Return Of The War God - Chapter 5736

Chapter 5736

Chunshen Pavilion is located on the lush green Linghu Lake, with gurgling spiritual water and endless breeze, bringing a hint of coolness and comfort.

The entire Chunshen Pavilion is pale gray, with a mottled meaning of the passing of time, with railings and weeping willows swinging.

In the center of Chunshen Pavilion, there is a long and narrow ancient bridge leading directly to the outside, hanging across the blue waves, like a white snake.

In the center of the Lingqiao, a figure sitting quietly, motionless, is the King Xuantian.

And in the surrounding heaven and earth, I don't know how many geniuses have already gathered. In that Spring God Pavilion, there are several figures standing, each exuding a tyrannical aura, and it is indeed a noble king and a master of the rank of marquis.

"The God of War is here!"

As the voices sounded, the atmosphere between the whole world and the earth changed slightly.

There was a sense of shock and admiration in the eyes of many geniuses.

"Unexpectedly, the King of God of War really dared to come!"

"Yigao people are bold!"

"Just this courage is worthy of a stunning rise of the God of War!"

In the next instant, among countless geniuses whispering, a tall and slender figure slowly appeared at the entrance of Lingqiao.

Stand with your hands and walk slowly.

Ye Wuque, who was walking on the ancient bridge, looked calm at this moment, even with a touch of ease. He looked around and seemed to appreciate the beauty here.

"The waves are magnificent, a good place..."

Ye Wuque enjoyed it quite a bit, and anyone who looked at it faintly felt that he was here for an outing.

In the center of the ancient bridge in front, King Xuan Tian, who had been sitting quietly, had already cast his eyes on Ye Wuque at this moment.

When Ye Wuque was still tens of feet away, the seated King Xuan Tian slowly stood up.

At this stop, it was as if a piece of sky was being propped up!

King Xuantian had broad shoulders and a tall body, and his body exuded a breath that was more vast than this vast Linghe River.

Just standing there, it seems to be above all things in the world!

Countless geniuses looked at King Xuan Tian at this moment, and there was a deep awe in their eyes subconsciously.

Across a long distance, it seemed that they had been overwhelmed by the aura of King Xuan Tian, but King Xuan Tian did not exude any aura.

The gaze of King Xuantian has been focused on Ye Wuque's body. In his perception, Ye Wuque, who is walking slowly with his hand at this moment, is clearly calm and without any aura, but it seems like an indescribable... black hole. !

Full of mystery and unpredictability!

It seems to be able to swallow everything, overwhelm everything, possessing a powerful power that people can't predict, and it's even more suffocating.

With just a glance, King Xuantian concluded that this newly-rising, prestigious newcomer "God of War" has a veritable strength!

Finally, Ye Wuque approached slowly and came to the opposite side of King Xuan Tian, standing across the table, looking at each other.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth instantly became a bit stagnant!

All the geniuses stared at the two people on the ancient bridge, and they became silent in all directions, only the sound of Linghu being blown by the wind.

Next... what will happen?

"I'm not as famous as meeting!"

"It's worthy of being the most popular'God of War' at the moment. It's even more unfathomable than I thought!"

"Under King Xuan Tian!"

A polite smile sounded, the first to speak was King Xuan Tian, and at this moment he extended a hand.

"The King Xuan Tian is polite."

Ye Wuque did not hesitate, but proactively stretched out his hand to hold it together, and also smiled lightly.

Although it was just a touch, a smile flashed in the eyes of King Xuan Tian.

The attitude of the God of War in front of him was already an excellent attitude and beginning.

"God of War, please sit down."

King Xuan Tian took the lead and sat down and sent an invitation to Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque also sat down immediately, and the two sat opposite each other, like a pair of old friends.

Looking at it from a close distance, King Xuan Tian had a straight face, his eyes were piercing, and his body exuded an aura that made people unconsciously willing to convince him that he didn't know it was innate but formed.

On the table, it was strange that it was...empty.

Nothing at all.

King Xuan Tian said with a smile at the moment: "I have been in the Supreme Realm for a long time. To be honest, some of the good wines I brought in are actually tired of drinking, the local good wines in the Supreme Realm. Well, I'm tired of drinking too."

"I heard that the God of War has just entered the Supreme Realm. Then you must have a good wine that has never been in the Supreme Realm. I wonder if I have the honor to taste it?"

Ye Wuque smiled faintly as soon as he said this.

As expected to be the well-known King Xuantian!

He didn't prepare anything, and even asked himself if he wanted to drink, do he really want to drink?

of course not!

He is calming his heart.

After all, there was something about the Mitu Ancient Garden before, and he had been poisoned before, so it is inevitable that all such things would remain vigilant.

Let yourself take the wine and take the cup, it is definitely no problem, but at the same time trust to yourself.

This is the first one sold by King Xuantian.

"King Xuantian is worthy of being King Xuantian."

"However, I am very curious about the local wine in the Supreme Realm, and I am thinking about the opportunity to taste it."

"If you want to come to King Xuan Tian, you will definitely not let me down."

Hearing that, King Xuantian raised his brows slightly, glanced at Ye Wuque, and then burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"It is my honor to have the honor to meet the God of War today!"

King Xuan Tian didn't pretend, he waved his right hand and took out the wine and cup.

How smart is King Xuantian?

He immediately understood that Ye Wuque not only knew his favor, but also fed back to himself in this way, expressing an attitude...

I believe in you Xuantian King!

The clear liquor was poured into the cup, and a strong aroma of liquor was immediately diffused, revealing the delicate fragrance of exotic fruits.

"This is the 'intoxicating brew' of the indigenous race of the Supreme Great Realm's 'Gulin tribe'. It's brewed from all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits. It can only appear in the altar for a hundred years. It's a great wine that you can never find!"

King Xuan Tian opened his mouth like this while raising his glass.

Ye Wuque also raised the cup.

The glasses touched, and under the gaze of countless geniuses around, the two clinked their glasses and drank each.

"Good wine!"

Ye Wuque's eyes lit up slightly, recalling the intoxicating brew.

King Xuan Tian also had a faint satisfaction on his face. After putting down the wine glass, he slowly took out a small jade bottle again and placed it on the table. Then he looked at Ye Wuque and smiled lightly: "In the past few days in the supreme realm The turmoil is raging, and if you want to come, the King of War should have heard it."

"The prestige of the God of War has been promoted to the extreme, as if the fire is cooking oil!"

"But what I want to say is..."

"This is because someone behind is deliberately adding to the flames, trying to kill you, the God of War!"

"And the people behind this are the three King Liuying, King Minluo, and King Ozy Moon!"

"My people are looking for them. As soon as there is any news, I will know the first time, and I will tell you the King of War in time."

"Besides, I figured out another thing..."

During the words, King Xuantian picked up the small jade bottle and continued: "In the ancient garden of Mitu a few days ago, the eleven kings used the strange poison "locking immortal soul"!"

"What's in this little jade bottle is the antidote to the'locking immortal soul'."

"Also please accept the God of War!"

King Xuan Tian put the small jade bottle in front of Ye Wuque.

Sent this biggest gift.