Return Of The War God - Chapter 5927

Chapter 5927

5927 - 5927--Andrew

All in all, it seems that the arrival of Ye Wuque has made the atmosphere here more peaceful and harmonious.

At least that's how it looks on the surface for now.

As for the specific thoughts in each king's heart, it is unknown.

And Ye Wuque was also toasted for a round of wine. As the so-called stretch out his hand and do not hit the smiling person, everyone carries the flower sedan chair. Since everyone greets them with a smile, he naturally communicates with courtesy.

However, while drinking, Ye Wuque also watched from the sidelines, confirming that none of the kings here are parallel imports!

Each of them is powerful enough to make people look at them.


Until a certain moment, the Heavenly Sword King in the center finally opened his mouth, and his face became solemn.

In an instant, the expressions of all the kings became solemn and solemn.

"Today, we invite the kings of the eighth-level Tianque to gather here. I think everyone already knows the reason."

"It's just that things are rushed, and there are still many kings who can't come, but the news can definitely be spread."

"Besides, the scourge of 'ghost things' is not only for those of us who have risen up, but also has a huge impact on the local creatures in the eighth-layer Tianque. Therefore, the news about 'ghost things', the local creatures also have The right to know, qualified to know, what do you think?"

"Of course, I have also sent messengers to inform some of the powerful local creatures."

As soon as these words came out, all the kings nodded.

"Of course."

"We work well with native creatures."

"As it should be."

With the consent of all the kings present, the Heavenly Sword King immediately stretched out his hand and swept across the void!


I saw that the walls of the enclosed Huxin Pavilion were opened outwards at this moment.

It turns out that although the Huxin Pavilion is closed in all directions, it is not completely sealed, just like a curtain that can be opened outwards.

"The Lake Heart Pavilion is open!"

"All the kings have seen it!"

"What's happening here?"

"Huh? The man who went in with Ho-oh before is also sitting opposite the kings alone!"

"I saw it too. Could it be a new powerful king?"

The native creatures who were originally guarding outside the blue sea and blue sky, noticed the opening of the Huxin Pavilion at this time, their eyes widened, and they felt surprised.


At this moment, the voice of the Heavenly Sword King sounded again.

"All the creatures in the eighth-layer sky tower, you are all qualified to know what I am going to say next."

After these words fell, the expressions of all the native creatures between heaven and earth suddenly became solemn.

Intuition tells them that surprising news may come.

"Since this time, the entire eighth-story sky tower has almost been affected by the 'ghost thing', and everyone has been under the suffocation of the thousand-day anti-thief."

"It's really hard."

After the King of Swords said the words, the world suddenly became quiet, and all the creatures' faces showed hatred, pain, unwillingness, suffocation and many other emotions.

What the hell!

Now it can be said to be the scourge of the entire eighth-layer heavenly tower.

Whether it is the Eight Crown Kings or the native creatures, it can be said that they are deeply affected, even the native creatures.

They were born here and here, and there are a lot of them, but their overall strength is far inferior to the eight crown kings, which is far worse.

Naturally, for "ghost things", they suffer even more.

After all, in the face of "ghosts", powerful kings can easily suppress them. Although ghosts can't be killed, they can always be forced to retreat.

But the native creatures do not have such a powerful strength. Every time a ghost comes out to seize the house, the tribe of native creatures has to pay a huge price to force the ghost away.

It can be said that every aboriginal creature watching at the moment, although full of killing intent, is very weak and extremely bitter, "We have been trying to find out where the 'ghost thing' came from, and why did we launch terrible and disgusting things? The harassment, what it really is, has no clue."

"But it's different now!"

"Just last night, after forcing back another wave of 'ghost things' attacks, I finally vaguely figured out the ghost thing because of an ancient treasure I owned and a deep fight by fate. The... true face!"

"This is the real reason why I immediately invited all the kings to come and talk!"


As soon as the Heavenly Sword King said these words, it can be said that a thunderbolt was instantly thrown in the hearts of all the native creatures!

"What?? The Heavenly Sword King discovered the true face of the 'ghost thing'?"

"real or fake?"

"Great! The unknown is the most terrifying! If you can figure out what the ghost is, maybe you can find a way!"

It can be said that all the native creatures present were instantly excited, and their eyes shone with unprecedented light.

A kind of sitting kings also blinked at this time.

"For such a big scene, the Heavenly Sword King's grasp should be great, otherwise he won't be able to come down to the stage."

At this moment, Feng Jiuyuan tilted his head slightly and whispered to Ye Wuque like this.

Ye Wuque was noncommittal, but his eyes had already fallen on the Heavenly Sword King in the center, and he also wanted to know what the so-called "ghost thing" in the Heavenly Sword King's mouth would really look like...

Not only Ye Wuque, but all the eyes between heaven and earth were condensed on the Heavenly Sword King at this time.

At this moment, I saw the Heavenly Sword King flipped his right hand, and immediately took out an ancient mottled compass.

The whole body is gray, with a mysterious and obscure atmosphere, constantly flickering, making people seem to be addicted to it at a glance.

"Everyone, this is the ancient treasure 'Tian Luo Gui Yi Pan', which lures the power of confinement, suppression, and returning to the original source. It is one of my important gains in the Nine Heavens Tower."

"Actually, I have always wanted to try to live a 'ghost thing', but this thing is extremely cunning, good at stealing, and can't be killed, so I have been unable to capture it alive."

"But just yesterday, when the ghosts attacked again, there was a mutation, that is, these 'ghosts' actually produced a new...evolution!"

The Heavenly Sword King's voice became solemn.

It also changed the expressions of countless native creatures!

The "ghost thing" is extremely terrifying, it is silent, it doesn't know how to appear, it is pervasive, and it can't be killed!

Now there is a new evolution? ? ?

How to deal with this?

"Contagion and Fission."

"This is the new ability after the evolution of the 'ghost thing'."

After the sword king added this sentence, the expressions of all the native creatures became extremely difficult to look, and a heart seemed to sink to the bottom in an instant, and the whole body became cold.