman tribe can finally rise up!”

“How can Lord Fang Yuan be someone that is so easily convinced and shaken?”

“That is not my problem, Lord Fang Yuan has given me the task of leading the tribe, these resources are also my cultivation resources! As long as I do not go overboard, I can definitely cultivate rapidly and raise my cultivation level.” s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng had a heated gaze.

Any Gu Immortal would treasure and feel deep desire towards their own battle strength under the pressure of the calamities and tribulations.

Due to Fang Yuan’s political tactic, s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng had already been separated from the other rockman Gu Immortals.

The rockmen were suitable for managing Fire Bird Mountain, the temperature of the earth around the volcano was hot, it was a good place for rockmen to sleep in.

Of course, eggmen were the most suitable for managing volcanoes.

But currently, Fang Yuan had no intention of bringing in eggmen. It was sufficient to develop these variant human groups now.

s.h.i.+ s.h.i.+ Cheng’s words gave Fang Yuan quite some insight.

“Different from my previous life, this time around, I took in many variant human tribes, I need to nurture and strengthen them, I also need to divert some attention and resources to them.”

Fang Yuan could use enslavement path methods to subdue all these variant human tribes, but in that case, he would lose any chance of nurturing them as it is.

“I want to comprehend human path, it is not like enslavement path, everybody has their own thoughts and desires. To maintain an organization, I will need to consider the thoughts and emotions of the members in this organization. There are no two completely identical individuals, no matter how similar, people are different in their own ways… Hmm?”

Fang Yuan suddenly had a thought.

A flash of inspiration sparked in his mind like lightning, brightening his entire mind.

It was the epiphany of human path!

Suddenly, Fang Yuan understood a certain point, he had a complex expression: “Human path… so that’s it, I had a human path killer move all along…”

At this moment, his human path attainment level rose to master.

Human path master!