Return Of The War God - Chapter 857

Chapter 857


In that void battlefield, two rounds of thousand-zhang soul sun continuously bombarded and collided, and the fluctuations caused by it were overflowing in all directions!

Within the two rounds of Qianzhang Soul Yang, there is a thunderous figure in each!

In that round of soul and sun, like a demon sun, is an old man with black beard and hair, dressed in a dark robe, hunting and clumsy, but his eyes seem to be shining with strange light that seems true or false, just like his pupils. The inner evolution of the two worlds, both true and false, complement each other.

This person is the Deputy Sect Master of the Heartscar Nightmare Sect, Xuyan Dream Master Jinquan!

The other figure has half black and half white hair, and an extremely young face, just like a double ten teenager, but a pair of eyes flashes through the vicissitudes of life, like a teenager with a white head, and like a young man who stands tall for years Powerful, it feels very peculiar.

It is the Black and White Holy Master, the vice-master of the Heavenly Dao, who is fighting against the Xuyan Dream Master!

But what is even more weird is that behind the two of them, in addition to the throbbing soul sun, there is also another dark phantom that is thousands of meters in size!

Those are two simple nails!

The nail head flickered a little bit of cold light, each flashing nine times in a single breath, and the phantom shadow of the nail was also blurred nine times at the same time, piercing the void, it was a visual illusion that only appeared after the speed reached the extreme!

After the last blur of the nail phantom was over, nine compelling cold stars burst out of the void, as if sometimes the emptiness demon spirits were madly colliding with each other, and the surging power engulfed the void, even the black hole of space.


When the nail-killing demon **** nail phantom re-suspended behind the black and white holy lord, it stood up in the void, the nail head was a bit cold, the nail body was pitch black, and it exuded a kind of earth-shaking evil air!

As if this nail can penetrate everything and kill everything, no one can stop it!

This is the breath that belongs to the peerless weapon, it is really scary, and even the eyelids hurt at the first glance, which is extremely dazzling.

The same is true for Xuyan Dream Master.

The two of them each possessed a nail of the Devil Slayer, and attacked each other in constant battle.

But people with discerning eyes can clearly see that the black and white holy lord has the upper hand, while the Xuyan Dream lord has the disadvantage.

At this moment, the two of them were facing each other far away, and the eyes of Xuyan Dream Master stared at the black and white holy master with both true and false singular light. In the deepest part of the eyes, there was a strange color.

"Zhu Demon God nails such a peerless weapon, which is used from your Jin Quan's hands, is really a waste."

The voice of the black and white Holy Lord resounded, with a hint of sonorous and domineering!

"Huh! Wan Jiangliu, your punisher **** nail is not too strong!"

Xuyan Dream Master let out a cold snort, and it seemed to be a little frustrated, completely different from the feeling he gave.

This point was immediately noticed by the Black and White Holy Lord, and he felt that Jinquan faintly seemed to reveal a touch of weirdness.

But now is an important moment. Every bit of time passing by may mean that more disciples of the heavens and saints on the main battlefield below have lost their lives, and the battle must be resolved as soon as possible!

Because the black and white holy master knows that once a combat power similar to his level is vacant, it will produce unimaginable power, which is even enough to fundamentally affect this battle and even bring victory.

Therefore, at this moment, in the heart of the black and white Holy Lord, there is only one idea, and that is to solve the false dream master in front of him as soon as possible.

Black and White Holy Lord is very confident about this!


The black-and-white holy lord walks through the void, like an emperor on a tour, stepping down as if he can crush the world with one step, pinching the big seal with his hand, evolving the mysterious trajectory, and finally a black and white Tai Chi pattern appears in the void!

Black and white Taiji revolves endlessly, each revolving is like the meaning of the Tao's life and death, white face rebirth, black face rebirth, black face rebirth, black and white revolving, judgment of life and death!

"Samsara Life and Death Seal!"


The hands of the black and white holy master also became black and white, and the black and white yin and yang throbbed behind him, pushing the black and white Tai Chi to attack and kill the dream master, and the void swayed endlessly, and the sense of reincarnation of life and death became clear to the world!

Once again, the black and white Holy Lord is extremely strong!

The pupils of Xuyanmeng Master condensed slightly, because he could feel a strong and extremely dangerous feeling from the black and white Holy Master's shots, and even the skin on the body began to numb slightly when he felt the feeling of reincarnation!

Although they are both peak monks in the late stage of the Fate and Soul Realm, the Dream Master of Void Development has to admit that he is indeed slightly inferior to the Black and White Holy Master.

"It's a pity! Wan Jiangliu, you are about to die soon!"

Xuyan Dream Master sneered in his heart, but on the surface, his beard danced wildly, and the whole person also broke out the most astonishing fluctuation in cultivation!

"Illusory Realm! Suppress all directions!"

With a low drink, an astonishing light burst out in the eyes of the dreamer of the imaginary dream, as if an illusory world was really projected from it, as if it had separated from the real space, existed alone, exuding amazing fluctuations, and directly hit the black and white holy. the Lord!


