Return Of The War God - Chapter 5155

Chapter 5155

Inherit the fate!

Isn't this exactly his first instinct after facing Marshal Huayue?

Now it seems that his intuition is not wrong.

"Take the fate!"

"It is the deeper realm of'Heaven and Man's Unity,' and this realm is also one of the signs of the'Heavenly Spirit Realm.'"

"But the creatures of the Great Perfection in the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm are not qualified to experience it."

"A breakthrough must be made."

"The process of this breakthrough is the process of understanding and enlightening the 'success of the destiny'."

"But there is a premise..."

"Not every one who thinks through the sky is qualified to break through."

"If in the previous legendary road, there was no'pass through the door without entering', and successfully opened up at least the tenth divine orifice, and stepped into the half-step legendary realm, then this life will stop at the great perfection of one thought. Here!"

Su Mubai spoke like this.

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly.

He also knew this news from within Yuhua Immortal Land before, and he learned it from the extraterritorial Tianjiao from Human Domain.

"Only the Great Perfection beings in the One-Mind-Through-Sky Realm with at least the'Ten Divine Apertures' are qualified to see the true meaning of the'Heavenly Spirit Realm'."

"If the qualifications are met, then the next step is crucial..."

"Condensed his own'spirit of destiny'!"

"What is the spirit of destiny?"

"If the One Mind Tongtian Realm's manipulation of the power of heaven and earth is based on the rough deprivation and manipulation under the initial'harmony of heaven and man', then to achieve the'destiny of heaven' is to further possess the power of heaven and earth. A deeper and subtle fusion."

"Seeing the little knowledge of writing, seeing the beginning and knowing the end."

"And condensing the'spirit of destiny' is what it means."

"Integrating all of your own life origins, life forms, with the power of heaven and earth is not only a simple manipulation, but a thorough integration!"

"The spirit that makes oneself the power of heaven and earth!!"

When Ye Wuque heard this, there was a sense of understanding but not understanding.

Su Mubai immediately explained: "If you talk about the specific image and compare the power of heaven and earth to a legion, then the legendary Dzogchen creature can only be regarded as an ordinary soldier in this legion, which can use the power of heaven and earth. How many parts can there be?"

"Only a very small and shallow part!"

"Because he is just a thumping soldier, and he can only use part of his own strength."

"He is not qualified to use the power of other soldiers."

"and so!"

"If you want to use more power of heaven and earth, you must make yourself stand out from an ordinary soldier and evolve yourself."

"That is to become the legion of the power of heaven and earth... the handsome!"

"Complete yourself with the power of heaven and earth, become a part of the power of heaven and earth, get the approval of the power of heaven and earth, let yourself be alive, and in turn let the power of heaven and earth obey your orders, that is,'Great handsome'! For...Tian Ling!"

"Heavenly Spirit, Heavenly Spirit...refers to the meaning of'spirit of destiny'!"

"And the'spirit of destiny' itself, if described concretely, is something similar to the soul."

During the words, Su Mubai's heart moved, and suddenly a vast coercion turned out to be shrunk to the extreme.

Ye Wuque's eyes moved.

He clearly saw that at this moment behind Su Mubai, a brilliant humanoid light and shadow slowly appeared!

The power of heaven and earth in all directions immediately blended together, and Su Mubai in front of him seemed like a fish in water, resonating with the power of heaven and earth.


After Ye Wuque closed his eyes, if he didn't use the "black hole primordial spirit", he would not be able to perceive the existence of Su Mubai in front of him.

Can only perceive the vast power of heaven and earth!

And that high above, brilliant humanoid light and shadow... the spirit of destiny!

"The formation of the'spirit of destiny' means that it has successfully been recognized by the power of heaven and earth, and has become a...

"You can command the power of heaven and earth to release more power of heaven and earth!"

"So, this is the reason why the'Heavenly Spirit Realm' is also called the'Great Man of Heaven's Spirit'."

After Su Mubai's explanation, Ye Wuque finally understood the true meaning of "Heavenly Spirit Realm".

"And once a complete'spirit of destiny' is successfully condensed, it means that you have successfully broken through to the heavenly spirit realm and your own destiny will also change. To be precise, it is..."

"Concrete destiny and overlook all beings!"

