Return of the Net Gaming Monarch - Chapter 327 - Defenders 3

Chapter 327 - Defenders 3


A weak voice slowly rang out. Immediately after, the ice crystal looked towards Lin Fan and the rest, its expression slightly stunned.

Obviously, he hadn't thought that there would actually be humans here.

"Not good!"

"Ice and snow is chasing us!"

Looking at the incomparably huge figure outside, the ice crystal's expression changed drastically. Immediately, it said with a hoa.r.s.e voice, "I'll fight him to the death!"

With that, the ice crystal's body shook violently, and it directly rushed up into the sky. Similarly, it transformed into an incomparably huge dragon.

It ruthlessly smashed towards the enormous ice dragon that was shooting towards it.


Under the stunned gazes of Lin Fan and the others, the two figures forcefully collided with each other. A loud explosive sound suddenly resounded out. Following this explosion, the bodies of the two enormous dragons, which were accompanied by miserable cries, violently shot backwards in the direction they had come from.


Seeing the ice crystal's huge body flying backwards, the expressions of Lin Fan and the others changed drastically. At this moment, the ice crystal was still in the shape of a huge dragon!

With such a huge body pressing down, even if Lin Fan and the rest didn't die, they would at least shed a layer of skin.

Everyone hurriedly spread out their bodies and rushed out in all directions, especially Chaotian and Mo Feng. They were like a blurred afterimage as they instantly disappeared.

"Bang!" The huge dragon collided with the iceberg, and immediately, the iceberg collapsed by more than half. Ice cones rushed in all directions, creating a terrifying scene.

Lin Fan and the others looked at the scene with lingering fear in their eyes. Their eyes were filled with astonishment.

If they were to be suppressed, they would immediately return to the Holy City to reincarnate!

"Boom!" Another earth-shaking sound rang out in the distance. When everyone heard the sound, they looked back and trembled. The Ice and Snow Devil Sovereign's huge body crashed directly into the Winter Plains. At this moment, the Winter Plains was filled with spiderweb-like cracks and covered an extremely wide area.

"Cough, cough!"

Within the pack of ice and snow, the human-shaped ice crystal staggered its way out. At this moment, there were several b.l.o.o.d.y holes on its body, and blood was still gus.h.i.+ng out. From the looks of it, it was in an extremely sorry state.

"Human, I beg for your help!"

The ice crystal coughed once, looked at Lin Fan and the others, and said with a deathly voice.


Upon hearing this, Lin Fan and the rest were slightly joyful. Clearly, this was a quest, and a huge one at that.

Otherwise, this wouldn't have happened the first time they appeared in the Devil world. After all, this was a battle between top-level bosses.

"Please … please send that crystal bead back to the dragon clan. That is the most precious treasure of my crystal dragon clan!"

The ice crystal gasped for breath, looked at Lin Fan and the others, and said: "Now that the snow and ice are dead, his men will quickly come here. You guys quickly take the crystal bead and leave, I have built a transfer array to the Dragon clan. You guys quickly take the crystal bead and leave, once you pa.s.s the transmission array, those demons won't be able to catch up to you!"

"System Notification: Player accepts Holy Quest, Crystal Pearl's inheritance."

"Quest Requirement: Players will carry the Crystal Pearl and avoid the pursuit of the various Infernal Kings under the Ice and Snow Devil Sovereign. If they head towards the dragon race, if they fail, the Players will die!"

At the same time, the coordinates of the transmission array built with ice also appeared in the task log of Lin Fan and the others.

"Let's go!"

The moment Lin Fan received the quest, he immediately rushed in the direction of the Ice and Snow Devil. At the moment, the Crystal Pearl was still with the Ice and Snow Devil.

Not to mention, Lin Fan remembered that one of his missions had something to do with the Ice and Snow Devil, and that was to do with Olson's request.

Annihilate the eight mighty Fiendlords and the Demon Emperor.

Lin Fan rushed to the Ice and Snow Devil's side and picked up the crystal bead. Then he looked at Heaven Breaker and said, "Heaven Breaker, help me chop off the Ice and Snow Devil Lord's head!"


Heaven Breaker didn't say anything more. He immediately transformed into a giant t.i.tan WarG.o.d that appeared before him. That ma.s.sive axe slashed viciously at Icemountain's dragon head.


The axe struck Icemountain's neck forcefully, chopping off the huge dragon head. Lin Fan then pointed at the gigantic dragon head and immediately sucked it into his backpack.

boom rumble rumble * After doing all this, rumbles rang out in the distance. The rumbles were loud enough to cause the expressions of Lin Fan and the others to change drastically.

"Mo Feng, take it!"

Lin Fan's face slightly changed. He directly handed the crystal bead to Mo Feng and shouted, "You and Chaotic Heavens are the fastest, quickly take this crystal bead and run!"


Upon hearing this, Mo Feng's expression slightly darkened. He then nodded his head as his body shot out explosively, transforming into an afterimage as he rapidly dashed forward.

"We'll run too. These monsters are all of extremely high levels. Our chances of survival aren't high!"

Lin Fan looked at the crowd and solemnly said.

"Let's go!"

