Return Of The War God - Chapter 539

Chapter 539


Ye Wuque didn't know what the rest of the people were in at the moment, and didn't care. He was completely immersed in the breakthrough of the accumulated rich hair at this moment, and he was single-mindedly raising the deep purple Poyue that belonged to the Origin Soul Realm.

In the Soul Space, Ye Wuque's eyes were shining, the holy way of fighting spirit surged, and his hands dragged, so that the deep purple soul moon had risen by more than half, and it was still rising. It was only a short distance from officially entering the Origin Soul Realm. Just ten breathing time.

As for why Ye Wuque's breakthrough was a result of accumulation, it actually makes sense.

First of all, his holy way of battle aura is derived from the origin of fighting and fighting holy law, compared with the general heaven and earth power, whether it is condensed, power or lethality, it exceeds ten times!

It also means that the Holy Way's battle aura is powerful and extraordinary, and the absorption speed of the heaven and earth element power is also fast to an unimaginable point, and it can be continuously compressed and refined.

Secondly, the most critical reason is the environment here. The soul dragon above the void is transformed by the essence of the essence. The power of the heaven and the earth is so pure and powerful that it is beyond description. There are too many crystals.

Under these two premises, coupled with the past fourteen days of continuous absorption, refinement and compression, in fact, Ye Wuque's progress every day is extremely amazing. He could break through a few days ago, but he still resisted. .

In the end, at this moment, because of the stimulation of Ximen Zun's breakthrough, plus the blessing of the soul, chance and coincidence, he exploded all the results of the fourteen days!

In one fell swoop, from the middle stage of Lipo stage to the source stage, eliminating the step of the latter stage of the stage.


The deep purple Poyue behind Ye Wuque finally rose to the top of his head, and the fluctuations that belonged to the Origin Realm suddenly overflowed, as if a storm was set off here!

And what is even more incredible is that it is clearly the Origin Soul Realm, but the fluctuations emanating from Ye Wuque's body made everyone present feel a wave of palpitations and fear!

It's as if a boundless round of sun suddenly appeared above the head, coming under the pressure, the sky is unpredictable, invincible and unable to hide.

"I'll go! How can he break through to the Origin Realm! This feeling is simply terrible! It's comparable to the momentum that Simon Zun made when he broke into the Spirit Realm before! Alas...Sure enough, metamorphosis is metamorphosis, and it cannot be treated with common sense. It."

Fang He stroked his blue hair, looking at Ye Wuque's figure wrapped in strong Yuanli rays, a trace of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Qiu Haiyue also had a shock in her beautiful eyes. Ye Wuque's movement when breaking through was extremely astonishing, completely comparable to Ximen Zun, but the breakthrough between the two was not a concept at all!

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However, at the end of Ye Wuque's breakthrough, Yu Jiaoxue did the same.

In the early challenge match, Yu Jiaoxue broke through from the early stage to the middle stage of the Origin Soul Realm. At this moment, after 14 days of hard cultivation, her cultivation base has gone further and finally reached the late Origin Soul Realm.


The battle spirit of the Holy Way slowly retracted into the body from a state of fierce surging, Ye Wuque's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a faint golden light within it flashed away, deep and mysterious.

"The effort pays off, and with this opportunity of the Yuanmai Linglong, I finally entered the Origin Soul Realm..."

With a slight emotion, Ye Wuque's bright eyes rushed with a tyrannical meaning, his fists were slightly clenched, and he felt the majestic sage fighting spirit surging in his body at this moment, as if he felt that he had endless power, enough to tear the world apart!

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, since the cultivation base is advancing, then the next step should be to be thoroughly familiar with and control the power belonging to the Origin Soul Realm.

Moreover, besides that, that... the Big Dipper Slaughter Technique should also be practiced.

Slowly stepping out of the stone platform, Ye Wuque walked towards the martial arts arena where both sides were, and he couldn't wait to wait.

