She was really afraid Su Di wouldn't be able to get out, in which case Ye Fei would become a murderer and the other people present would be accomplices.
After taking a taxi back to Purple Apartments, Lin Qingwan saw Ye Fei waiting in the lobby and immediately began berating him, "You're wild! Su Di may be a nasty p.r.i.c.k, even a public enemy, but if he accidentally died because of your little scheme, you would be a murderer!"
Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Wouldn't be my first time killing someone."
"Oh, come on!" Lin Qingwan pushed him. "You are an internationally wanted man. Of course you're not afraid to kill a man. But we are all innocent and you've made us your accomplices!"
Ye Fei smiled. "The question is, did he die?"
"Tell me right now how you're so sure he's alive!" Lin Qingwan scowled at him. "You wouldn't be so calm otherwise. Tell me how you know he's alive or I... I'll cut your pay!"
"Manager Lin, could you stop threatening to cut my pay all the time?" Ye Fei shook his head and continued: "It's actually very simple. When I shoveled the sand on top of him, I deliberately made sure it was loose. Su Di is a healthy young man. He could easily dig himself out."
"You can't know that for sure!" Lin Qingwan frowned, "It will be high tide soon; what if he panicked? Plus, when the sand gets wet it becomes sticky, and he was buried so deep there's no way he could get out!"
"It'll be high tide soon?" Ye Fei smiled. "That boy is dumb. Are you? Will there really be a high tide?"
"How should I know?" Lin Qingwan grumbled.
"In fact, high tide is at about six o'clock in the morning. It's still hours away. Besides, I left you behind to watch him, so what could go wrong?"
Lin Qingwan exhaled sharply and shook her head. "I see. You've really thought things through. But next time, you have to tell me in advance, or I will be angry."
"Come on," Ye Fei walked to the elevator and beckoned to her, "let's go upstairs. Liu Manman is asleep and Chu Mo is explaining everything to Murong and Mu Cheng."
When they got off the elevator, they saw Chu Mo, Murong and Mu Cheng standing outside the apartment in their pajamas, quietly complaining about Su Di with scowling faces.
"That lying b.a.s.t.a.r.d. What a nasty piece of work."
"Yeah... So many cute, rich guys wanted to be with her and Manman refused them all. She has paid far too much for that boy toy..."
Seeing Ye Fei and Lin Qingwan walk out from the elevator, they immediately approached.
"Ye Fei... If it weren't for you, Manman would still be under his spell. Thank you."
"We wronged you. We're sorry."
Ye Fei waved his hand dismissively, "The sun will be up soon, let's go to sleep. We'll talk about everything tomorrow."
The women nodded drowsily and began filing back toward the apartment.
"However," Ye Fei said after another moment's thought, "I think we should not tell Liu Manman about what happened. Murong, help me keep an eye on Su Di, make sure he stays away from her."
Murong nodded firmly. "Rest a.s.sured, I will put a surveillance detail on his a.s.s."
Then, they each went back to their rooms to sleep.
Yawning, Ye Fei threw himself on his bed and immediately fell asleep.
A few hours later, around nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Fei suddenly felt like someone was blowing air in his ears.
Itchy, warm, enticing.
His body instantly bounced up like a spring and his right hand went directly to squeeze the intruder's throat.
This was Ye Fei's survival instinct, entirely a pre-conditioned reflex, which had saved his life on at least two separate occasions.
"Ye Fei... You gotta let me go," a familiar voice wheezed.
Ye Fei's half-asleep brain remembered he was not on the battlefield but in the city. When he opened his eyes, he found Murong's contorted face in front of him and quickly loosened his grip.
Murong's red face was complemented by her pink pajamas. Her hands covered her neck as she coughed violently.
Ye Fei patted her back for a minute until she felt better.
"d.a.m.n, Ye Fei, you're hardcore."
Murong unhappily went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and grumbled at the bright red fingerprints on her throat.
Ye Fei blushed embarra.s.sedly. If he were still on active duty, he could have broken her neck. Luckily, he didn't use too much force this time, but the red fingerprints on her neck were still very obvious.
"What were you doing sneaking into my room and blowing in my ear anyway?" he said when she came back out of the bathroom. "You should have just knocked."
"Knocked? You were sleeping like a dead pig. I knocked for ages and you didn't answer, so I had to come in. As for blowing air in your ear... How was I supposed to know you'd wake up so easily?"
Murong's face turned even redder. In fact, she just thought Ye Fei's sleeping posture was adorable and couldn't help herself.
Ye Fei glared at her. "If I'd snuck into your room while you were sleeping, you'd be coming after me with an axe!"
"All right, I was wrong," Murong reluctantly said.
"What did you want with me, anyway?"
Murong suddenly perked up and cracked a mischievous smile. "I got news about Su Di!"