Return Of The War God - Chapter 6648

Chapter 6648

must die

She and Qin Riyuan seem to have come out side by side, but in fact they are clearly different, but at this moment they still can't help but look at each other, and they both see the shock in each other's eyes!

They knew about Teng Yuetian and knew how terrible each other was.

Otherwise, how could the three of them have the dominant advantage in front of the mysterious medicine garden before?

Because of this, it is so shocking at this time!

"It seems that this 'Desolate Demon God' is stronger than I imagined..."

Qin Riyuan opened his mouth like this with an inexplicable tone.

"so what?"

"Feng Yuetian, who is in a hurry, will only be infinitely terrifying!"

Xian Ji's tone showed a hint of coldness.

At the same time, the sky is roaring, the fire is surging, the vine jumps out of the sky, and the light shines!

Seeing this, Ye Wuque had an expressionless face, and also stepped out.

"Tangtian Fiery Prison!" The void was boiling, and Teng Yuetian roared at this moment, his momentum was inexorable, and the whole body was burning with blazing fire, which evolved into a splendid and blazing blazing hell!

Inside, a red vine flashed big, as high as the sky, rooted in the fiery hell, fierce and monstrous, blasting the void and coming!

Ye Wuque's figure became blurred, and he stepped out of the God King Lin Jiutian, and his exquisite movement was dazzling.

But the extreme eruption of Teng Yuetian is really strong and violent at this moment. The Lieyang Spirit Vine has transformed into hundreds of thousands, and it is everywhere, and it is burning with terrifying flames, as if the void is divided!

Ye Wuque, who came in a hurry, froze suddenly, he was drawn, his chest was cracked, a terrifying bloodstain appeared, blood splashed out, and he staggered back and took a step back.

Seeing this, Teng Yuetian radiated brilliant fire, and the fire and **** were intertwined with the void, covering Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque stabilized his figure, his face was expressionless at this time, but his eyes sparkled with excitement!

This blow is enough!

Feeling the shrouded fiery hell, Ye Wuque let out a long howl, and it broke out at this time!

Sacred Dao war swept through his body, he made a fist with his left hand and turned his right hand into a palm!

The Emperor God's Fist and the Destroying God's Palm are intertwined, pulling out a terrifying rainbow light in the void, directly strong and tough!

The gods flashed all over the sky, and nothing could be seen!

Ye Wuque and Teng Yuetian killed one place.

Teng Yuetian radiated light all over his body, and behind him there was a phantom of his body, a red spirit vine with a flaming flame, shining brightly and eternally.

At this time, the most peak blow was condensed, and a punch hit Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque felt the boundless warmth coming towards his face, his body vibrated slightly, he was not surprised but happy, without any intention of dodging, he also squeezed his fist and swept out!


The void shattered, the flames soaring to the sky swept through, and half of the sky was illuminated!

Look from afar!

The two figures seem to be intertwined in the void!

Both fists slammed into each other's chests!

Next moment!

Teng Yuetian let out an unwilling roar, his chest split open, his flesh and blood churned, and blood was scattered into the void, shocking!

It was pale, flew backwards, and its breath was sluggish!

As for Ye Wuque, there was also a blood hole in his chest, and blood spilled out. However, his body glowed, kept squirming, and gradually recovered!

Ye Wuque was still standing still, standing above the void, his hair was turbulent, and he was extremely powerful.

Without a doubt!

Fujiyoshi is defeated!

"Oh my God!"

"Teng Yuetian was defeated!"

"Tianhuang Demon God actually defeated Teng Yuetian head-on! How terrifying is his strength?"

The scalps of countless creatures are numb.

And Ye Wuque was here, his eyes were cold at this time, and he continued to attack without hesitation.

Beat up the drowning dog!

Directly to kill Teng Yuetian.

Teng Yuetian gritted his teeth, originally full of unwillingness in his heart, but at this time he felt Ye Wuque who was slaughtered, and his heart suddenly became cold.

How can it be Ye Wuque's opponent now?

I saw Fujiyue Tianbian desperately backing away, his eyes were vicious, and he was screaming up to the sky!

"Qin Riyuan!"

"Fairy Fairy!"

"He has already gained the trust of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King. If I hadn't stepped in, he would have obtained that 900,000-year-old Treasure Medicine!"

"If I die, the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King will only fall into his hands!"

"You, you will miss it forever!"

The moment the words fell, Fuji Yuetian's arms were crazily intertwined in front of him, gnashing his teeth!


He kicked it vigorously, as if a giant mountain hit the sky and hit a small sapling!

Teng Yuetian let out a painful groan, and his two arms exploded into blood mist!

But at this moment, a strange mask suddenly appeared on its body surface, offsetting the remaining power of Ye Wuque's terrifying kick!

Life-saving trump card!

Teng Yuetian's life-saving trump card was activated, and he saved his life abruptly.

But the aftermath of Ye Wuque's kick still sent it flying!

But Ye Wuque stopped in the void and looked into the distance, but did not continue to pursue.

At the same time, Teng Yuetian, who had just been shaken out, also stabilized his body again and stopped abruptly in the void.

But it didn't stop on its own.

Instead, it was held by a hand!

Qin Riyuan!

Appeared behind Fujikoshiten.

On the side, Xian Ji's graceful figure also slowly appeared, her whole body was radiant and hazy, really like a fluttering fairy.

"Whirring whirring"

At this moment, Fujiyue was panting, but he still stared at Ye Wuque, his eyes full of a chill.

Qin Riyuan slowly walked to the front, looking at the embarrassed, vines all over his body, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said with a hint of ridicule: "I didn't expect that one day I would see Brother Teng in such an embarrassing scene..."

"You said, if I kill the killer now, can Brother Fuji still be able to stop it?"

As soon as these words came out, all the creatures shrank their pupils again in the already dead silent world!

As a result, Teng Yuetian's expression did not change here. This was because he wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. He turned his head and glanced at Qin Riyuan, who had an inexplicable expression, and said coldly, "You can try."

Qin Riyuan suddenly laughed and said, "Just kidding, Brother Teng, who doesn't know that your life-saving cards are so famous?"

"You two, how long will you be talking nonsense?"

Immortal Fairy's voice sounded at this time, and her tone was also cold, but a pair of beautiful eyes kept staring at Ye Wuque on the opposite side.

"Teng Yuetian, do you mean that the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King has established trust with him?" Xian Ji spoke again.

"Of course! Otherwise, why did the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King take root in the medicine field for a long time and suddenly flew out? This guy does have two brushes!" Teng Yuetian stared at Ye Wuque.

"That means..." Qin Riyuan also looked at Ye Wuque at this time.

"He must die! The Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King will become fair to everyone again."

Teng Yuetian's voice became extremely cold.

Although it has been seriously injured, it still seems to be unyielding and has confidence.

"Is that so..." Qin Riyuan seemed to feel a little pity.

Right now!

The three eyes narrowed slightly at the same time.

Because Ye Wuque, who had been standing still on the opposite side, strode towards them at this time.


Ye Wuque, who had stepped forward, suddenly spoke so lightly, and there was also a hint of pity in his tone.

"What a pity?"

Qin Riyuan opened his mouth with a smile, looking at Ye Wuque from afar, there was always a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

"It's a pity that it was only the two of you who stood up."

"I thought there would be more people shooting together."

Ye Wuque's voice was not high, but it shook the sky and the earth. After hearing it, countless creatures couldn't help but open their mouths again!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque said a word again, which immediately stunned countless creatures on the second floor!

"What are you three waiting for?"

"Come on together!"