Yamamoto Meizhu impatiently told her husband the details of the situation.
Yamamoto Xiongcai closed his eyes, then opened them again, and any affection in them was gone, replaced by malice.
"It's all because of you, you little b.i.t.c.h!" he spat. "He was doing fine in j.a.pan! It was you who convinced him to come to China to 'develop himself'. You said you would protect him, so why are his hands broken?!"
Yamamoto Xiongcai's loud voice and peculiar dress drew a lot of stares from the surrounding people.
"Xiongcai... How dare you shout at me in front of so many people!" Yamamoto Meizhu was stunned for a moment. Then she suddenly started hitting her husband over and over with her fists, screaming, "Our son was defeated in the ring! This is all because of you! You taught him karate! If you'd listened to me and told him to learn art-"
Yamamoto Xiongcai pushed away his wife and slapped her resoundingly across the face.
The sound reverberated in the high-ceilinged hall.
Yamamoto Meizhu's face turned bright red as her hand slowly reached up to touch her stinging cheek.
She could not believe Yamamoto Xiongcai would dare to hit her in public.
"Stupid woman!" he barked, "I don't care whose fault it is! I want to avenge our son. Since there's nothing you can do, let me do it my way."
This time Yamamoto Meizhu did not say anything, but stood there, motionless.
"You said... Ye Fei has very powerful backers?" Yamamoto Xiongcai's tone was a little softer.
"Yes. If we give him trouble, it's going to cost us."
Yamamoto Meizhu briefly explained who Lin Hongyuan and Chu Mo's father were.
"Hmm, that's problematic." The arrogance disappeared from Yamamoto Xiongcai's face, replaced by seriousness.
Yamamoto Xiongcai was a well-known j.a.panese martial artist. Later in life, relying on his fame, he entered the political arena and was elected to the j.a.panese House of Representatives. Having played the political game for many years, he naturally understood where action could not be taken, no matter how badly he wanted to.
Some people had to be respected, even if they slapped you in the face.
Yamamoto Xiongcai had no ideas for a time.
"Xiongcai... What are we going to do to avenge our son?" Yamamoto Meizhu asked in a low voice.
Yamamoto Xiongcai sighed. "Let's go back to your office and go over our options."
As they entered the parking lot outside the airport, a black limousine suddenly rolled up and ground to a halt right in front of Yamamoto Xiongcai.
Yamamoto Xiongcai was quite wary and pushed his wife back behind him. A few tough-looking men in black suits got out the car, headed by a red-haired man with hair like flame.
They sized each other up and Yamamoto Xiongcai instinctively knew that this man was not an ordinary person. He had the bearing of a born fighter.
"Has Lin Hongyuan sent these people to stop me from getting involved?"
His eyes hardened. "I don't care!"
He moved suddenly, rapidly trotting toward the red-haired man and throwing a punch at his gut.
The man felt like his breath had been knocked out of him with a sledgehammer. Yamamoto Xiongcai's fist seemed to possess some kind of magic power, which could oppress a man's very soul.
He doubled over, clutching his gut, and the sungla.s.ses on his face fell off. Now he knew just how strong Yamamoto Xiongcai was, and hurriedly waved his hands at him, "Mr. Yamamoto, stop, please! I am not your enemy, I'm your friend!"
Yamamoto Xiongcai looked at him with contempt. "Who are you? I don't know you!"
The red-haired man straightened up slowly. "I'm a n.o.body!"
"Someone like you is not a n.o.body," Yamamoto Xiongcai coldly hummed.
"You can call me Fire Dragon. I know why you're here; it's because of Ye Fei. He is my enemy, too. I became a wanted criminal in this country because of him."
The fires of fury sparkled in Fire Dragon's eyes when he mentioned Ye Fei.
"An enemy of Ye Fei..." Yamamoto Xiongcai considered this.
"Mr. Yamamoto, this is not the place to talk. Let's talk in the car!" Fire Dragon opened a door and gestured for Yamamoto Xiongcai to get in first.
"Xiongcai..." Yamamoto Meizhu hid behind her husband like a scared bird.
But Yamamoto Xiongcai was a bold man. He was not afraid of Fire Dragon, so he dragged his wife into the car with him.
"Fire Dragon, I am a law-abiding citizen. I don't like to make friends with wanted criminals. And yet... I came here in a hurry, and did not take an ordinary pa.s.senger flight, but chartered a private jet. Unexpectedly, here you are, waiting for me. I'll admit, you're very well-informed." After Yamamoto Xiongcai sat down, he added, "I do not underestimate you, but a common wanted man does not have access to such resources. So, who do you work for?"
Fire Dragon did not speak, but a man in a black suit beside him took off his sungla.s.ses and grinned widely, "Mr. Yamamoto is very clever."
"My name is Su Zongheng," he stuck out his hand. "A pleasure to meet you."