Two great masters at the pinnacle of the Fate Soul Realm later fought together. The Seal of Life and Death and the Unreal Realm were intertwined in the sky, constantly colliding with each other, and the Divine Slayer nails behind them flashed out again, and the void continued to fight each other!

This time, the black and white holy master did not have the slightest reservation, and directly used the strongest means to completely kill the Xuyan Dream Master!

The battle entered a kind of extreme in an instant, and the two figures were immediately stuck together!

The black and white vitality in the body surged, and the black and white holy master's long hair danced wildly, and his arms crossed the arms of the virtual dream master!

The Xuyan Dream Master stepped out, but firmly stuck to the black and white holy master, as if to kill the opponent at close range.

A wave of heart-palpiting fluctuations and huge suction flowed out of the two clashing arms. The surrounding tens of thousands of feet was filled with light of vitality, and the unmatched fighting skills continued to explode terrible damage. force!

The black and white holy master's eyes flashed, because he suddenly realized that the virtual dream master seemed to be doing this deliberately, sucking himself with huge suction.

But how can the Black and White Holy Master miss such a great fighter?

"Samsara sneak kill!"

When the black and white holy master thought, the ultimate move in the mark of life and death in the reincarnation was suddenly used. Based on the black and white hands, the vitality rolled out, like a waterfall turned into a baptismal reincarnation, with both arms as the origin, rushing straight in The body of Xuyan Dream Lord!

z*first b{issue


Xuyan Dream Master instantly changed color, couldn't help but groan, blood began to overflow from the corners of his mouth!

According to the truth, at this point, the best way to deal with the dream master is to avoid it directly. It is the best policy to get rid of the attack in the body, but at this moment the dream master does not retreat, but continues to madly urge the body. Yuanli turned into suction, which firmly attracted the black and white holy lord to himself.

Even for this reason, regardless of the injury in the body, bloodshot gushing out of the pair of eyes, and a flash of madness flashed in the depth of the eyes!


At this moment, in the void about ten meters away behind the black and white Holy Lord, a crack was suddenly and silently torn open, and a blood coffin exuding **** brilliance floated out from it at an extremely fast speed!

The appearance of the blood coffin was just right, just at the moment when the black and white holy master and the false dream master were glued together, as if all this had been planned long ago!

And on the blood coffin, a figure stood long, and six **** soul moons appeared behind him!

This person is Jun Shanlie who has long disappeared after sneaking into the void after a fight with Ye Wuque!

But at this moment Jun Shanlie's eyes are closed tightly, but that jealous face is flashing with a touch of madness, and the six blood souls behind him are even more strangely connected, forming a special connection, and there is an indescribable fluctuation. Transpiration!

Behind Jun Shanlie, the light-spirited woman who had been sitting cross-legged, stood up for some time, and a foot-long blood needle floated in front of her, condensed like magical blood, and was emitting A terrible breath that can break everything in the world!

But the most weird and terrifying thing is that Mingjun Shanlie has already appeared, but under the **** brilliance of the blood coffin, there is not the slightest fluctuation leaked out, at least the black and white holy master has no feeling at all!

The only one who has a panoramic view of all this is Xuyan Dream Master!

After seeing Jun Shanlie's appearance, the strange color in the depths of Xu Yanmeng's eyes finally turned into a thick and successful smile!

The speed of the blood coffin was reaching its limit, and the distance of ten feet reached almost instantly!

When the distance between Jun Shanlie and the black and white holy lord was only the last three feet, his closed eyes finally opened suddenly!

"Success or failure is in this one action, and if you fail to succeed, you will be benevolent! But I, Jun Shanlie, is a man of destiny. This life is destined to be brilliant and doomed to stand under the sky! Come on! My way to rise starts now! The seventh blood soul"

In Jun Shanlie's eyes that suddenly opened, it seemed that there was endless blood rushing, and the blood spirit essence around his body was like a Yangtze River!

On the other side, the Xuyan Dream Master suddenly burst out of all the power in his body, and doubled the surging suction power again!

"Hahahaha! Wan Jiangliu! You...lived to the end!"

The Xuyan Dream Master spoke like this, and there was a kind of treacherous and cheerful meaning in his tone!

At the same time, the delicate body of the light-spirited woman above the blood coffin trembled suddenly, and there was clearly no fluctuation in her cultivation level, but a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from her body, and the root floating in front of her was a foot long. Suddenly, his blood needle burst out with a monstrous blood-colored brilliance, and then pierced through the void with a slam, and the goal was directed at the black and white holy master!

The black and white holy lord felt a strong sense of danger when the Xuyanmeng lord laughed, and even every pore on his body began to tremble!

He wanted to get out, but the dream master of Xu Yan firmly absorbed him with huge suction, making him unable to break free in a short time!

In the next instant, he suddenly felt an indescribable evil but hot wave crashing behind him!

In an instant, the black and white holy lord understood that he was probably already in the game!

This is a carefully planned and planned plan for a long time!

In order to push yourself into desperation!

This is the killing of his life!

At this moment, the vicissitudes of the black and white holy master stared at the opposite virtual dream master, and there was a sudden flash in it!


The blood needle pierced the void, plunged fiercely from behind the black and white Holy Lord, and sank into it in one fell swoop!

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