Return Of The War God - Chapter 494

Chapter 494

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At this moment, Fang He did not have the leisurely pleasures, heat and excitement or anticipation on his face. Instead, he became solemn and calm, just like a deep cold pool in the mountains, exuding an inexplicable power. , If there is a flicker of void profound meaning in the eyes

Fang He in this state had never appeared before. If he didn't say that he was still the skin bag, I am afraid that even Ye Wuque would think that Fang He was suddenly dropped and replaced by another person.

"Is this what he really looks like? And...the third in the ranking, Zihuo Tianjun, Zhou Yan..."

Ye Wuque first glanced at Fang He on the battle stage, and noticed his state at the moment. If he had some insight, maybe he just inferred that Fang He challenged the third place is not correct at all. Perhaps Fang He still himself Don't understand.

Immediately he looked at Zhou Yan on the other side, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the battle platform, Fang He and Zhou Yan were facing each other far away. It seemed that Fang He and Zhou Yan had a hatred past, otherwise they would never suddenly become like this. There must be a story in it.

"You have grudges against me, do you have grudges against me?"

A low, but with a hint of misty and scorching voice sounded from Zhou Yan, as if he had opened his mouth, the air around him seemed to become hot and dry. As long as his mind moved, it could burn the void. .

This is the incomparable strength as the third in the list, and it makes people squint and palpitations.

But obviously, Fang He was not included in this. Fang He was standing on Zhou Yan's opponent. Fang He stared at Zhou Yan, and various emotions flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Yan couldn't help but feel strange. In his impression, there was no such person as Fang He. Of course, there were 800,000 disciples of the whole heavenly saints. understanding.

However, he saw a trace of hatred from the emotions in Fang He's eyes. Since the other party is enmity with himself, then he should remember him, but Fang He has no impression of him.

"You ask me if I have grievances? I have grudges? Hahahahaha..."

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, Fang He looked up to the sky and laughed, and even burst into tears!

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad!

When Ye Wuque on the Scarlet Throne saw this scene, his heart was slightly shaken, because he could feel the sadness that Fang He exudes at the moment, and the laughter seemed to be a performance after the extreme injury.

Zhou Yan stood with his hand holding his hand, with an indifferent expression, like a high heavenly monarch, overlooking everything in the world. He asked Fang He just now because he was puzzled, but at this moment, seeing Fang He look like this, he still can't remember the memory of this person.

Fang He, who was smiling up to the sky, suddenly stopped laughing, and the tears in his eyes were instantly evaporated. He stared at Zhou Yan and said slowly: "Three years ago, my life and death were severely injured, and I was about to die. Baili only carried him back to the holy way of the heavens within five days, and besides a certain kind of medicine, it also needs a special geographical environment, which is one of the sectarian secret realms in the blazing mountains. Strong magma pool."

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"As long as I enter the Lie Lava Pool, I will be sure to let him survive, but just in front of the Lie Lava Pool, I was stopped. Someone told me that there was a great figure in the training, and it is strictly forbidden for others to enter! No matter what I do I beg, the other party is not willing to let me in, because the big man has given a death order, no one is allowed to enter! But the Lie Lava Pool is a public property, anyone can enter."

Having said this, Fang He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of hatred flashed in his eyes towards Zhou Yan.

"Because this big man wants to meditate and has occupied the lava pool, I can only watch my life and death death in my arms, but there is no way! Do you think I should hate it? Resent? Great... Purple Fire Heavenly Monarch?"

Fang He's voice suddenly became low, and his body began to fill with a powerful and ethereal aura, the power of space overflowed out, smashing the six and eight wastes, and climbing into a strong to the extreme aura!

"You Zihuo Tianjun is a great man! How can you know that only a small order determines a person's life? How can you know that I am such a little disciple of the heavens?"

"So, you don't know me, but...I remember you deeply!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire arena was in an uproar. Everyone had figured out the cause and effect, and the eyes looking at Fang He also sighed.

"So, for today's battle, I have waited for three years! I have been suffering for three years! Just to stand in front of you, challenge you, defeat you, and comfort my dead friend's spirit in the sky!"

After saying this last sentence, Fang He's appearance changed drastically, and the void behind him vibrated, and the sound of stepping resounded loudly. The incarnation of Emperor Void slowly stepped out, coming with a supreme power and mysterious fluctuations!

During this process, Zhou Yan always stood with his hand in his hand, his expression was always indifferent, and he had no response to what Fang He said.

At this moment, after seeing the incarnation of the Void Emperor behind Fanghe, there was flames in his purple eyes, and he slowly said: "My quiet cultivation, indeed, no one is allowed to disturb. Since you hit, your life and death His acquaintance died because of this. It can only be said that his life span has expired and it is time to die."

Indifferent words without any emotions rang from Zhou Yan's mouth, and fell in Fang He's ears like nine gods of thunder, which immediately made Fang He's eyes red!

"What a lifespan is over! It's really a big man's tone! Hahahaha... Then you will die today!"

The incarnation of the Void Emperor stepped out and merged with Fang He. The blue elemental power burst out like the Yangtze River. Immediately after Fang He stepped out, there seemed to be endless voids behind him. Three spatial barriers appeared around him, traveling through the void, like dominate!

"Dimensional Killing Blade!"


A huge secluded black dimensional blade was born out of nowhere, with the size of hundreds of meters, slashing the sky and the earth, slashing Zhou Yan away!

The world seems to have turned into nothingness, affected by Fang He's trick, it keeps trembling, the dimension blade shuttles through the void, combining the void and the reality, as if half connected to reality, half connected to nothingness, intersecting two, and more space Accompanied by the power, an unspeakable horror aura evolved!

If it is cut, I am afraid that the entire body will be implicated in the void, drifting into another dimension and lost, until death.

It can be said that Fang He's attack was terrifying, and it was one of his real hole cards. It had never been used before. At this moment, it was displayed at the beginning of the battle, which shows the resentment in his heart.

"The pearl of rice, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory!"

Zhou Yan said indifferently, his purple eyes suddenly burst into killing intent, and the purple fire burst out all over his body, filled with an earth-shattering high temperature atmosphere, which could melt gold and iron, and burn all the wastes!

At the same time, Ye Wuque on the Scarlet Throne suddenly felt Zhou Yan's killing intent, his bright eyes suddenly become awe-inspiring!

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