Return Of The War God - Chapter 7168

Chapter 7168

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"According to your analysis, these members of the Zhan family really have no brains!"

"Zhan Huang, how long has it been since this lively?"

"It's because of these remnants of the Zhan family!"

"Let's see, one, two, three... Now that I got the news, there are at least five or six death taboo forces rushing here, and they are probably coming soon!"

"Oh, what I care about now is how to divide the remaining sins of the Zhan family?"

Inside the golden sedan chair, Lord Tianjiao seemed really worried, but his tone was quite playful.

Ming Hai didn't care about this and didn't respond.

The gaze under the bamboo hat has been on the Underworld Continent!

And the Underworld Continent, at some point, has already shone with a strange brilliance!

"Master Tianjiao, I am waiting for your order." Ming Hai said slowly.

"Don't worry, take your time, as long as you make sure that the remnants of the Zhan family don't get out! Alas, if those other guys don't arrive, then they will say that I eat alone at Purdue Jingzhai." Lord Tianjiao said.

"As ordered."


Inside the Underworld Sect, Mrs. Zhan was taken aback for a moment!

"Impossible! He is indeed Ming Hai, I won't admit it!"

Sky Fierce Emperor and Shentu Cang also frowned.

"It all went so well."

"We just happened to kill him, he just happened to be suppressed, and then just happened to curse and died, leaving no bones left."

"This Minghai really wants his death to be justified and justifiable..."

Ye Wuque opened his mouth lightly.

At the same time, he had already looked at the entire Underworld Continent outside the Underworld Sect, and continued: "The Underworld Sect and this double are just a decoy."

"The real killing move is the entire Underworld Continent."

The moment Ye Wuque's words fell!

Buzz buzz!

An indescribable brilliance seemed to illuminate the entire Underworld Sect, emanating from the Underworld Continent where the Underworld Sect took root, intertwined into a strange mask, covering the entire Underworld Sect!

"The old man has been prepared for a long time?" Mrs. Zhan was also a little shocked.

However, the Heavenly Fierce Emperor said: "It seems that this Ming Hai has a lot of brains, and he should have laid down his hands long ago. One trick is to lure the king into the old man, and the other is to feign death to escape. It's really amazing!"

Shentu Cang was also looking at the Underworld Continent, and felt the tremor and the Underworld Sect that was beginning to shatter.

"According to that Ming Hai's strength, he definitely can't do such a large-scale kill by himself. It seems that the power behind him must have moved!"

"Perhaps, the real Underworld Sea and the death taboo forces behind him are watching not far from us now, otherwise, how could this Underworld God Continent suddenly erupt?" Sky Fierce Emperor grinned.

"Then... what should we do now?"

Mrs. Zhan was inevitably a little worried.

She understood that she had underestimated Ming Hai, and she had entered the opponent's encirclement on her own initiative.

But Mrs. Zhan immediately discovered that no matter Ye Wuque, Tianjiuhuang, or Shen Tucang, there was no anger or worry on the faces of the three of them, and they all looked away from Mingshenzong.

Ye Wuque looked calm.

The Fierce Emperor and Shentu Cang were eager to try, but there was a faint excitement and anticipation in their eyes!

An inexplicable sense of security grew in Mrs. Zhan's heart.

"Ting'er's pupil may not be in the hands of the real Ming Hai now, but the death taboo forces behind him must know."

Ye Wuque finally spoke, with a rather worry-free expression.


At this moment, the mask on the entire Hades Continent suddenly began to retract violently, as if a huge birdcage was constantly closing.

"Is this to trap us in the Underworld Sect?"

The Heavenly Ominous Emperor, who had experienced many battles, could see the opponent's plan at a glance.

"Three, be careful."

Mrs. Zhan understands that her existence is a burden, so what she has to do now is to disappear temporarily.

In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Zhan disappeared again, apparently returning to the six-winged holy eagle.

Under the power of Ye Wuque, the six-winged holy eagle, which is half the size of a rice grain, hides in the void and is difficult to be found.

