Return Of The War God - Chapter 6646

Chapter 6646

Chapter 6646 Can't keep affectionate since ancient times...

This sudden and strange sound transmission naturally came from the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King in front of him!

It has spirit.

Naturally, he knew everything that happened in the Mysterious Medicine Garden, but he remained unmoved and kept aloof.

Because it doesn't look at any living beings at all.

Because it's a world-shattering treasure that can't be found!

Born proud!

It is also an innate characteristic!

Therefore, it disdains, or does not want to.

Ye Wuque, who is close at hand?

In its eyes, it is just something like an ant, or, in other words, it is another greedy creature that has coveted it and wants to get it for a long time.

But now!

This Great Scarlet Dragon Blood Ginseng King could no longer hold back his voice transmission to Ye Wuque!

Obviously, the breath of the real keel played a big role.

Ye Wuque did not answer it, as if he had turned a blind eye to the sound transmission of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King, but still stared at it faintly.

But this big red dragon blood ginseng king couldn't sit still, it seemed to be staring at Ye Wuque, and the strange voice with uncertainty sounded again!


"You are a human race!"

"It's not a dragon at all, but, how can you have ... you're lying to me??"

Facing the questioning second sentence of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King's voice transmission, Ye Wuque still did not speak.

He just ingested the breath of the real keel and released it again, covering the world!

"The breath of a pure-blooded"

The big red dragon blood ginseng king seems to be a little confused!

It is not clear, how can a human race have a dragon race, and it is still the breath of a pure blood dragon race?

So intense! So incredible!


The next moment, an earth-shattering dragon roar exploded, and I saw a large golden dragon appearing around Ye Wuque's body, wrapping around his body, showing his teeth and dancing claws, and his imposing manner was soaring to the sky.

The body of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King trembled slightly.

"You got...Dragon inheritance??"

Its voice had gone from stunned to shocked.

"But even if you get the inheritance of the dragon clan, you shouldn't have the breath of the pure blood dragon clan. No, this breath is beyond imagination! It is even more incredible than the pure blood dragon clan!"

"What is it?? What is it?"

At this time, the thinking of the big red dragon blood ginseng king seems to be confused! Confused!

Although it has long possessed spiritual wisdom, it has always been rooted in the mysterious medicine garden. Because of its high status, it is relatively simple and has not experienced too many world events.

And until this moment, Ye Wuque's voice finally sounded!

"You're craving evolution!"

"I hope you can evolve into a million-year-old elixir!"

"So, you don't allow yourself to transform now!"

As soon as these words came out, the crystal clear body of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King trembled slightly.

It seemed to be staring at Ye Wuque, and Ye Wuque even felt a grand and ancient aura locked on him!

But Ye Wuque just continued to say lightly: "It's good to have a dream, but you should know that a million years is a terrible threshold for your precious medicine!"

"It's not just the accumulation of time, but also the price to pay for it."

"Once you fail, your body may still be there and will not be affected, but your awakened intelligence may disappear."

"A few years later, another brand-new spiritual wisdom may be slowly born on this Great Scarlet Dragon Blood Ginseng King, but is that still you?"

"Or do you have a 100% certainty that you can perfectly evolve and succeed by yourself?"

At this time, as Ye Wuque opened his mouth, the body of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King began to tremble again.

At this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly grinned again.


"I can help you."

"You have already felt the breath of Fang Cai, and you have also seen that I have obtained the inheritance of the dragon family."

"It's no exaggeration to say that as long as you follow me and slowly absorb that breath, your chances of successfully evolving into a million-year-old elixir can at least reach... 70%!"

"Seventy percent of the confidence!"

"You should understand that I didn't lie to you, right?"

At this time, Ye Wuque had a harmless smile on his face, like a devil full of fatal temptation.

After Ye Wuque discovered the attitude of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King "I would rather be broken than broken tiles".

He has already understood that it is impossible to win!

Then only... outsmart!

Sure enough, the big red dragon blood ginseng king who heard the words trembled even more violently!

Next moment!

The strange voice of the Great Scarlet Dragon Blood Ginseng King finally sounded again, but it brought a trace of instinctive vigilance!

"Following you?"

"You want to take me as your own, and then refine and devour me? Refining it into an elixir?"

"Just now, I saw with my own eyes that you took eight of them away!"

"Now, are you trying to lie to me again?"

Hearing this, Ye Wuque's expression did not change, and he said without hesitation, "Can they compare with you?"

"Moreover, they also took the initiative to surround and kill me first, and they also killed me into a flesh and blood medicine field."

"Why, are you not allowed to fight back?"

"Hello, double standard!"

At this time, Brother Ye was very eloquent, and his words made the King of Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng speechless.

"But, but... you still covet me! This won't change! If it falls into your hands, can I escape?"

The voice of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King was a little intermittent, and he lacked confidence. It seemed that he was really fooled, but his vigilant instinct was still there.


As a result, Ye Wuque continued to speak without hesitation.

"I can make an oath of heaven, as long as you are willing to follow me, not only can you regularly absorb that breath and continue to evolve, but also, I will not erase your wisdom, and directly swallow your whole or alchemy."


"When I need a lot of spiritual energy to absorb, you have to donate your spiritual energy to me!"

"Otherwise, what do I need you for?"

"So, we build a sustainable and common development, common progress, mutual win-win deal."

"Hello, I'm good, it's fun, let's be together."

"how do you feel?"

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Wuque's remarks came out loudly, and the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King seemed to be a little stunned!

Its body began to tremble, the light flickered, and it wanted to refute the weak voice: "You, do you want my power? Is that different? If I was..."

"It won't hurt your origin, and it won't **** you dry, which can also be added to the oath."

Ye Wuque's voice sounded directly, but at this moment there was a hint of impatience in his tone!

But in the depths of Ye Wuque's eyes, a smile flashed.

It is almost impossible to **** and **** a precious medicine whose grade has reached the level of the Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King.

It is better to reach a mutually beneficial agreement!

Keeping such a precious medicine by your side is not a one-time refining, but an endless stream of use.

Just like cutting leeks, once in a while!

The stronger it evolves, the more feedback it can get!

Wouldn't that be nice?


The Great Red Dragon Blood Ginseng King is obviously already tempted!

But instinct is still reminding it that there seems to be a problem, and its voice continues to sound: "I, I still don't feel right! You, you..."


"Forget it if you don't want to!" As a result, before the Da Chilong Blood Ginseng King could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Wuque!

At this time, Ye Wuque was already full of impatience!