Return Of The War God - Chapter 7277

Chapter 7277

Zhan Wenting pursed her lips almost immediately, and tears overflowed from those radiant pupils!

A hint of sadness flashed across Mrs. Zhan's beautiful face as well.

The Heavenly Ominous Emperor trembled slightly, and then fell silent!

Shentu Cang shook his head slowly, his face full of emotion and reluctance.

Inside the six-winged holy eagle, everything became silent and quiet.

No one spoke again.

But the sense of parting sorrow floating in the air became more and more intense.

Ye Wuque was naturally aware of such changes, but he didn't say much.

Nothing lasts forever.

He has long been used to it.

step out.

Like a shooting star piercing the void, Ye Wuque jumped down from the mysterious continent and returned to Zhanhuang the same way.

The wind whistled in my ears, like a war song that was about to end.


Ye Wuque returned to the war wasteland.

The ancient aura is surging, and the war wasteland that has undergone evolution is thriving, and it seems that it will continue for a long time, making this world more and more beautiful.

But in fact, the current war famine is not peaceful, it has already been undercurrents, and many disputes have even broken out everywhere!

As we all know, just in the past few days, the heads of the seven death taboo forces all suddenly fell!

For Zhan Huang, this is simply equivalent to a depth charge, breaking the subconsciousness of the long years.

After being shocked, unbelievable, and unbelievable, what follows is just around the corner...greed!

The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united, the long-term must be divided.

The seven death taboo forces suppressed the war for a long time, but talented people emerged from generation to generation. In each era, among the various forces, there will always be one or two ambitious people who are unwilling to be content with the current mediocrity and want to make trouble. .

Although some giants of the death taboo forces are still there, everyone is panicked and overwhelmed.

Therefore, many forces in the wilderness can't hold back!

Naturally, they didn't dare to really do anything to the taboo forces of death immediately, but they began to test some forces that were taken care of by the taboo forces of death.

In a short period of time, the entire war situation seemed to stir up thousands of waves with one stone, and the momentum became more and more powerful!

It seems that it won't be long before Zhan Huang will be completely lively.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque, who returned to Zhanhuang, brought everyone to the Zhan Family Ancestral Site once again!

"Brother Ye, I want to revive the glory of my Zhan family here, using the ruins of the ancestral land as the source point!"

"This is my mission and my honor!"

When Zhan Wenting spoke so resolutely, there was a hint of determination in her tone.

Ye Wuque nodded with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes once again looked at the position of the Palace of Light in the void.

Open the sky and create the Nine Gods Lotus!

Where did the rare treasure of the world that Zhan Kuangge left here come from?

I thought it would be given to Zhan Kuangge by the Tianling clan.

Or, Zhan Kuangge snatched it from the two holy places.

But neither seems to be the case.

From the looks of it now, it should be due to Zhan Kuangge's own chance, just like he got the Celestial Halberd.

Zhan Kuangge is a born extraordinary evildoer, even, it can be said that he is the son of luck who has condensed the luck of Zhan Huang!

It is normal for all kinds of miracles to happen to him.

But Ye Wuque believes that even for Zhan Kuangge, the Nine Gods Lotus should be a rare and precious treasure that cannot be found!

But Zhan Kuangge kept it without hesitation.

In a daze, Ye Wuque once again saw the man who was carrying everything and went away alone!

Zhan Kuangge, loves his hometown deeply.

And, the depth of love.

Ye Wuque firmly believed that Zhan Kuangge must not have died, and such an outstanding person would surely be able to turn the crisis into safety.

But, why did Zhan Kuang Song never come back after so many years?

Or, as unknown as he left, has he returned and finally left?

Ye Wuque didn't know.

But this does not prevent Ye Wuque from admiring Zhan Kuangge here.

At this time, Zhan Wenting in front of her, it is obvious that her birth, her innate pupils, seems to be the continuation of the Zhan family's luck!