Hearing this, everyone's facial expression changed drastically. They hurriedly turned around, spread the wings on their backs, and rushed into the distance.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

In the distance, beast roars resounded across the horizon. Lin Fan turned around to take a look, and his expression immediately changed. The Ice Cold Overlord and the Cold Moon Bat, these items were all top level 80 bosses. Behind them, there were numerous demon beasts baring their fangs and brandis.h.i.+ng their claws.

"My G.o.d!"

Bai Chen trembled slightly with fear in his eyes. He hastily urged the Fire Bird under him to rush out.

"Release the pet, resist it for a moment, and buy more time!"

Lin Fan directly released Medusa's illusion and the Nether Flame Ghost Phoenix. At this moment, no matter how much the Nether Flame Ghost Phoenix was unwilling, there was nothing she could do. Currently, what everyone needed to do was to delay and firmly hold back one demon after another.


After ordering Medusa's illusion and Quiet Flame Ghost Phoenix to block these guys' attacks, Lin Fan immediately spread the huge Thunder Wings on his back and rushed out explosively. Under the effect of the Thunder Wings' amplitude, Lin Fan's speed was no less than Yu Zhong's.

At this moment, Hua Feng, Heaven Breaker and Bai Chen were the slowest. After all, they weren't fast enough to eat their meals. In addition, their equipment and wings weren't high enough either. They had long been flung far away.

As for Lin Fan and the others, they also quickly escaped. At this moment, one pet escaped, and as long as they safely delivered the crystal pearl to the group, the reward they received would be enormous.

"Mo Feng, you have to be fast!"

Lin Fan silently chanted and rapidly dashed towards the direction of the teleportation formation. At this moment, only Mo Feng's speed could escape to the skies.

As long as Mo Feng was able to escape, everyone's mission would be considered completed. This way, everyone would be able to obtain enough rewards. Just think about it, this was a Saint level mission, how great would the reward be?

"System Notification: Your pet, Quiet Ghost Phoenix, is dead!"

"System Notification: The illusion of your Spirit Slave Medusa has died!"

Along with the two system notifications, Lin Fan's face revealed a serious expression. The phantoms of Quiet Flame Ghost Phoenix and Medusa had both died, and both of them had died very quickly.

"No wonder, you guys go!"

"Let's block that bunch of guys!"

Abruptly, Heaven Breaker howled. His speed was too slow, it was impossible for him to keep up with Qin Wentian's speed. At this moment, that was the only thing he could do.

"Boss, let's go!"

Bai Chen turned around and stood beside Heaven Breaker.

"I will heal you all!"

Hua Feng also smiled, and after casting a series of support spells at the two of them, he stood behind them.

Lin Fan stared at the three people behind him as a bitter expression appeared on his face. After which, he gritted his teeth and directly spread out his wings. At this moment, not only were there waves of beasts surging behind him, there were even the roars of beasts.

Very quickly, Lin Fan arrived at the Rain Clansmen's side. At this moment, the Rain Clansmen was dodging the attacks of several Level 60 normal monsters.

"Hurry up and leave! They're all in front of us! There's a lot of monsters!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan's complexion slightly changed. He didn't care too much and directly rushed out. After all, Mo Feng had that crystal bead on him, so he couldn't afford to miss anything.


Faintly, a beast's roar came from the distance, accompanied with a beast's roar. There was also a continuous clamor. When Lin Fan heard this sound, he couldn't help but reveal a happy expression. It was precisely the sound of the sky being thrown into chaos.

Following the sound, they rushed over. Soon, they saw the chaotic sky with a large group of monsters swimming about, but Mo Feng was nowhere to be seen.

"Mo Feng is in front, so you don't need to worry about me. You go first, I will follow you!"

Seeing Lin Fan, Chaotian shouted without a shred of nonsense.

And after hearing Luan Tian's low shout, Lin Fan directly nodded his head. His body fiercely rushed out and once again disappeared from where he stood.

"System Notification: Your teammate, Falling Moon Wu Feng, has been killed in battle."

"System Notification: Your teammate Bai Chen is dead!"

"System Notification: Your teammate Heaven Breaker is dead!"

Almost at the same time, Lin Fan received three system notifications. Immediately, Lin Fan's eyes became gloomy. From the time they had separated until now, it had only been 15 seconds, and the three of them had already returned to the city.

At this moment, Lin Fan could only grit his teeth and persevere. The only thing he needed to do was to cover Mo Feng and get to the Dragon clan as soon as possible. Only then would everyone's deaths be of value.

The rewards obtained from such an abnormal quest would definitely not be low.

"Mo Feng!"

Soon, Lin Fan discovered Fatty Mo, who was sprinting at full speed. However, the fatty looked to be in a sorry state at this moment, behind him, a large group of monsters were clawing towards Mo Feng. Fatty Mo was constantly dodging the attacks of these monsters, while a bottle of blood bottle was continuously being held in his hand.

"Frost Roar!"

Lin Fan immediately sent an icy roar towards Mo Feng and shouted: "Fatty, why aren't you invisible!"

"Boss, I can't go invisible with the crystal bead!"

Mo Feng bitterly roared at Lin Fan, as a helpless look surfaced in his eyes.

"Let's go!"

"I'll stop them!"

Lin Fan could not help but bitterly smile as he heard this. Immediately, he once again bombarded the sky with a furious sea of fury.


Fatty Mo immediately rushed out. At this moment, Lin Fan had already s.h.i.+fted all the demonic eyes onto him, giving Mo Feng plenty of time to escape.