However, when it was just five meters away from him, Ye Fei suddenly jumped up and kicked off the winds.h.i.+eld, his foot leaving a web of deep cracks in the gla.s.s. He ended up lying flat on the car's roof.
Xue Bing was startled, but his foot stayed off the brake pedal. Instead, he stepped on the gas, zigzagging around the parking lot to shake Ye Fei off.
Ye Fei couldn't move, just barely managing to hold on.
Now Xue Bing went crazy. His foot still pressing down on the gas pedal, he steered the car toward the exit ramp from the underground parking lot, bursting out into the street above.
Even though it was still early in the morning, there were already many pedestrians in the streets.
Ye Fei groaned. Xue Bing was still zigzagging wildly, obviously caring little for the safety of the pedestrians in his way. Driving like this down the crowded street was insane.
However, he was going too fast for Ye Fei to be able to climb into the car and take him out. Xue Bing continued gunning the engine, roaring at the top of his lungs.
He was going to run over an innocent pedestrian any second now. With no time to lose, Ye Fei jumped down from the car and rolled onto his feet. The moment he regained his balance, he pulled the throwing knife engraved with a "Li" out from his belt, flinging it after the car.
The throwing knife tore through the air faster than the eye could see, embedding itself in the rear wheel of the car.
The tire burst with a loud noise, shooting the knife out sideways. The whole cha.s.sis tilted, emitting an ear-piercing sound, but Xue Bing still showed no intention of stopping the car. He didn't even look back, his foot not leaving the gas pedal.
"Is this idiot trying to get himself killed? This is nuts!" Ye Fei watched as the car roared down the street. He had no idea how to stop Xue Bing now, so he walked over and picked his throwing knife up from the asphalt.
A sudden, loud sound came from the direction of the car.
Xue Bing was out of his mind. He didn't slow down even with a flat tire, and hit two pa.s.sersby.
Ye Fei hurriedly ran over to check up on the two pedestrians. They were badly hurt, but fortunately, Ye Fei had learned first aid in the army. He helped set the broken bones and then put pressure on the wounds to stop the bleeding while other pa.s.sersby called for an ambulance.
Five minutes later, two ambulances arrived and paramedics carried the victims inside.
"Is anyone here a relative of the patients? We need someone to sign this first aid statement." A paramedic in a white coat held up a sheet of paper and a pen to the crowd of onlookers.
No one came forward.
Perhaps Ye Fei had spent too much time abroad, but he did not understand why the paramedic was looking for relatives while the patients were dying right before his eyes.
He came up to the paramedic and said, "Why are you wasting time with this? Don't you think it's more important to save their lives first?"
"Yes, but someone still has to sign this statement!" Slightly annoyed with Ye Fei, the paramedic shoved the paper and pen into his hands. "Maybe you can sign this first aid statement and accompany them to the hospital?"
Ye Fei frowned and thought about it. He was partly responsible for what happened, after all.
He glanced towards the stretchers. One of the victims was an old man, already unconscious, his face covered in blood. Sympathizing with him, Ye Fei signed the first aid statement and got into the ambulance.
The two really had very serious injuries. They were taken to the ER as soon as the ambulances pulled over at the hospital. Minutes later, a doctor walked out and asked Ye Fei for a deposit of 5000 Yuan.
Ye Fei had already transferred the 50,000 Yuan Lin Qingwan had given him to his comrades' families, and only had a few thousand left.
Grumbling, he handed over the money, but the doctor said this was still not enough. Before the operation could begin, he needed Ye Fei's ID.
Ye Fei was uncomfortable about this, but he still gave it to the doctor.
The operation began.
Ye Fei starting feeling sleepy while he waited, eventually falling asleep outside the operating room.
"Wake up, sir!" a sweet voice rang in Ye Fei's ear.
When he groggily opened his eyes, he could vaguely see something white in front of him. "Where… Where am I? I'm not in the hospital?" Ye Fei reached out to touch it.
It was warm and soft.
Ye Fei felt something was wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Then, he heard a scream.
The nurse in front of him covered her chest, her face red like a ripe apple.
"Oh, oh, I'm sorry!" Ye Fei hurriedly stood up, his face a.s.suming the same hue.
"No... It's okay." The nurse took a deep breath, restoring her calm. "Are you the relative of the two people who were brought in last night?" she whispered.
"Yes." Ye Fei nodded. "How's the operation going?" he asked nervously.
"The operation was very successful. They are going to be fine, but you still need to pay the remaining hospital fees and surgery fees. They are waiting for their medicine," the nurse said.
"I have to pay again?" Ye Fei sighed. He was so broke now, he couldn't even pay for a breakfast. He thought he might as well go to the police station and explain everything.
Ye Fei turned to the door. Suddenly, a gang of middle-aged people ran over, angrily pointing fingers at him, "It's him! He's the hit-and-run driver!"