Seeing Ye Wuque passing by, feeling the fluctuations from his body that made his heart palpitations, Zhou Yan snorted heavily, and the resentment in his eyes surged, and he immediately ignored it, and purple vitality lingered all over his body.

After stepping into a martial arts field, Ye Wuque found that the place was very wide, and it was almost like another world.

What surprised him even more was that the top of the martial arts field was not closed, but like a patio, where you could see the sky.


With a punch, the holy way's fighting energy is surging endlessly, and the golden red blood qi comes out, and Ye Wuque is familiar with the soaring combat power after the cultivation base breaks into the source spirit realm, and wants to control and use it freely in the shortest time .

In the martial arts arena, Ye Wuque's figure quickly turned into an afterimage, the void continued to explode, and the horror force rushed around, like a meteorite that could move autonomously.

It wasn't until an hour later that Ye Wuque's wind-like illusion figure stopped. His whole body was like a wave and sweating, but a surprise flashed in his bright eyes.

"Good guy! My current combat power has soared to such a point, it has soared nearly ten times compared with the mid-level of Lipu! I am afraid that I can easily kill me before the breakthrough with a random move! "

After breaking through two realms, one of them was a breakthrough in the great realm. Ye Wuque's strength could be described as a crazy skyrocket, far beyond his expectation. At this moment, he is like a humanoid tyrannosaur that can kill everything.

"I just don't know at this moment, if I am against Ximen Zun who has been promoted to the spirit state, whoever wins will lose..."

There was a hint of scorching heat in the bright eyes. The war-conscious gaze that Ximenzun looked at him when he left before, Ye Wuque kept remembering, now that both sides have broken through each other, and have a chance to try it out.

Immediately, Ye Wuque sat down cross-legged, silently regaining the consumed energy, and another hour slowly passed by.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked up at the sky above his head, which had turned from daylight to starry sky.

The sky full of stars flickered at the end of his eyes, and a sense of tranquility and ease appeared in my heart, as if people had become calm.

"The starry sky is coming, and the Big Dipper is hanging high. The timing is right."

The light on his right hand flashed, and the jade slip with dazzling starlight appeared in his hand, with a trace of scorching gaze, the power of the soul came out, and Ye Wuque began to comprehend the Big Dipper Slaughter.

After a long time, Ye Wuque put down the jade slip and closed his eyes, as if he was digesting and absorbing the practice method of the Big Dipper Slaughter Technique.

This closed eye was half an hour, and when I opened it again, it was full of energy.

"If you want to learn the Big Dipper Slaughter Technique, the first and most important step is to connect yourself with the Big Dipper. If you can't establish a connection, there will be no other things behind it, which means that your training has failed."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, and immediately he put the jade slip aside, breathed out the power of the soul, began to slowly rise, melted between the world, and began to try to sense the Big Dipper.

Of course, with Ye Wuque's current cultivation of the power of the soul, it is naturally impossible to send the power of the soul to the distant starry sky, even if he is a hundred times stronger, because the distance between the Big Dipper and the earth is based on the light. Years counted.

What Ye Wuque is doing at this moment is to capture the power of the stars that belong to the Big Dipper shining down in the void with the power of the soul according to a special method recorded in the jade slip, and establish contact with it. Once successful, it will represent The first step is success.


Under the control of Ye Wuque, the power of the soul has spread to the limit. At this moment, the stars are high, and endless starlight descends from the distant universe, all over the world.

"The Big Dipper... The Big Dipper..."

Ye Wuque repeated silently in his heart, there were too many stars in the sky, and he only looked for the Big Dipper.

The naked eye can find the Big Dipper star high up in the night sky very quickly, but the power of the soul wants to find the Big Dipper starlight among the thousands of stars, the difficulty is extremely increased by hundreds of times, and it is extremely exhausting and laborious.

However, in Ye Wuque's place, he had never said that he was afraid of trouble, he just quietly and slowly looked for it a little bit.

