Return Of The War God - Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Have a water heater but no gas

The dead silence in the arena continued. All the disciples of the holy ways of the heavens grew their mouths, completely unable to believe everything in front of them, and all they could feel was a strong sense of unreality.

Because Yin Tao's defeat was too fast, it was as if Fang He just disappeared out of thin air, and then Yin Tao flew out. There was no imaginary 300 rounds of war. Fang He seemed to have an absolute superiority.

On the tenth row of the Scarlet Throne, the peace at this moment has been broken, as if a terrifying storm surged.

"Yin Tao was actually defeated? He was defeated! What a...shame!

A thunderous sound exploded, and at the moment this sound appeared, it seemed that a **** terrifying battlefield flashed out, as if this person was an absolute king sitting in the center of the blood battlefield, iron-blooded and overbearing. .

The owner of this voice sits on the tenth row of the independent throne that symbolizes the eighth.

"The power of space is mysterious and unpredictable. I can't think of someone who can touch it while washing the mortal realm. Yin Tao is too underestimating the enemy, so he takes the blame.

A faint female voice sounded, without any emotions, but it came from the independent throne that represents the sixth. It seemed to be shrouded in moonlight, not real, the only thing that could be distinguished was a vague shadow, as if sitting upright. The jade statue in the moonlight is cold, lonely and aloof.

"This Fang He has two sons. Although Yin Tao underestimated the enemy, he did not lose injustice. If you encounter Fang He below, you should be careful of his spatial power. The incarnation of the Void Emperor who has entered the second round is definitely not what it looks like It's that simple."

On the seventh independent throne, the unruly voice sounded, but there was a rare face-up tone in the tone.

"Huh! Fanghe will solve it for a while. I will solve the kid in front of me. It is a miracle that the cultivation base of the middle stage of the force has reached the present, but now I want to ruin this miracle!"

On the tenth row representing the ninth independent throne, there was a shy pass area with a fierce voice, and the original strong cyan Yuanli suddenly dispersed, revealing a tall and thin figure.

Although this person was just sitting upright, his whole body glowed with the meaning of cutting through the void, just like his hands, his feet, and all parts of his body are like the sharpest steel knives!

But this sharp aura is not a swordsman or a swordsman, but a force belonging to... the wind element!

At the same time, on the battle platform, Ye Wuque's figure appeared, black hair agitated, and his sleeves fluttering, standing on the battle platform like a young God of War.

Fang He's successful challenge caused a dead silence in the arena, but the silence was finally broken after Ye Wuque's appearance. The noisy atmosphere reappeared, and there were no loud shouts because of Fang He's victory at this moment. Focused on Ye Wuque's body.

What's more, he roared Ye Wuque's name loudly, his face flushed, and stars flew across, obviously extremely excited.

Ye Wuque stood quietly on the battle platform, his hands hanging naturally, his bright eyes looked at the ninth independent throne on the tenth row of the Scarlet Throne with traces of heat, and he saw the figure of the master showing his figure.


A sound like a violent wind screamed suddenly, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, and a tall and thin figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Wearing a cyan martial robe, this person looks good. Although he can't say how handsome, he is definitely not ugly. He has distinct facial features and a thin face, but his eyes are like a pair of swords, and he glances at Ye Wuque's body, and the cold light flickers.

What is even more strange is that with the appearance of this person, Ye Wuque can keenly feel that a gust of cold wind suddenly hangs around him, blowing his thick black hair, and even when the cold wind blows over his skin, he can feel it. Sisi has an extremely strong meaning of curling.

"With a strong wind system, he must be extremely fast."

Ye Wuque looked at the ninth-ranked strong man opposite, and made a little judgment in his heart.

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"The mid-term cultivation base of the Lipu realm, but being able to break through here, and even qualified to challenge me, such a genius is really... annoying!"

A harsh voice came from the opposite side, without concealing the disgust in Ye Wuque's heart.

The ninth place on the list of people, the wind swept the eight wilderness... Mu Chongli!

Mu Chongli seemed very unfriendly to Ye Wuque, and his eyes swept towards Ye Wuque, extremely unfriendly.

"It can only be said that the top players in the rankings are things that are inferior to waste, and you actually made you such a waste wood break here!"

Mu Chongli spoke again, already deliberately insulting Ye Wuque in his words.

Ye Wuque heard the words, his eyes flickered with cold light, he has always been others respecting me, I respect others, others deceive me three points, and I give others three feet of character.

This Mu Chongli was quite targeted at him as soon as he came up, for no reason, and Ye Wuque asked himself if he had no grievances or even acquaintance with this person, but the other party began to insult himself even more in his words. For such a person, Ye Wuque couldn't think of any place where he needed to endure and compromise.

"Hehe, most of the top ten in the rankings are real masters, but there are a lot of people with rice, some guys are ranked in the bottom, and their quality is not very good, their mouth is very smelly, and they like to be opened everywhere to others. It's uneven, and it almost lowers the gold content of the top ten..."

Ye Wuque spoke with a hint of smile, his tone didn't have any anger, just so plainly.

But he wasn't upset, but it didn't mean that someone would not be angry.

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, Mu Chongli's face immediately became gloomy as water, and the chill in his eyes surged. How could he not hear that Ye Wuque was talking about him?

"What a eloquent mouth! With sharp-pointed teeth, you, a trash, dare to insult me? Very good! I will let you eat back every word you say!"

Mu Chongli said sharply, with a cold tone.

"Interesting, I've seen someone looking for someone, I've never seen someone scolding myself, just now it was so good that you didn't mention your name at all. You are so anxious to run on yourself. It seems that you are also aware of yourself. Knowing what you are, does it lower the quality of the list..."

Ye Wuque smiled again, but Mu Chongli's teeth clenched when he said it!

In the arena, bursts of deliberately suppressed laughter broke out at this moment, and at this time, on the ninth row of the Scarlet Throne, Fang He laughed the loudest, even a little unscrupulous.

The challenge to the top ten is not the same as the previous rankings. If you win, you can win the opponent's ranking and independent throne. Instead, you have to wait until all the challenges are over before re-dividing the tenth row.

And Yu Jiaoxue, who was on the thirteenth independent throne, had a faint smile on her cold and beautiful face at the moment, and it was like a hundred flowers in full bloom, bright and moving, but no one noticed it.


Mu Chongli thought for a long time and never expected Ye Wuque would say such words, and immediately became furious, and the whole body belonged to the powerful cultivation base of the late Origin Soul Realm and exploded!

As for the fact that he targeted Ye Wuque for this, it was because he had encountered a challenge from someone in the ranking competitions in the past. This person, like Ye Wuque, had the same combat power far surpassing the cultivation base, and even more so. He was suppressed immediately, but he suffered a great humiliation.

Later, in that ranking competition, the person who suppressed him finally became the first in the ranking!

And Mu Chongli didn't have the guts to seek revenge from the other party, so he could only bury it in his heart. Therefore, from then on, he would feel jealous and resentful when he encountered the kind of outstanding genius who could leapfrog. Meet this standard.

Therefore, Mu Chongli aimed at Ye Wuque in this way, and even uttered insults to Ye Wuque.

"Damn thing! I will make you pay!"


Mu Chongli stepped out in one step, as if the wind was howling, endless wind blades surged all over his body. Each wind blade was tens of meters in size, cutting the void and slashing towards Ye Wuqian!

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