Return Of The War God - Chapter 6522

Chapter 6522

The lackeys on the other shore

"Once the son of the Taoist **** is seduced and wants to enter it to obtain inheritance, he will be settled in his mind by the puppet 'Mosiah' inside, and instead, he will use the flesh as the origin, and use that immortal breath to launch this world... An immortal sacrificial in a mutilated state!"

"But what power is immortality?"

"Even if it is incomplete, once it really erupts, it will be enough to sweep the entire Heavenly Desolate Dao God, and even the Hundred Battles Samsara, Raging Fire King Kong, and Escape One will be affected."

"All the creatures in it will be sacrificed in blood, and at that time, the other side will be able to invade on a large scale."

"It can be described as a vicious intention, a killer move that has been laid out from a long time ago!"

"Unfortunately, the other side has miscalculated!"

"They didn't expect that in the Heavenly Desolate Dao God, in this taboo rift, the five people who became the sons of the Dao God, in fact, no one took a fancy to the immortal inheritance!"

"The other side's killer move has never been activated!"

"Only Zhuge is special in the world. What he sees is not the immortal inheritance, but the immortal aura contained in the immortal head!"

"But also because of this, I discovered this killing and the secret!"

"Zhuge Tianxia realized that something was wrong, and wanted to turn back and think of a countermeasure, but when he returned, he found something strange in the Forbidden Crack. , only to find that it was a terrifying... Demon Seed!"


Ye Wuque's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he said: "Yes, the breath of Zhuge's avatar's body before death is the breath of the devil!"

"And to be able to have this devilish aura can only be..."

In an instant, Ye Wuque's expression became icy cold!

"He turned into a demon!"

The young man's voice followed Ye Wuque, with a hint of solemnity and awe, and then added: "The supreme ancient heavenly art from the other side!"

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, and then, as if he realized something, a terrifying edge flashed in his eyes!

"If you are qualified to leave a Demon Seed in the Forbidden Crack, and can make Zhuge the world suffer, then there is only the third natural disaster... Ye Langya!"

Ye Wuque's expression turned cold.

On the grassland, he personally confirmed this matter, Ye Langya obtained his magic seed transformation, and even left a magic seed, but it was destroyed by Ye Wuque.

"Did Ye Langya become... a lackey on the other side??"

There was a chill in Ye Wuque's eyes.

In the end, the young man said in a voice: "Ye Langya, he should not have become a lackey on the other side, but this person... is amazing!"

"His other transformation seed Mogu Tiangong should have been stolen from a certain enchanting Tianjiao on the other side who has this ancient Tiangong!"

"But although Ye Langya stealthily learned a certain essence, it is not complete after all, and there are still fatal flaws."

"And Ye Langya...According to my guess, he should have a deep heart that doesn't know where to go! He is cold and indifferent, and it is impossible to speculate."

"He quelled the attack of the third natural disaster, otherwise he would not have become the son of the Taoist god, but although he never betrayed, it should be to test and improve his transformation of the demonic magic, so he deliberately left it in the crack of taboo. A Demon Seed, and the target should be the later... the son of the Taoist God!"

"I want the son of the Taoist **** to test and perfect his own demon!"

"This person, Ye Langya... is extremely terrifying!"

"Only the evildoer of the son of the Taoist **** can become a false **** and enter the taboo rift."

"That's why Zhuge World has been recruited!"

"Zhuge World has paid a huge price for refining the immortal head because of refining and refining, and he has already been severely damaged before he discovered the real secret of the killing. an examination."

"That Demon Seed couldn't contaminate him originally, but unfortunately his vitality was severely damaged first, and he was not in a perfect state, so after trying his best, he was still infiltrated by the Demon Seed and was polluted."

"It's impossible to think about the perfect exorcism of demons!"

"It was already at the end of the day, but Zhuge's world is extraordinary after all. He tried his best, and finally thought of a way to deal with the devil, that is... split himself!"

"Incorporate your own evil thoughts and obsessions into the Demon Seed, and then split into a brand new self."

"So, the **** vertical pupil, that is, the evil thoughts of Zhuge world appeared!"

"So, there is also the latter thing."

"The real Zhuge World takes this opportunity to survive, because he knows that he has made a mistake with one move."

"And the split evil thoughts Zhuge Tianxia were shielded from memory to prevent leakage, and under the power of the devil, the evil thoughts believed that they were the real Zhuge Tianxia, the son of the Taoist god."

"In addition to the obsession that is integrated into it, this evil avatar has become the Zhuge world that has sacrificed everything for the immortal inheritance and chose the fallen Zhuge world, which is the Zhuge world you have seen along the way."

"The real Zhuge world, at that time, his vitality was severely damaged and he was on the verge of death. He could only use a secret treasure to choose to sleep in the taboo crack and survive. He didn't want to die, because he knew that he had made a big mistake, and his evil thoughts must be eliminated. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable, so I insisted on not dying.

"And then, here I come!"

"But because of my speciality, what I came here was not my body, but a wisp of divine soul and a mass of blood. Because of the special and mighty power of my practice, I discovered the real world of Zhuge in the Forbidden Crack."

"After gaining insight into his situation, I chose to help him and bring him back to life. From what he said, I learned everything."

"But if he wants to regain his mobility, if he wants to regain his strength, it will take a long time to wait."

"During the period, we chose to hide, just inside the Forbidden Crack."

"Up to the appearance of the fifth natural disaster, the appearance of the defeated day, and the appearance of that evil thought."

"Just like what Zhuge Tianxia thinks, Evil Thought has paid everything for the immortal inheritance."

"During the fifth natural disaster, Baitian vaguely discovered some clues, but the world of Zhuge has not recovered, so they did not choose to show up."

"The evil thoughts don't know. Because of the weakness of the main body, it also needs to sleep, and it has suffered a loss in the hands of Baitian. Therefore, the blood-colored vertical pupil will not appear until the sixth natural disaster, at this time point where you are."

"And the whole time, the world of Zhuge has almost recovered. A mere evil thought is actually nothing to worry about. The real hidden danger is the immortal killing situation. Therefore, in the end, Zhuge and I decided to disguise as... a prophet!"

"Come to the front line of the beacon fire, help the front line of the beacon fire, and fight against the enemies and evil thoughts on the other side."

"And evil thoughts, along with the awakening of the main body, also woke up from the deep sleep and began to make waves."

"You know what happened next."

After these words, the young man's voice explained, and finally let Ye Wuque understand the cause and effect, and also realized the difficulties of Zhuge World at the beginning.

"Zhuge the world, bear the burden of humiliation, he is not a traitor, but a hero."

Ye Wuque sighed and opened his mouth, and then he looked at the mysterious ripples above the void, his eyes became deep and said: "Then, where did your prophecy about me come from? Why did you know that I would appear??"