Finally a few hours later, there was a hint of joy on his face!

"found it!"

The power of the divine soul is wrapped up, where there are seven shining starlights, which reflect each other, forming a spoon-shaped light, which is the starlight of the Big Dipper.

However, this joy was quickly replaced by a touch of solemnity.

Because Ye Wuque suddenly discovered that even though he had discovered the Big Dipper Starlight, he couldn't establish contact at all after the power of the soul was wrapped.

It's like holding sand in your hand. The harder you work, the more sand leaks.

Ye Wuque, who did not believe in evil, experimented repeatedly, and the power of the soul continued to gush out, and as time passed, it finally merged a little bit.

"Huh... How many hours did you only integrate this point? Not even one thousandth? At this speed, it will take at least one month to successfully establish contact with the Big Dipper Starlight!"

There was a tremor in Ye Wuque's eyes, and he finally realized how difficult it is to learn and practice at the subordinate level.

No wonder the Lord Linglong had that suggestion before, sincerely not deceiving me.

In fact, this is still Ye Wuque's exceptional talent, and under the circumstances of super savvy, if he changes to a general monk, let alone a month, even half a year will not be successful.

"It seems that there is only water milling skills. The more difficult it is to practice, the more powerful it is as long as it is practiced. If you lose, you will gain."

Shaking his head, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed a touch of determination, preparing to die to the end.

"Hehe, maybe other people need water mills to cultivate this set of slaughtering gods, but you don't need to, communicate with the Big Dipper, there is something in you that can help you."

Suddenly, Kong's voice slowly sounded in his mind, and Ye Wuqian's gaze instantly condensed.

Is there something that can help me?

The Big Dipper... Is it the Seven Star Refining Box?

With a jump of his eyelids, Ye Wuque immediately thought of the Seven-Star Refining Box from the empty reminder.


Yuanyang Ring's light flashed, and the dark long box appeared in Ye Wuque's hands. He rubbed the Seven-Star Refining Box, and the shot was cold and moist. Ye Wuque asked: "Kong, this Seven-Star Refining Box can help me communicate with the Big Dipper? Is it not related to the Big Dipper Slaughter God?"

"It doesn't matter, but you must first communicate with the Big Dipper to practice the God Slaughter Technique. From this point of view, this box can indeed help you."

Immediately, Sora told Ye Wuque how to use the Seven Star Refining Box to communicate with the Big Dipper.

A quarter of an hour later.

In the martial arts arena, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged, the seven-star refining path lay his knees horizontally, the bright eyes gleamed with light, and the power of the soul came out immediately, but no longer poured into the void, but poured into the seven-star refining box. among.

"What a rich Big Dipper Starlight! The Seven-Star Refining Box can gather the Big Dipper Starlight, and it can converge hundreds of times faster, which has solved my biggest trouble, and then use the power of the spirit to communicate with the Big Dipper Starlight in the Seven-Star Refining Box. !"

Some joy, right now Ye Wuque is no longer distracted, and wholeheartedly communicates with the Big Dipper, which is fed back by the Seven Star Refining Box.

Like this, one day, two days, five days...

In the martial arts arena, Ye Wuque closed his eyes slightly, sitting cross-legged like a sculpture, not moving, time seemed to freeze at a certain point.

Until a certain moment, Ye Wuque suddenly moved!

In the next moment, behind him, there were seven brilliant stars shining brightly, each other, connected to each other, forming a spoon shape, it is the Big Dipper, extremely magnificent!

His eyes opened suddenly, and Ye Wuque's eyes seemed to have the Big Dipper phantom flashing away. He didn't care about joy, and there was a swell of heat in his eyes. He suddenly got up and choked with both hands. The speed is fast, the holy way is surging, and the Big Dipper is behind him. Above the seven-star phantom, the first-ranked Tianshu star suddenly shines!

"Big Dipper Slaughter Technique! Tianshu Star Killing Light... Condensation!"


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