Return Of The War God - Chapter 6173

Chapter 6173

Chapter 6173 The last ... three thousand weak water

A mournful and painful roar of despair resounded, and a strange brilliance about a hundred meters in size fell away from the broken lava giant at this time, shivering in the void!


This lava giant is just an external body formed by this radiance, and now this is its real body!

Ye Wuque's eyes fell on the light group with interest at this moment.

"Do not kill me!"

"grown ups!"

"Do not kill me!!"

"I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai!"

"I am willing to surrender! Surrender at your feet!"

There was a trembling, sharp sound in this light group, which was very harsh.

But Ye Wuque, at this time, has already seen the true body of this light group!

"Are you the consciousness of life born from this death star?"

Ye Wuque spoke lightly, and at the same time his expression became indifferent again.

The light group trembled immediately, as if nodding desperately.

"Yes sir!"

"I am the consciousness of the birth of this star!"

At this moment, even Ye Wuque felt a hint of surprise.

A star is born with a consciousness of life, which is equivalent to awakening the wisdom of the self. Such a situation is quite rare, and it is extremely difficult.

This is completely unpredictable!

But how amazing is Ye Wuque's eyesight?

Combined with the situation of the entire Death Star in front of him, the ins and outs were almost immediately deduced.

"The reason why this star has become a death star, and all living beings are buried, is because you devoured them all, perfecting yourself, and letting the countless living creatures living on you become the nourishment for you to grow yourself."

The light group shivered again immediately!

But it didn't dare to hide anything, and said tremblingly, "My lord, the lord is very discerning! That's exactly what it is!"

"But, but, they, they are the living creatures that rely on me to multiply and survive."

"I am awakened now, and if they want to go further, they should dedicate themselves to fulfill me!"

Xingchen consciousness speaks like this, even if it is trembling, it is still a bit of a matter of course.

Ye Wuque was expressionless, noncommittal, just stared at the consciousness of the stars indifferently, and then the voices of sadness and joy continued to sound.

"It is extremely difficult for a star of life to give birth to consciousness. It is extremely difficult to grow into your level. With your own evolutionary method, it is impossible. Even if you devour all the creatures on the stars, you will not be able to reach this step. , the radiance of life in you is the best evidence, it does not originate from you, but from the longevity tree."

Xingchen's consciousness trembled and said: "Sir, you can see things clearly!!"

It admitted it, and then went on to say: "It used to be, there used to be an adult-like existence! When passing by here, they all appeared together in numbers, and each of them was... incomparably powerful!"

"Like adults, they are all peerless geniuses who have embarked on the road of heaven and gods!"

"At that time, I had just been born with spiritual wisdom, and one of them saw that I thought I was going to die, but the lord actually enlightened me, condensed the consciousness of life for me, and then gave me a Longevity Tianmu!"

"With the help of the Changsheng Tianmu and the power of another mysterious and strange object, I have completely condensed my life form."

Xingchen consciousness did not dare to conceal the slightest, and fully revealed it.

"I could hardly believe at the time that I would encounter such an opportunity, and I would like to thank you all the way!"

"And that lord just said that I have a good relationship. If I can be sublimated to the extreme one day and completely transformed into a real creature, I will embark on the road of the heaven and the gods and go after him!"

"Then, they drifted away."

"I have always kept in mind that I am grateful to Dade, desperately trying to evolve, to catch up with their footsteps, but it is too difficult for me to completely evolve, even with the blessings of Changsheng Tianmu and other mysterious powers, it is still too slow. Therefore, I will choose...devour life!"

Ye Wuque listened quietly.

Obviously, this star consciousness is gradually doing everything in order to evolve, because it is too difficult for the star consciousness to completely evolve into a living being!

"So, this Death Star is your body. You hide in it, waiting for a living being to arrive again, and then sneak attack to suppress it and swallow it?"

Ye Wuque spoke lightly.

"Sir, spare your life!"

Xingchen consciousness begged for mercy.

As Ye Wuque said, it was hiding here, wanting to plot against the creatures who came from the path of the Heavenly Desolate Dao and God, devour them, and continue to grow.

However, this time finally kicked the iron plate!

And Ye Wuque's thoughts moved at this time, and the huge longevity tree that erected the sky and the earth was suddenly captured and suspended in the void.

The essence of the entire longevity tree has been exhausted, leaving only the wreckage, but the fluctuation still remains, so he can perceive it.


But upon closer inspection, after Ye Wuque poured the power of his soul into this longevity tree, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly narrowed!

He seemed to notice something!

And the next moment...

The three-headed and six-armed supernatural power in Ye Wuque's body suddenly produced a trace... a change!

Ye Wuque raised his head suddenly, his eyes were like a knife, and he looked at the shivering stars and said, "You said that after the creature enlightened you, there is another mysterious thing besides a longevity tree, what is that?"

Xingchen consciousness hurriedly replied and mourned: "I, I don't know! My lord, I really don't know!"

boom! !

A terrifying coercion was born, and suddenly the consciousness of the stars trembled, as long as they felt like they were about to crack.

"Ah ah ah! Lord, forgive me!"

"Let me think about it! I just saw it at the time! That, that should be a strange...water flow!"

"Yes! It's the flow of water!"

"The lord dripped a little bit of that bizarre stream of water on the Longevity Heavenly Tree, which completely activated the power of the Longevity Heavenly Tree!"

"It seems that the longevity Tianmu and the water flow are blending with each other, like water and milk blending!"

"That, that is... pitch-black water! It's as pitch-black as ink! Exudes an unparalleled death intent! Name, name..."

"I remembered! The lord seems to have mentioned something..."

"Weak water!"

"Three thousand weak waters!"

"That's the name! Lord, forgive me!!"

Star consciousness frantically begged for mercy.

And here Ye Wuque, at this moment, his eyes have been narrowed suddenly!

Sure enough!

In addition to the God of Chaos and the Heavenly Tree of Longevity, there are only three thousand weak waters left that can provoke the three heads and six arms in his body.

But at this time, Ye Wuque's narrowed eyes flashed a strange and profound meaning.

Longevity Tianmu!

Three thousand weak water!

The adult in the mouth of Xingchen Consciousness actually possesses these two treasures of heaven and earth at the same time, and it happens to be one of the two major materials needed for the third layer of the three-headed six-armed magical power?

You must know that the longevity sky tree and the three thousand weak waters themselves are two things that are not related to the wind and horses.

Could it be such a coincidence?

At the same time, it was collected by that adult? ?

Suddenly, a vague thought poured out in Ye Wuque's mind. He continued to look at Xingchen and said, "What does the adult who enlightened you look like? Is it a human race?"

Xingchen's consciousness has already trembled to the limit, and the light has dimmed a lot. After hearing Ye Wuque's question, he didn't dare to pause at all, and trembled desperately from left to right, as if shaking his head!

"No, no!"

"That adult doesn't look like a human race!"

"He, he's just in human form!"

"His body is covered with terrifying blood color...fur! His face is also very strange! It's like a..."



"That lord seems to be like a blood-colored great ape!!"

"My lord! Don't kill me! I have the imprint of that lord on me! I'll show it to you! Don't kill me!!"