Return Of The War God - Chapter 6277

Chapter 6277

I have to say that the truth and the ins and outs revealed in the words of Seven Stars at this moment are full of a real cruelty!

The three of them, not only seemed to have long known the identity of "Ye Wuque", but also the existence of "Tao God Fire Seed" in the sky martial arts arena, they were all bait to lure Ye Wuque!

After saying this, the eyes of the three of Seven Stars were all fixed on Ye Wuque's face. They expected to see endless anger, fear, anxiety and despair on Ye Wuque's face.

However, what disappointed the three masters of the sky martial arts arena is...

Ye Wuque remained expressionless.

He didn't even change his eyes at all.

"Courageous enough!"

"Knowing that you are bound to die, your life is not long, and you can still maintain your style, Ye Wuque, you are indeed beyond the average monster genius!"

Qi Xing spoke coldly.

At this moment, the three of them thought it was Ye Wuque's strong support, so that they would not show their timidity and retain their last dignity.

"There is no love or hate in this world for no reason."

"I have no grievances or enmity with you, and I have never even known each other. You have indeed set up such a shocking situation to deal with me."

"That can only prove one thing..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque's voice finally sounded, and he looked at Qixing, Po Sha, and Ma Honggu from a distance, and his deep eyes gave people an unpredictable meaning.

"You are just puppets, and there are people behind you."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three of Seven Stars flickered slightly, but their eyes became more and more sharp!

"Tsk tsk, how pitiful, is it a great feeling to be the supreme ruler of the sky martial arts arena, but turned into a puppet of others?"

"Not only have to live as a dog, but also endure the pain caused by the outbreak of the power of the curse day and night."

"Look at the three of you, you are not a ghost or a ghost, the third elder's face is exposed, it will really frighten the children to cry."



"Ye Wuque, you are courting death!!"

Three bursts of killing intent sounded almost at the same time!

It was the three of them from the Seven Stars!

They stared at Ye Wuque, their already twisted faces became extremely ugly, and even revealed a trace of surprise and anger that could not be hidden.

Ye Wuque's words stabbed into their hearts like a razor-sharp dagger.

Words to the point!

Literally point to the bullseye!

Originally, the three of them clearly wanted to break the defense against Ye Wuque, but now they have been defeated by Ye Wuque!

Talking about mouth cannons, who was Brother Ye afraid of?

"Is it urgent?"

"Three old trash!"

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice sounded again, and suddenly the distorted faces of the three Seven Stars were madly distorted again! !

"Little bastard! I'll tear your mouth apart!!"

Aunt Ma Hong's voice seemed to float from the depths of hell, and her eyes seemed to want to eat Ye Wuque!

But Qi Xing seemed to calm himself down again. He stared at Ye Wuque again and sneered: "Ye Wuque, you only have one mouth left now!"

"Take it as your pitiful cry before you die!!"

Ye Wuque's eyes fell on the three of them, and he said again: "Since you guys are watching in the dark early in the morning, and you want my life, why don't you come out and take the opportunity when I fight the blood monkey?"

Hearing this, Qi Xing smiled coldly.

"The answer is very simple, we are just waiting for you and the blood monkey to lose both."

"Look at your current appearance. You are covered in blood and crumbling. How many percent of your combat power is left?"

"In our eyes, you are just a soft-footed shrimp! Hahahaha!"

Seven Stars looked up to the sky and smiled.

But Ye Wuque shook his head again and said directly: "It seems that it is not only three old trash, but three scared old turtles."

"Just come out with one of you, your strength should not be lower than mine, so what conspiracy and tricks are you playing?"


At the moment when Ye Wuque's words fell, the shock changed suddenly!

I saw that there was a splendid brilliance from the three of the seven stars at the same time, which was the brilliance of prohibition.

At the same time, the entire originally cracked sky martial arts field suddenly trembled violently from top to bottom at this moment, and collapsed crazily.

Then, an equally splendid splendid forbidden light lit up, complementing the three of the Seven Stars, and finally a huge and incomparable forbidden light curtain was born, like an erected barrier, the three of the Seven Stars, the entire sky martial arts arena in all directions, and Ye Wuque Completely blocked in it!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ye Wuque, do you know why we are willing to waste time forcing Lai Lai with you for so long?"

"It's to make this indestructible 'Wuji Blood Refining Demon God Ancient Ban' completely formed!!"

Seven Stars laughed wildly.

Po Sha and Ma Hong Gu both showed cruel and contented smiles at this moment.

"Now, you have been completely sealed in this forbidden light curtain! This place isolates all the power of time and space, even if you have a powerful teleportation card, you will not be able to get out!"

The forbidden light curtain continued to shine at this time, and it gradually turned into a dark red color.

The three of Seven Stars sneered and looked at Ye Wuque, as if they were watching a turtle caught in a urn.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque was expressionless, but he looked at Xing Qixing three people indifferently, and said indifferently: "Then do you know why I am willing to accompany you all the time to persecute Lai Lai?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three Seven Stars moved slightly.

Next moment!


A power of divine soul burst out suddenly, overflowing from above the void, and the three of the seven stars suddenly raised their heads!

I saw that the fourth Taoist fire seed that had been suspended at the top of the tower was already shrouded by the strong power of the soul at this moment, and it was directly suppressed at this time!

It turned out that when the two sides were confronting each other, Ye Wuque deliberately forced Lai Lai with Qi Xing. In fact, he had secretly and silently shrouded his own soul power little by little.

It is for the powerful capture at this time!


The Dao God Fire Seed wanted to struggle, but under the suppression of Ye Wuque's divine soul power, it was of no use at all!

With just a swipe, the Dao God Fire Seed disappeared from the spot, and when it reappeared, it was already in Ye Wuque's hands!

The faces of the three of Seven Stars suddenly became a little gloomy.

It turned out that after a long time, both sides of the confrontation just now were intentional, and each had 800 hearts!

"Humph! Immediately you are going to die! You are still thinking about the fire seed of the Taoist god!"

"What if you take it now?"

"It will come back eventually."

"Poor thing, haven't you felt any changes in your body now?"

"The power of the Promise Blood Refining Demon God Gu Jin has already invaded your body..."

Qi Xing's voice suddenly became very cruel.

Right now!

Yu Ye Wuque's body surface suddenly appeared some kind of terrible change, turning red, as if it had been cooked!

And the blood in his body was inexplicably... boiling!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this, Qi Xing once again raised his head and laughed wildly!

"Ye Wu Que!"

"Killing you is just the last thing to do."

"Our real purpose has always been the blood in your body... blood essence!!"