Return Of The Soldier King - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

After returning from a special mission abroad, he is forced to accept a job as a bodyguard. He is then tasked with the mission of protecting the powerful (and beautiful) CEO of a multinational company based in Shanghai.

Follow Ye Fei in a story that isn't afraid to go over the top and pokes fun at they typical Wuxia, Xianxia, and hero tropes found in most Chinese Web Novels.

Chapter 001 The Hijacking

In a Boeing 747 flying over the Pacific Ocean.

"Dear pa.s.sengers, we will be landing in Shanghai, the Pearl of the Orient, in two hours. We will now begin serving breakfast."

After the short broadcast, a beautiful airline stewardess in a blue uniform wheeled the dining cart out to distribute breakfast for the pa.s.sengers.

"Sir, please wake up. It's time for breakfast."

A young man with a sleeping mask on was leaning against the window as he slept. The airline stewardess saw no response from him, so she continued pus.h.i.+ng the dining cart forward.

Shortly thereafter, Ye Fei took off the sleeping mask and woke up.

He was wearing a plaid s.h.i.+rt and worn jeans. He looked plain, but his black eyes were particularly deep, like ancient wells.

"Sir, would you like noodles or rice?" The airline stewardess saw that Ye Fei had woken up and smiled politely.

"I want three knives." Ye Fei sat up and looked around, an invisible light flas.h.i.+ng in his deep eyes.

"Excuse me sir, what was that?" asked the surprised stewardess, a.s.suming she had misheard him.

"I said... I want three knives, please." Ye Fei said seriously.

"What's wrong with that guy?" said a nearby pa.s.senger as he cast a puzzled glance toward Ye Fei.

"Sure thing, Sir."

Facing such a strange problem, the airline stewardess could only smile awkwardly and hand three plastic knives over to Ye Fei.

"Thank you."

Ye Fei sat down. As he fondled the light plastic knives, he muttered to himself, "Unbelievableā€¦ Today is not my lucky day."


A gunshot.

In front of the seats, two men with guns in their hands stood up, shouting, "This is a hijacking, don't move!"

"Ahhhh!" People began screaming hysterically.

Bang bang!

A tall man shot the two air marshals who had rushed over and barked, "Everyone shut the f.u.c.k up! Anyone who makes a sound will end up the same as them!"

In an instant, the cabin became silent. No one dared say a word. After all, it was clear that guy meant business.

A man with walked out from the c.o.c.kpit, holding a gun. There was blood on his body and his eyes were bloodshot; he came off as psycopath, "The pilot has been taken care of. Watch the pa.s.sengers. Don't f.u.c.k up."

"Okay, Boss." The other two hijackers nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you aboard this flight. Unfortunately, I have bad news. This plane is being redirected to Burma, and you are now my hostages. Your lives are under my control. You may have noticed we have no problem shooting holes in this flying bucket. While a few holes can be taken care of by the pressurized system onboard, a few more and I'm afraid this whole show may come to a tragic end."

The man with then bowed formally. His tone sounded as if he was giving a speech on a stage. There was a neurotic smile on his face. "Now, I want you all to be absolutely quiet; or it will be the last sound you ever make."

Wah! Wah!

As soon as the man with finished speaking, the sound of a baby's cry filled the cabin.

One of the pa.s.sengers, a beautiful young woman, was holding a little baby.

The man with sullenly walked over and s.n.a.t.c.hed the baby from her.

The woman knelt in front of the man with and begged. "Pleaseā€¦she... she's just a baby!"

"Disobeying my orders is punishable by death. The baby must die."

The man with the held up the baby, ready to throw it to its death.

At that moment, he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the shy smile of Ye Fei. "What do you think you're doing?" he said in amazement.

"Brother, let's have a little chat. Please don't go to Burma, I'm trying to get to Shanghai today." Ye Fei said with a serious expression on his face.

"You must be a d.a.m.n psycho with a death wish, huh? Are you trying to be funny? I'm a hijacker! "

The man with was furious. He grabbed the pistol from his belt and pointed it at Ye Fei's forehead, ready to pull the trigger.

Ye Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp. His hand shot out, stabbing the arm of the man wearing with a plastic dinner knife. Ye Fei had antic.i.p.ated the hijacker's lack of cooperation and had broken the plastic knife at an angle that would allow easier entry into the man's skin.

A squeal like a dying pig's escaped from the man's mouth. Both the pistol and the baby fell down.

Ye Fei leaped to the ground and turned over, catching the baby in his arms.

"d.a.m.n it!" said one of the hijackers as he and other one immediately raised their guns, aiming for Ye Fei.

Fei was three meters away from the two hijackers and there was no chance of escape with the baby in his arms.

However, Ye Fei was not in a hurry. Swinging his hand, the remaining two plastic knives flew out from his fingers, cutting through the air with a mournful wail.

The plastic knives plunged directly into the throats of the two hijackers.

The hijackers uttered a miserable sound, clutching their throats. Their bodies fell limp to the ground, their eyes full of disbelief.

For some time, all the people in the cabin froze, staring at the big man with the shy smile.

Was he some kind of legendary martial arts master?

"All done." Ye Fei kicked the man with and exclaimed. "Three knives, just enough."

The airline stewardess was in shock as she stared at Ye Fei in surprise. "How did you know someone would hijack the plane? And that there were exactly three people?"

"I could see it coming a mile away." Ye Fei pointed to his eyes, revealing a mysterious smile.

Of the crew members, the two air marshals died, while the captain and copilot had only been injured. They quickly contacted the airport and two hours later the plane landed safely at Pudong Airport in Shanghai.

Sirens blared. Eight police cars had already been waiting on the tarmac for quite some time. As soon as the plane stopped, a female cop leading a team of over 10 police officers rushed in to handcuff the hijackers.

A policeman saluted and said, "Officer Murong, the hijackers have been captured."

"Who subdued them?" Murong looked around, baffled.

"It was me." Ye Fei stood up and looked at the beautiful female cop, grinning.

When Officer Murong saw Ye Fei, her body suddenly became stiff. She frowned, "Take him away."

"Yes, Ma'am."

A policeman walked up to Ye Fei and smiled, "Brother, you are so powerful you managed to take out three hijackers all by yourself. Come with us to the police station and make a statement. It's nothing major, you might even get a reward."

"Did I say he would be coming in for a statement? If you don't want to die, cuff him!" Murong looked at Ye Fei as if he was the enemy, her slender fingers resting on the pistol at her waist.

Upon seeing the man who had just rescued the plane being treated as a criminal by the female officer, not only were the pa.s.sengers stunned, but the other officers as well.  

"Officer, you are mistaken! This is a good man."

"Yeah! Without him, we might all be dead right now."

"Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you can treat people like that! I've already memorized your police ID number, I'll be filing a complaint about you later."

Murong's face flushed red. She took out an arrest warrant and held it up in front of everyone. "Good man? This is Ye Fei, born in Huaxia. He's on Interpol's most wanted list for terrorism. He's wanted around the entire world."

Everyone was amazed. Ye Fei's photo was indeed on the arrest warrant, but they could not believe that the shy boy would commit such terrible crimes.

"Handcuff me, I'll go with you." Ye Fei sighed.

He was promptly handcuffed and escorted to a police car.

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