In addition, Zhan Wenting got the legacy of Zhan Kuangge and was instructed by Ye Wuque.

In time, there is no limit to how far Zhan Wenting's achievements will reach!

Mrs. Zhan and Wenting Zhan stayed temporarily, and they started to contact the remaining servants of the Zhan family to accumulate enough strength.

But Zhan Wenting begged Ye Wuque that if she really wanted to leave, she must come and see them again.

Ye Wuque agreed.

Immediately, the Heavenly Ominous Emperor and Shen Tucang, who could not wait any longer, invited Ye Wuque to go back to the wild.


Returning here again, Ye Wuque still had a trace of emotion.

Before, he came from the Dead Sea, and the first thing he entered was the wild world, and everything started from here.

Now, returning again, especially the return before leaving, naturally has a different emotion.

The Sky Fierce Emperor and Shen Tu Cang, who were local vipers, returned, and the whole wilderness was almost boiling!

One must know that whether it is the Heavenly Ominous Emperor or Shen Tucang, they have all made great progress and reached the level of giants, which is completely different!

After returning to the wild, there is nothing to say, nothing to talk about.

just one word...


Tianjiuhuang and Shen Tucang, drinking and eating meat with Ye Wuque, were very happy.

Ye Wuque stayed in the wild for three days.

Three days later.

Ye Wuque is finally leaving!

Tianjiuhuang and Shen Tucang continued to send Ye Wuque away without any hesitation.

Remembering the agreement with Zhan Wenting, Ye Wuque returned to Zhanhuang.

At the site of the Zhan family's ancestral site, in the past few days, many houses and halls have been built, and the remnants of the Zhan family, or the creatures related to the Zhan family, have also gathered here again!

Seeing Ye Wuque again, Zhan Wenting was both happy and sad.

Happily, brother Ye did not miss the appointment and really came.

The sad thing is, since he is here, it means that Brother Ye is really leaving this time!

Still a party.

The atmosphere is peaceful and happy.

Mrs. Zhan even invited the band which is famous in the War Famine. The silk and bamboo are melodious and the rhythm is cheerful.

During this period, after accepting Mrs. Zhan's invitation, Emperor Tianjiu and Shen Tucang agreed to become the Zhan family's worshippers.

The "Xinghe" long sword was also officially given to Shentu Cang by Ye Wuque.

However, the happy time is short-lived.

When the morning glow first rose and the darkness before dawn completely dissipated, Ye Wuque was finally about to leave.

This time, he did not leave quietly.

Because everyone has been by his side until the end.

"Brother Ye, you have to remember Tinger, don't forget Tinger! Tinger is one of your registered disciples!"

The girl finally burst into tears, holding Ye Wuque's hand tightly.

Ye Wuque gently rubbed Zhan Wenting's little head, smiled softly and said, "Of course I will remember."

"And I believe that Ting'er in the future will be infinitely brilliant and brilliant!"

Hearing Ye Wuque's expectations, Zhan Wenting nodded desperately.

Madam Zhan also shed tears.

The two old fellows, Sky Fierce Emperor and Shen Tucang, couldn't help but have red eyes.

"Brothers, if possible, please take care of Ting'er."

The two old guys nodded immediately!

"Brother Ye, don't worry!"

In the ears, the music of the band is still resounding, echoing between the heaven and the earth.

Ye Wuque looked at the crowd again, and nodded with a smile.

Then he didn't say anything else, he ascended to the sky in one step, his martial robe fluttered, and headed towards the nine heavens again.

At this time, Zhan Huang seemed to be in the midst of spring.

Even in the early morning, there is still a breeze, gentle and elegant.

Among the songs and music, there is also a parting sorrow, a blessing, and a reluctance at this moment.

The Fierce Emperor and Shentu Cang couldn't take their eyes off it.

"The spring breeze sends you thousands of miles..."

"Brother Ye, have a good journey, safe and sound!"