"Oneself is completely integrated with the power of heaven and earth, and oneself is equivalent to becoming a part of the power of heaven and earth. Since being high above and overlooking sentient beings, the existence of the heavenly spirit realm is an unbreakable'destiny' for all living beings!"

Ye Wuque nodded slowly.

He immediately thought of how he felt when he felt the handsomeness of Hua Yue for the first time.

At that time he felt his own insignificance, as if being overlooked by a great destiny!

"Of course, it is extremely difficult to condense the'spirit of destiny'!"

"Qualification, understanding, blessing, luck, good luck, none of them are indispensable!"

"Only when the'spirit of destiny' is condensed completely and condensedly can it be regarded as a success, otherwise, even if it is only a little bit short, even if it succeeds in ninety-nine percent, it means that it has not been completed."

"The creatures at this level are called...Half-step Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"Compared to the Great Perfection of the Great Perfection of the One-Mind-Through-Sky Realm, they undoubtedly need to go a step further, enough to release the terrifying power of the heavens and the earth, so much stronger!"

"But compared to the real Heavenly Spirit Realm, it's a thousand miles away, completely different!"

"So, this is a very embarrassing state."

"Half a step in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, there is about 80 to 90% of the chances that you will be stuck here for the rest of your life, and you will not be able to make the'spirit of destiny' truly complete until death."

"There is even more incredible!"

"It's the kind of peerless evildoers and outstanding people. They have a deep blessing. For example, they have opened up a complete twelve divine orifices in the half-step legend before!"

"Especially the Twelfth Divine Aperture, it is an incalculable help for oneself to integrate into the world!"

"In addition, if you get a certain source of power that is incomparably compatible with yourself when you condense the spirit of destiny, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"It is very possible that an epiphany, an opportunity, can be accomplished in one step, condense a complete'spirit of destiny' and step into the heavenly spirit realm!"

"Condensed a complete'spirit of destiny', and will be able to obtain incredible powers of heaven and earth with the spirit of destiny!"

"As for how the'spirit of destiny' is condensed, the specifics cannot be described. Only when the creature reaches the limit of the One-Mind Transcendence Realm Great Perfection, it will feel in the dark and urge itself to take this step."

"And only when you truly set foot on the level of the'Heavenly Spirit Realm' can you be counted as the door of'Going to Destiny'!"

"In other words, starting from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, you are qualified to start'taking the fate of heaven'!"

"What is meant by'success to the destiny'?"

"It's not just a simple integration with the power of heaven and earth!"

"It is to carry the destiny, fate and fate of the vast power of heaven and earth all a little bit to you!"

"What a terrible responsibility and change is this?"

"The level of danger in it is beyond imagination!!"

"I think the master must have heard the adjective'Destiny'."

"This adjective describes the darlings of heaven and earth, because they carry the destiny and get the favor of destiny, so that everything can go smoothly and move forward."

"These darlings from heaven and earth are unforgettable, and they are rare. They are born special. Ordinary creatures who are not a large number of living beings can be forged through so-called hard work."

"And the'Three Heavens Realm', to a certain extent, is similar to a process in which ordinary creatures of all living beings transform themselves into the darling of heaven and earth through acquired efforts."

"This is an act against the sky!"

"The great crisis and the great terror in this one cannot be imagined at all!"

"For the legendary realm, condensing the spirit of destiny is the ultimate goal."

"Can be within three days..."

"The Spirit of Destiny... is just the first step!"

Speaking of this, Su Mubai's eyes could not stop a deep emotion and sigh, and the Spirit of Destiny slowly faded behind him.

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered as well. At this moment, watching Su Mubai's body gradually disappearing, his heart moved slightly.

The form of existence of this destiny spirit is indeed somewhat similar to that of the soul.

No wonder...

The spirit of destiny is a tonic for the black hole spirit!

"What about the Heavenly King Realm?"

"And the highest level... Where is the Heavenly God Realm?"

Ye Wuque continued to speak.

Hearing this, Su Mubai looked respectful, but there was a deep longing in his eyes at this moment, and he immediately answered respectfully.

"Three Heavens!"

"The Spirit of Destiny is the first step, corresponding to the Heavenly Spirit Realm!"

"The second stage of the'king of heaven' is to make the'spirit of destiny' reborn once again, evolve itself, and eventually transform into...the soul of the king of destiny!!"

"As for the'Sky God Realm' of the third realm..."