Return Of The War God - Chapter 5734

Chapter 5734

"Hahahaha! The seventh Supreme God's trip to Tibet is also considered complete!"


"Damn it, almost, almost!"

"The **** space-time treasure, why is it so difficult to do?"

"Bingyue King! I don't share the sky with you!"

"I have marked that place, and when the eighth supreme divine possession opens, I will definitely get what I want!"

At this moment, from the vast and ancient source of fluctuations, countless figures shone out from the endless brilliance, appearing between the heaven and the earth, followed by many words resounding.

There is excitement, joy, unwillingness, hatred, expectation, resentment...

All are different.

But these figures all have one thing in common, that is, they all exude a powerful and unpredictable frightening aura!

Who can be qualified, capable, enter the Supreme God's Treasury smoothly, and return alive, which one is not the strong?

Even some of the shining figures are immeasurable like the slander of the gods!

Their return seems to herald the return of the lord of the supreme realm!

The soaring brilliance and vast fluctuations lasted for several hours, and countless figures flew out from it every moment. It is conceivable how many creatures entered the Supreme God's Treasury, the number almost reached an incredible level. .

On this day, the supreme realm that had been quiet for several months was completely boiling!

And the end of the seventh Supreme God Treasure undoubtedly heralded that in the next few months, at least before the opening of the eighth Supreme God Treasure, the entire Supreme Great Realm will enter a new round of boiling.

This has always been the case in the past.

As some geniuses get new opportunities and transform them into their own strength, then some battles will break out.

Of all the geniuses who have entered the cycle of a hundred battles, one is counted as one. Who doesn't want to reach the top?

Who doesn't want to be invincible?

I am the only one!

Overwhelm everything!

Sure enough, in the next three days, there have been magnificent battles throughout the Supreme Great Realm, and even the blood of kings has caused an uproar in the world.

"An Invincible Hou succeeded in overturning a king? To knock it off the dust?"

"Unbelievable, simply unbelievable, among the 108 kings, one of the top fifty kings was sapped?"

"Oh my God! Two kings confronted each other, they fought the world apart, and the sky was bloody. In the end, both were defeated?"

"A genius has risen! Overwhelmingly invincible. In just two days, under the witness of the Supreme Rule, he has picked eight master-level masters, three master-level masters, has officially crowned Chenghou, and even let go of it. Come, we must invite the'Luntian King' to take its place!"

"What? The king of heaven? Are you crazy? The king of heaven is also a super king in the top fifty. This guy is so crazy when he comes up? Want to reach the sky in one step?"

"Do you know? There is a big news that has just spread. It is said that an invincible king among the top 30 has been strongly suppressed!"

"It was a mysterious figure who had never seen him before. No one even saw his face clearly, only a silhouette!"

"Fuck, where did this monster pop up?"

"It's only been two or three days, it's already so exaggerated, I can't imagine what earth-shattering duel will happen in the next three months!"

"Yeah, a lot of unknown masters emerged in this instant, picking up the superior king! It's incredible!"

"In the Supreme Great Realm, there is never a shortage of miracles, and no geniuses who are strong! What is lacking is only true evildoers and monsters!"

"Hahahaha! Speaking of the real evil monster, didn't one just appeared three days ago?"

"You mean...'God of War' Ye Wuque?"

"Of course! Who else can anyone besides the'God of War'?"

"Tsk tusk! With one enemy and eight, six kings were killed one after another, and two were crippled. Such a brilliant and terrifying record is beyond imagination! How long has it been? How long has it not happened?"

"Don't forget, the God of War seems to be just a newcomer who has just entered the reincarnation of a hundred battles and has just entered the supreme realm!"

"A newcomer has been able to kill the king, and he is suspected to have reached the level of the'fate myth.' This is not a monster, not a demon, what else can it be?"

"Now the entire supreme realm, the immeasurable limelight is definitely the'God of War'!"


In the past three days, conversations like this have resounded almost everywhere in the entire Supreme Realm.

The title of "God of War" can be said to be known to everyone!

As a result, the record is brilliant enough, even terrifying.

Second, the God of War is just a newcomer who has just entered.

Thirdly, the God of War seems to have reached the level of the "Myth of Destiny"!

The prestige brought by this accumulation can be said to have reached the extreme. With the fermentation of time, perhaps coupled with the deliberate spread of some interested people, it boiled over the entire supreme realm almost instantly!

He even reached the limit of surpassing imagination, describing Ye Wuque as if he was descending from the world, invincible vertically and horizontally, unparalleled in the world!

"If the God of War wants to, it is enough to easily kill the first king of the three veins!"

"The God of War King is invincible! Let alone the eight kings, even if it is ten and twenty kings together, the King of War God can easily sweep!"

"I am afraid that it will not be long before the King of God of War can be called...the first king!"

"Three-mai one hundred and eight kings, should be respected as the'King of the God of War'!"

Such a statement, like a wildfire igniting a prairie fire, instantly burned everywhere in the supreme realm, but it was recognized by countless geniuses.

After all, three days ago, in the battle of Mitu Ancient Garden, Ye Wuque's powerful and stunning performance was seen by countless people. This can't be faked.


Gradually, with the passage of time, or with the help of someone with a heart, the description and enthusiasm of Ye Wuque seemed to become more exaggerated, and it was almost...

As a result, Ye Wuque's reputation almost boiled to an unimaginable limit.

Finally, such a crazy large-scale spread and adding fuel to it has caused some existing...unpleasantness!

A turbulent undercurrent appeared in the Supreme Realm, and it became more and more surging.


At this moment, Ye Wuque, the person involved, didn't even know what happened to the outside world.

This is a hidden place in the Supreme Realm.

It is behind the primitive jungle and under the lush bushes. It is believed that a cave has been dug here.

In the depths of the densely covered cave with early warning and protection restrictions, a tall and slender figure was sitting quietly, eyes closed, the whole body was shining with a faint golden light, and it was Ye Wuque who flooded the figure.

After the battle ended, Ye Wuque left quietly, looking for a place to start healing.

Several days have passed since this healing.

Suddenly, the golden brilliance that enveloped Ye Wuque's body slowly faded, his body appeared again, his whole body seemed to have returned to normal, and all the wounds had disappeared.


In the next instant, Ye Wuque opened his eyes slowly, but within it, a faint joy of joy was shining at this moment.