The bodies of Sky Fierce Emperor and Shentu Cang were even trembling slightly at this time!

Not fear.

Rather... excited!

Uncontrollable excitement and anticipation.

"Shentu, I didn't expect that one day, the two of us would have the opportunity to confront the powerful creatures in the legendary War Desolation!" the Sky Fierce Emperor couldn't help but excitedly said.

"That's right! In the entire Sanhuang, for a long time, besides the two of us, who else is there?"

"Peerless in the world! A once-in-lifetime opportunity! How can you miss it??"

Shen Tucang let out a long laugh.

The Heavenly Fierce Emperor and Shen Tucang stood in front of Ye Wuque's left and right.

Ye Wuque was alone, with his hands behind his back, and his whole body was calm, like an outsider watching a theater.


I saw Shentu Cang raised his hands high, and pulled the void, and the sword chant resounded immediately, and the Xinghe Sword was born out of nowhere, appearing in his hands!

An indescribable sharpness burst out from Shentu Cang's eyes!

On the other side, the Heavenly Ominous Emperor also held the void with his right hand, on which the eight pagodas stood quietly and brilliantly.

Two ancient treasures!

It seems that he is about to completely...become famous in the entire war famine!

The long sword is in front of him.

Since Shentu Cang got this sword, he controlled it under Ye Wuque's instruction, and with his current cultivation base, he has already won the three flavors of it. At this time, Zhan Xinghe's birth is like the first light that pierced the world!

Step forward!

Shentu Cang, bearded and haired, was in a frenzy, holding the Xinghe sword in his hand, pointing the sword at the masked birdcage that had come together from the Underworld Continent, his divine power was boiling, from top to bottom, he was so angry that he rushed to the sky, his eyes were sharp, and he shouted loudly!


The outside world, that void.

Looking at the mechanism of trapping enemies that has been put into operation in the Underworld Continent, a hint of conceit flashed in Minghai's eyes.

At this moment, Lord Tianjiao let out a soft "hey" in the golden sedan chair.

"Those guys are finally here!"

I saw completely different but equally soaring visions appeared in all directions in the distance at this time!

There are splendid chariots!

Floating warships that can block out the sun!

There is a huge beast that roars for nine days!


But among them, the most eye-catching thing is a path that splits the sky and the ground, destroying even the dust... the golden knife light!

Ming Hai, who was watching coldly, also felt a slight throbbing in his heart at this time.

"A large gathering of forces at the taboo level of death in the wasteland..."

"And I, Minghai, can be regarded as the existence that led this scene!"

A flame called ambition is burning in the depths of Ming Hai's eyes right now!

"It's very lively now!"

Lord Tianjiao in the golden sedan sneered.

"Minghai, the trapping mechanism of your Underworld Continent has already shown its power? After we discuss the distribution results, the remnants of the Zhan family can't escape, right?"

On the Underworld Continent in the distance, a huge mask is like a birdcage turned upside down, constantly tightening and shrinking!

Hearing this, Ming Hai immediately turned around and said respectfully but confidently: "Master Tianjiao, don't worry, I have been running the entire Underworld Continent for too long!"

"Coupled with the help of Purdue Jingzhai's power, even a giant-level existence can be temporarily trapped for a while. These remnants of the Zhan family... can't fly without wings!"

Lord Tianjiao in the golden sedan chair seemed quite satisfied, looked at the other death taboo forces that were getting closer in all directions and said with a smile: "That's good, the province's benefits have not been distributed yet, these few Zhan family remnants The bedbugs are making a fuss...tear!"



A huge shatter exploded!

Accompanied by an earth-shattering blazing sword chant, it suddenly resounded!

Ming Hai suddenly turned around, and the pupils under the bamboo hat, which were originally full of confidence, shrank violently at this moment!

On the Underworld Continent in the distance, the birdcage mask he was full of confidence had shattered at this moment, and it was smashed to pieces in an instant!

A huge sword light slashed out from it, completely illuminating the void in the ten directions!